Home > We need a sense of urgency ... before Venezuela becomes another Iraq..

We need a sense of urgency ... before Venezuela becomes another Iraq..

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 4 September 2005

Wars and conflicts USA South/Latin America

I just got this urgent message in my e-mail.

We need a sense of urgency ... before Venezuela becomes another Iraq...

VHeadline.com commentarist Oscar Heck writes: This is an update regarding the urgency of implementing a Venezuelan government-run English-language campaign to spread the truth about Venezuela to the English-speaking world, most particularly, to the People of the USA...

... before it is too late!!!

Below are excerpts from some letters I have received recently from concerned US citizens. They reinforce the urgent need for the Venezuelan government to get organized in providing real and true information to the English-speaking world, again, most particularly to the People of the USA.

The US State Department, Christian-Satanists like Pat Robertson (who recently made a public call for the assassination of Chavez) and criminals and traitors like Maria Corina Machado (director of a US-financed anti-Chavez organization in Venezuela and who recently sat with Bush at the Black House) are doing their utmost to paint Chavez, the Chavez government and pro-Chavez Venezuelans (about 70% of the population) as communists and terrorists ...

... as threats to the USA!

A little at a time, bit by bit, the these criminals and their organizations are feeding lies upon lies to the people of the USA ...

... in calculated preparation for a future military invasion of Venezuela.

They are using the same tactics they used before invading Iraq ... badmouthing Chavez and his government and his supporters ... until the majority of the US population eventually believes it all without question. Add to that, false accusations and false claims ... repeat it over and over until people forget that there is no evidence at all ... that there is no threat at all from Venezuelans! (There is plenty of oil though!)

This is exactly what is happening!

Here are the excerpts, poignant and to the point:

From Mary MacElveen, VHeadline.com commentarist: "Oh you should have heard me speaking the facts to her. It was then, I said this, ’You know here we have a guy named Pat Robertson threaten President Hugo Chavez and Pres. Chavez has offered us aid.’ Well her jaw dropped along with those surrounding me. I said, ’Pretty compassionate wouldn’t you say after his life was threatened by someone here in our country’ I then said, ’I consider him my president and hope that someday I can give him a hug’ That is all I want from President Chavez. But, the more I read up on him, the tears flow and where I scream out in frustration and yes anger, ’Why can’t we have a president just like him?’ "

From a very eloquent VHeadline.com reader: "I reside in the US, unfortunately in a state that overwhelmingly voted for Bush in the last election (as in ’elections’, US style). I am an avid supporter of President Chavez and am very vocal about my support for him. Your comments regarding the urgent need to provide real information to the US public (Perception is Reality; August 29) is absolutely correct; the disinformation that the American public is spoon-fed regarding Chavez is completely outrageous, inaccurate, and entirely unacceptable. I am amazed at the utter false claims made by US leadership and the perpetuation of those claims to the people of the US. It is incredible to see the expressions on the faces of people when provided the facts about Chavez; I consistently hear comments reflecting the ignorance of the public - sadly, any serious notions of ’freedom of the press’ have been all but drowned within the on-going rhetoric of the ’War on Terror’ and the resulting need to use propaganda instead of providing actual information to the public. There is much support in the US for Chavez, regardless of what the Bush Administration likes to believe. I for one wish there was more that US citizens could do to help counter the lies and statements made against President Chavez. Your work enables me to at least spread the word that the ’news’ being fed to the American public is blatant propaganda. Thank you for that. If you know of any organization/group or individuals that are actively working toward holding the Bush Cabal accountable for their lies, with regard to Chavez, please let me know. I would actively engage on this issue. What the hell is one to do to support Chavez from inside the burgeoning US Empire?? Keep fighting, and writing; your incredible work is urgently needed!"

From another VHeadline.com reader: "Thanks for your insight into conditions in Venezuela."

I receive letters with comments such as these on a regular and ever increasing basis ... most particularly after Pat Robertson, the Christian-Satanist, publicly called for the assassination of the "communist, dictator Chavez."

It is critical to push for an ongoing Venezuelan government English-language information campaign ... and I don’t mean a once-a-week written news bulletin. It should be daily and it should cover all available media vehicles: Radio, television, documentaries, the printed word ... and any other creative fashion of spreading the truth.

There should be a sense of urgency ... before Venezuela becomes another Iraq ...

Be aware that now, more than ever ... after the hurricane disaster, the USA will seek additional access and control of oil. The closer the oil is to US territory, the more "worthwhile" it is to steal!

Additionally, since it is now clear and obvious to the entire world that Bush and company prefer to spend hundreds of billions of dollars in Iraq instead of spending that same money helping their own citizens, (especially if they are poorer and Black), Bush and friends don’t need to feel any guilt whatsoever about sending all their helicopters and all their military equipment and all their military personnel to Venezuela.

Bush and company don’t have to worry ... the US congress will easily pass a bill providing the criminal US government with hundreds of billions of dollars ... allocated specifically for a war effort against Venezuelans ... while allocating only $10 billion to help their own citizens within their own country.

(Anyways, as Bush well knows ... lots of humanitarian aid and financial assistance is coming into the USA —for recent hurricane victims — from other countries ... thus subsidizing the US government’s shortage of humanitarian funds! And another thing ... more hurricanes are on the way, and Bush knows it as well. Wait till these hit the same area again and other areas such as Florida and oil refineries, pipelines and platforms! Better not protect against impending hurricanes ... the disaster does wonders to prop up Bush’s reasons to invade Venezuela in search of more oil! When the other hurricanes hit US soil in coming weeks, the oil-craze will then be in full and violent swing ... and the desperation for oil may accelerate the imminent invasion of Venezuela.)

Venezuela, spread the truth in English to the people of the USA ... before it is too late!

Oscar Heck

More VHeadline.com commentaries by Oscar Heck
Oscar Heck has been a VHeadline.com commentarist for nearly 3 years and has contributed close to 400 articles. Born in Canada, Oscar has spent most of his life working as an executive recruiter and corporate investigator. He has traveled to 34 countries and lived/worked in 12, including Kuwait during the Gulf War (1991). Oscar’s love affair with Venezuela began 28 years ago when he first went to work as a missionary in the shantytowns (barrios) of Caracas and in the Barlovento area, east of Caracas. Over the years, Oscar has traveled and worked throughout much of Venezuela, living mostly in the barrios. Oscar’s strong anti-US-government stance stems mostly from his experience in the Gulf War and from his vast exposure to the inside workings of large corporations. His strong pro-Venezuela stance stems from his love for the Venezuelan Pueblo and from his unwavering belief that Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s current President, is taking positive steps toward enhancing the lives of the traditionally exploited, abused and excluded 80% majority. Oscar is fluent in English, Spanish and French.
You may contact Oscar at oscar@vheadline.com
