Home > Video: Fred Goldstein: “Obama Started Two Wars Yesterday!”

Video: Fred Goldstein: “Obama Started Two Wars Yesterday!”

by Open-Publishing - Friday 4 December 2009

Demos-Actions Wars and conflicts USA

On Thursday afternoon, Dec. 3, 2009, advocates for social justice held a “Speak Out” rally in front of the White House. They are demanding that the federal government bail out the people and not the Wall Street banks. The bail out of the “Banksters” may have exceeded $12.8 trillion. Check out: http://www.truthout.org/051309J Meanwhile, the Middle Class in America is fast disappearing. Go to:


The White House event was sponsored by the “Bail Out the People Movement,” a national organization, see:


One of the speakers was the author, writer and activist—Fred Goldstein. His latest book is “Low-Wage Capitalism.” See:


Mr. Goldstein is also a contributing editor of “Workers World” newspaper. Check out:


Mr. Goldstein said: [President Barack] Obama “started...escalated two wars yesterday;” one in Afghanistan and another “against the people, against the workers...against the poor...and against the cities in the United States.” Activist/Nurse Sharon Black of Baltimore, MD, served as the MC for the spirited demonstration.