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Video: Max Obuszewski: Obama Is Worse Than Dubya!

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 3 December 2009

Demos-Actions Wars and conflicts USA

On the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2009, antiwar activists gathered in a light rain, at the War Memorial Building, in Baltimore, MD, just opposite the City Hall Plaza. The purpose of the demonstration was to protest President Barack Obama’s LBJ-Vietnam-War-like decision to escalate the conflict in Afghanistan. He has ordered 30,000 more U.S. troops to that country, which is well known as a “graveyard of imperial powers.” I talked with the long time Peace and Justice activist—Max Obuszewski. He said: “I believe [President Barack] Obama is worse than Bush! Bush was a buffoon... a puppet. [Dick] Cheney was behind him. But, Obama [came out of] Harvard Law School...He speaks in complete sentences...And, this guy is taking us, this country, into deeper and deeper quicksand.” Activists from “The Pledge of Resistance,” “Baltimore United for Peace and Justice,” and the “ANSWER Coalition” were at the rally.