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Video: SEIU Rips Sen. McCain

by Open-Publishing - Friday 18 July 2008

USA US election 2008

Pentagon City, VA - On July 17, 2008, about 200 activists of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) rallied in front of Sen. John McCain’s presidential h/q in this town, which is just south of Washington, DC. With songs, dancing and music, and under a banner entitled, “The Loophole King,” the protesters staged a lively event. Their action was directed at McCain’s connections to the “Buy-Out King Baron, Henry Kravis.” The SEIU charged that Kravis is raising mega millions of dollars for McCain’s campaign, while the Arizona Senator supports “protecting tax loopholes” which enrich Kravis and his fat cat cronies. Speaking at the event were SEIU activists Ms. Inger Skippings and Stephen Learner.

For background, please see:

July 17th is a global day of action on the issues raised by the SEIU at Pentagon City. Andy Stern is the International President of the SEIU.