by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 6 June 2006

Governments USA Peter Fredson


By Peter Fredson

June 6, 2006

I watch the Bush administration bellow and bluster its incompetence to the world. I watch as the cabinet dances war dances, shouts ominous threats, pronounces rivals to be EVIL and therefore unfit to live with decent Christian Republicans.

I listen to little Condi Rice, the Black Angel of Death; scare the public once more with visions of mushroom clouds, aluminum tubes, yellow cake and other strategic lies. But Donald and Dick are optimistic that everything is going super well. They weekly repeat this mantra and will do so until Bush retires in disgrace, an utter failure, letting someone else manage the national deficit, the war, the utter division of the country, and the immense build-up of personal hatred.

I watch George Bush strut and smirk across the stage seemingly unaware that he is the worst president in American history. He has the saving grace of not being able to distinguish fact from fancy, a good sociopath attitude. Thus he smiles, glad-hands, makes dozens of speeches without new content, keeps film crews busy with photo-ops glorifying his imaginary legacy, and holds hands with Prince Bandar before gas prices double.

I watched him on Memorial Day, laying a wreath, pretending to have served his country with honor, and wondered how he was never court-martialled for dereliction of duty, unless by grace of his daddy and friends.

His fairy godfather, Karl Rove, tells him to keep insisting that the U.S. is in grave danger, and that only good old George, gallant soldier that he is, can save us from utter destruction. The mantra is that Gays threaten the entire moral fiber of our nation. So Al Qaeda and the ghost of Liberace will anger the Old Testament God of George Bush, and utter destruction will ensue, unless we get a dozen Constitutional Amendments in place before George retires.

You see, it is not important that George lied to get us into an unnecessary war, or that he killed thousands of Muslims, and is still destroying their lives and property, or that Millennium has stolen billions of dollars. No, it is Gays that threaten our very existence. And Messiah George has again come forward to lead the charge against this unspeakable evil.

This ploy worked in 2000 and 2004, so why not try it again? The fundamentalists have never changed their minds about gays and will charge into the breach once again with fire and fury to save the nation.

In the next few months you will hear many Bible quotations as substitutes for our Constitution, and every assurance that unless Congress changes the constitution all females will go unfondled and the army will get no new fodder for their cannon and family life will shrivel so that even outdoor barbecue fires will extinguish.

God and Jerry Falwell are angry, and the terrible wrath of Katrina will seem like a fine summer day when Bush’s God eradicates all our cities with terrible vengeance. Terror indeed! A glimpse of Janet’s nipple merits $250,000 fine, when hanging should have been the solution.

The list of misinformation, deception, stealth, deliberate twisting of facts, and perpetual lies of the Bushites have extended from my printer and rolled endlessly down the floor.

Never has a President lied so frequently, so maliciously, so arduously and never has one been backed up by so many sycophants without a word of reproach, caution, or warning.

I see the glee on the faces of the war manufacturers, the big corporations, delirious with the magnificent harvest of Gas and ammunition prices.

I see the look of rapture on the faces of Christian fundamentalists, dominionists, reconstructionists, as they realize that their dreams of conquest of the infidel might soon be realized, and that our petulant, irritable, strutting peacock of a president is a “Messiah,” who listens to the advice of Yahweh and helps fight evil and wants to rule the world for Jesus, where VICTORY is nigh.

George is chanting terror, 9/ll without stopping, Iran will very soon have enough atom bombs to blow up the world, including Crawford, God Bless us All, EVIL is afoot! George and company are seducing the entire country into precipitous action. Dick and Donald and Karl are doing their thing, without letup or hindrance, Bolton is trying to destroy the institution to which George sent him with malice aforethought.

And corruption has passed all understanding. The Judicial Committee, the Republican Senate, has betrayed our democracy for a unitary executive who differs not at all in loony behavior from other mad emperors of history.

Surprisingly McCain, whom George tried to destroy with slander, was able to pass a no-torture bill, which George imperiously bypassed by pronouncing that no restrictions applied to his imperial will. Then McCain, thinking he might be a viable candidate to replace Bush in several years weighed in on the side of the war-mongers. He too now talks mushroom clouds, evil Iranians, their insolence toward George, etc., so his patience too is exhausted and he reluctantly opts for death and destruction, thinking he cannot not be a viable candidate unless he throws some meat to the Christian lions.

Such talk is always popular with the people whose lives are either boring or blighted, especially with those indoctrinated by religious wolves like Falwell and Robertson. They glory in death and destruction ..to someone other than themselves of course.

Whatever they may say they believe about either Jesus or the Constitution, the façade crumbles before the prospect of a gladiatorial circus in which Iranians are thrown into the path of shining missiles from heaven. And all the good Christians will shout Hallelujah and blubber over a copy of the Ten Commandments as their country sinks into the abyss and lives and ideals of countless people blighted forever. But those Gays will be destroyed come hell or high water. Next step: stone all masturbators.

