Home > Video: Bill Fletcher, Jr. on his New Book, “Solidarity Divided”

Video: Bill Fletcher, Jr. on his New Book, “Solidarity Divided”

by Open-Publishing - Friday 11 July 2008

Movement USA

On July 10, 2008, Bill Fletcher, Jr. was in Baltimore, MD to discuss his new book, of which is he a co-author along with Fernando Gapasin. The book is entitled: “Solidarity Divided: The Crisis in Organized Labor and a New Path Toward Social Justice.” The event took place at St. John’s Methodist Church and was sponsored by “2640” and Red Emma’s.
For background, see:

Mr. Fletcher is an activist, author, columnist and labor organizer. He is presently the director of Field Services & Education Department of the American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO. His book is available on Amazon, at:

This video contains only excerpts of Mr. Fletcher’s comments. His full remarks can be found on Google, at: