Home > Video: “Speak Out Rally for the People” Held at the White House

Video: “Speak Out Rally for the People” Held at the White House

by Open-Publishing - Friday 4 December 2009

Demos-Actions Wars and conflicts USA

On Thursday afternoon, Dec. 3, 2009, advocates for social justice held a “Speak Out” rally in front of the White House. They are demanding that the federal government bail out the people and not the Wall Street banks. The bail out of the “Banksters” may have exceeded $12.8 trillion. Check out: http://www.truthout.org/051309J The White House event was sponsored by the “Bail Out the People Movement,” a national organization, see: http://www.bailoutpeople.org/ Speakers included Larry Holmes, one of the leaders of the BOPM; Mike Gimbel, a member of AFSCME 375, New York City; and, Aminifu Williams, a former auto worker and member of the UAW and also a leader with the People’s Organization for Progress. Activist/Nurse Sharon Black of Baltimore, MD, served as the MC for the spirited demonstration.