We know that Bush has only contempt for our Constitution, but this does not seem to bother many Republican Senators. If there is ever an investigation of Bush for exceeding constitutional limits, we know that the Republican Chairpeople of committees will trivialize everything, deny it all, stupefy the public with terror rhetoric, accuse critics of treason, attempt to censor all voices of dissent and in every way try to distract or deviate any investigation of the imperial President.

They have done this for the past five years and there is no doubt that they will repeat their performances.

This nation is in grave peril under the Machiavellian hand of the Bushites, who respond to no appeal and no logic, but will jump at the imperious command of a dry-drunk who is out of control and dragging this country into an endless cycle of bankruptcy, deficits, environmental destruction, economic woes, shameful disregard of humanity and possibly into another World War.

If you like gasoline at $6.00 a gallon, or waiting in endless lines for medicine or pensions, or have most Americans living in poverty next to shining mansions of corporate executives, you will like the Bush administration moves in the next couple of years. Terror, VICTORY, Wrath of God, 9/11, Nuke Iran, What Deficit?

Forum posts

  • An enlightened view, delightfully articulated.
    Though the driver is asleep at the wheel in America, thankfully, this one passenger is wide awake!
    Lets hope a few other passengers will wake up and prevent this otherwise impending disaster.

    • This excellent work is nice rehash of what we already know. In fact although
      it does TELL the story of what has HAPPENED, it offers little motivation
      other than an apathetic response to the issue at hand.

      Writing about such things and coming up with new more poetic phraseology to
      express essentially what we ALREADY KNOW and UNDERSTAND does not lead one
      closer to a solution of DEALING WITH IT to PRODUCE the OUTCOMES that YOU
      WANT, NOT the idiots that we all know are insane.

      First it should be recognised that this entire scheme is predicated on the
      RESPONSE pretext of THOSE THAT are EXPOSED to a CERTAIN type and RANGE of
      PROPAGANDA and seen and known SOCIAL RESPONSES.. which currently are to
      stand up and call attention like kindergarten children with a LOUD voice
      that "Georgie" stole my toys and hit me and said mean things and blamed the
      dark skinned or gay person for all his woes. This combination of tactics
      (pretext control and perception management) is the TOTAL FOUNDATION of such
      a system. It is designed and works because as a social communication vehicle
      most web sites like this one or many others while spreading a good deal of
      FOLLOWED by ACTION of PLAN counter information intelligence campaign run by
      the progressive people oriented rather than the money oriented elements.

      In every place where effective change has taken place and has found
      difficulty to uproot THE REASON that change took place is that THOUGHT was
      FOLLOW by ACTION which emanated from discussion and implementation of a plan
      to create the perceptions of what the change will MEAN, WHO it will BENEFIT
      and HOW to IMPLEMENT IT and the TIME TABLE of its operational deployment.

      They have created the Patriot Act and the Military and Corporation
      (Investment) protection pretext in order that any plan devised to overcome
      such a system could be viewed by the "Mean Rotten Children" as an attack to
      take their "lunch bag goodies" and stop such things as a "conspiracy of
      attack against the system." This technique then is based on creating the
      PRETEXT conceptions that "TERRORISTS" exist which means that anybody could
      become one when and how it may seem to them as a THREAT to their system and
      control of such. Using the ideas of legal justification is upto and
      including torture and mass violence and pre-emptive strikes this sets up the
      pretext that they will strike at any place they see the profit, the cultural
      exploitation and religious opportunity, and or the academic attack on their
      views of history or the perceptions of what their religious values and
      semantic actions should mean.

      They have in fact create a dual world of spoken "lies" to me and you and
      unspoken secret agendas and black operations against all those that they see
      as a potential opposition. This is THE END GAME FOLKS. After this one is
      over PEOPLE WILL KNOW just ABOUT every psycho social communications
      deception TRICK THAT HAS EVER BEEN PULLED OFF and WILL DESIGN A system that
      will eliminate these or they will LEARN to LOVE and CHERISH living in FEAR
      and HOPELESSNESS on mind control drugs so that they can FORGET about their
      reality, for which the New World Order will happily provide in prescription
      or non-prescription (street) varieties.

      You see we are THOUGHT ACTION ANALYSE and PERCEIVE the CHANGE based in our
      decision making processes. To overcome their insanity it is required that we
      control this information process and the steps that are integrated with it.
      To do that we must disconnect and do what ever is needed to dismantle the
      social basis of all this which is the financial system of economic slavery
      which is the means through possession laws which enables their illegitimate
      political and military power. This is what was done at the start of the US
      by Benjamin Franklin with Colonial Script, and what was done in Venezuela,
      and in Cuba, and almost every other system that has broken away from the
      mainstream Energy/Military controlled wage slave societies.

      And Please stop referring to US citizens as being complacent in this. Their
      system has broken down, and it was hi-jacked through the media and the
      deceptions in Congress by the leadership which accounts for FAR less than 1%
      of the US citizens. In fact most working class citizens that I have spoken
      with are appalled at all the problems we have which were all created to
      CREATE WEALTH transfer to the upper 1% of liars, killers, and military mind
      control agents to carry this out. In fact this is not a system of democracy
      it is a SHAM and a FRAUD and should spoken of as SUCH. Not as if some
      legitimate government ever actually existed to serve its people, but this
      last version of the LAST ACT of this MIND CONTROL PLAY is about to BE OVER.

      The mass of humanity is and has AWOKEN and understands the structures of
      their enslavement. It is now time to form a agreement to deconstruct this
      illegal anti-human and anti-spiritual system and define a system that is one
      that address what we know ourselves to be - living, breathing, dreaming,
      learning, working, and playing creatures that need food, clothing, shelter,
      a social system to social our needs production and a way to share and
      partake equally in life opportunities and to integrate and define our
      visions as such NOT a FUNCTION of an EQUATION of PROFIT of a UNIT OF WORK
      from a SLAVE. This system is old, full of strife, and self imploding as it
      needs cycles and wars to maintain its insane psycho social mind control

      SPEND you time THINKING about another system AND STOP WRITING and WORRYING
      about theirs. — THEIRS will NOT SERVE YOU. It does NOT help you reach and
      develop all your potentials. It is RACIST and BIASED. And it promotes
      KILLING other HUMANS in the Name of Mind Control Dogma. It is worthless and

      Move Forward. Dream and Start writing about the change and HOW we as a
      COLLECTIVE will make that a reality. Write about the unorthodox and the
      REAL. Stop writing about them and their stupidity. Become through your
      words, thoughts and actions the reality that will create the change. That
      means we start working on our OWN system and using whatever medium we can to
      effect that dream and perception in other peoples minds.


    • The fanatic religious right of which George Bu$h is part of believes in the rapture and they are all waiting for that event so they might get a gold star for being hate machines for God. World War III is what they are pushing for, they are tired of waiting for Jesus to return. It has been a long long long wait more than 2,000 years. How much patience can a group of dumb asses have? They are out of patience and want this glorious event to come soon so that they might be saved and prove to everyone else that God loves them best.

      I think that they should all go to a secluded part of the planet and let the rest of us drop a nuclear bomb on them, a win - win situation, they get their rapture and we get rid of them. All who agree with this plan spread the word, these dumb asses seem like they might go along with this plan since it is what they want anyway...and God knows that they are tired of waiting.....

    • Well, you can always VOTE, and see if that works.

      And if you can win the Elections you get to sit in the White House and get a blowjob.

      But if you cant CONVINCE the American people you have a program to lead and win...well, you will work in the garden raising cabbages for another four years.

      try it and see.

      In the REAL United States, if you dont win the Election, you go play with your dingleberries.

      And all your words and all your wisdom wont get you there without those Votes.

      Failure is not winning the Election. George Bush won the Election, he gets to call up the Pentagon on the phone and say "get em!’

      And you get to call up the Pizza parlor and order one with salami.

      And jesus gets to talk to the Pope and you get to stand in line.

      Y’all Vote now, y’heah?

    • Have you ever heard of Diebold machines, Mister? These machines are very hackable, and have failed security tests in various Florida and Ohio counties. Go to the following links so you can jump start your education on these fallible and corrupt machines.
      People do vote, sad sack, but unfortunately as Josef Stalin once said, the people who vote don’t count. It’s the people who count the vote that matter. Perhaps you still believe that we have a real working democracy where the vote is held sacrosanct. You need to pull your head out of your ass, Mr. Self-Righteous One.



    • Yeah, the rapture. If the christians go to their heaven, the muslims to theirs, the jews to theirs, then leave us buddhists, hindus. pagans, atheists and the rest to work out a more equitable, peaceful, powersharing solution. A saw a recent tidbit from Garrison Keillor, "the urge to be number one is a bad urge. . . go for the bronze"

      66 122 makes some good points. We can recreate the world by reimagining it. John Lennon was right on, wasn’t he? Besides imagining no possessions, no countries, no religions, how about no money? It seems that would put us all on equal footing, what would Robert Murdoch or Bill Gates have on you then, he would just be an old guy looking to find his food and shelter like the rest of us. Seems like we could move from competition to cooperation, alls it takes would be consensus. Just like the consensus we have now that we need to win these little bits of paper in order to survive. But how we shift the paradigm, there is the rub. The best ideas can bubble up if we let them, by not holding onto this idea that the NeoCons, or whomever you think is running the world have total control.

      There is movement afoot to have a paper trail for every vote cast. Part of that is HR550, currently stymied in the house, so contact your representative and tell him to vote that one through AS WRITTEN.

      Stephen Colbert is a phenomenon, and there may be more like him following in hiw wake. The MSM, like the government, no longer serves the people, but we can kick their asses as well. Don’t spend all your time writing here and on blogs, make sure you send volumes to the mainstream sites, CNN or NY TIMES, or whoever. If enough of us do that they may recognize the size and strength of those who no longer believe the press is the holder of truth. Talk to your friends and associates. If they are like minded, then see what solutions you can create together, and if they are still hoodwinked into the prevailing view, then listen respectfully to them. You aren’t going to make many converts by badgering or namecalling, but if you respect them, you may get a chance to make a shift in their view or raise a question in their minds about their belief set

      ’nuff said