Home > Who’s printing all the bogus $100

Who’s printing all the bogus $100

by Open-Publishing - Monday 8 October 2007

International Secret Services USA

The conspiracy: The Secret Service claims that North Korea is churning out "supernotes" or "superdollars"— amazingly high-quality counterfeit $100 bills. Authorities have discovered an estimated $50 million worth of the phony ’Benjamins’ in the past two decades and think at least $22 million more are out there.

But the presses needed to mimic the real bills’ anticounterfeit technologies cost around $50 million—not a great investment, even for Kim Jong Il. Next suspect? The Central Intelligence Agency, of course.


Forum posts

  • Mmmm, my comment was deleted. Do people at Bellaciao defend the illegal plundering by the Federal Reserve??? What I posted was simply that the Federal Reserve has been printing BOGUS bills backed by NOTHING, created from NOTHING for decades and decades.They are without a doubt the world’s biggest counterfeiters extorting the hard work of Americas to fund their own PRIVATE massive fortunes. Money from nothin.... and your interest for free.

    • Quite right. The Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE CORPORATION. The money printed is not backed by anything. Fort Knox has no gold any more. Fiat currency is the greatest scam of the last century.

    • perhaps just because you’re "antisemitic"

      stop spam the site please...

  • If US currency is "bogus," how can anyone determine the "true" value of gold and silver, which is "real" money to the fiat money critics? These fiat money critics really have no grasp of economics or political economy. They are just dreamers who "miss" an era of which they were no part.

    • 24-152, why should the U.S. as a country and in particular U.S. citizens have to pay so much of their hard earned dollars in interest into a PRIVATE institution on money created from Nothing, backed by Nothing? Why shouldn’t the U.S. coin it’s OWN money and KEEP any "interest", and also how would you propose to keep the Paper Printers printing more and more and more fiat money driving up the ILLEGAL TAX called INFLATION? Please explain.

  • Although I am not a fan of Richard Nixon, some people say he was very smart. He did start talks with the Chinese and that was classy and a good move overall, but he had a more pressing problem in 1969/70 - America was bankrupt. Nixon sent high level folks to Saudi Arabia to make a deal with them to save the USA’s economy; they agreed to take only US dollars as payment for their oil. This guaranteed the continued solvency of the USA and this move bought us more than 35 years. During this time the "fed" has created bubble (and burst) decade after decade like a roller coaster. Basically, we have been struggling for the past 37 years or more to stay alive in a shell game and scam that requires constant growth to cover the scam as well as the cooperation of the Saudi’s. Of course, history buffs also know that Nixon finally completely removed the USA from the gold standard. He had no choice, we were flat ass broke then and have run deficits ever since. Amazingly, instead of building up industry and strengthening America for a prosperous future, our misleaders did the complete opposite. We are so screwed now that collapse is not only inevitable, but even desireable. The new currencies will be food, water and weed or perhaps ass, gas or grass, take your pick. The gas won’t be available, the ass is too fat and the weed costs as much per ounce as gold. That means you’d better learn to grow food and we must get together and form groups because none of us can do this all on our own, it’s too expensive and labor intensive. We must stop being candy asses and get to work, start organic farms and drop out of the system. We could halt the system in three months if we had the balls!

    • "...We must stop being candy asses and get to work, start organic farms and drop out of the system. We could halt the system in three months if we had the balls!...."

      We can’t. We’re now genetically engineered, obese, McDonalds-couch potatoes. Our candy asses are permanent.
      The majority of americans couldn’t raise crops if they wanted to. And where do you propose to get the LAND?

    • Good question. I grow my own vegetables inside my house in the basement in winter and outside in summer. If you don’t have land yourself, as I did not years ago, use someone else’s with their permission of course. There are urban gardens starting up all over Caracas, Venezuela and Cuba started a food revolution in the 80’s by starting organic farms everywhere they could, including in the middle of cities. The program in Caracas is modeled on Cuba’s.

      As far as most of us being candy asses, you’re absolutely right again. But most of those boys will starve within three months of the collapse, so its just a matter of where to bury them after they expire. Then you can use their land to grow your food on if the new government lets you. I see the day when we will have to clandestinely grow our own food in the near future! I know how to grow food organically and hydroponically, I have my own worm garden (they eat my vegetable garbage or left overs and produce fertilizer) and I can even grow mushrooms. If people refuse to acquire these type of skills they are not owed an existence as they will find out. This is survival of the fittest and I will do just fine because I am preparing myself NOW. I hope you all are too.

    • Do you have access to your own water for these homegrown veggies? If not, you’d better start digging a well. And, do you have your own generator for the electric lights that you use to grow your veggies in the basement? If not, you’d better get one. And, do you have your own petroleum distillation plant to process the fuel your generator needs to run? If not, you’d better get one. And, do you have your own oil tanker to get the petroleum to your distillation plant? If not, you’d better get one. And, do you have your own port facility to dock your tanker? If not, you’d better get one. Should I go on, Mr. Robinson Crusoe?

    • 71-156 I salute your efforts, I think the spirit of SELF-SUFFICIENCY and Indpendence, are two very admirable traits and ones I wish more Americans would return to. One need not have a "bunker mentality" (but it might not hurt) to simply embrace a more simple, self-sustainable, and closer to the Earth life-style and mindset, IMO it offers a fine balance to the other parts of our otherwise often fast-paced, mechanized, computerized, etc. existence. At the least those of us who have a little extra room and a litle extra time can have a few chickens for eggs, raise quite a bit of healthy organic fruits, vegetables and herbs, (even if in pots if one doesn’t have a garden space)perhaps learn to catch a few fish, be able to defend ourselves, learn to make needed simple repairs, consider wood heat (or for backup), consider passive solar heat/active solar/wind energy alternatives, and learn to work together with our neighbors and friends to help each other out, like so many of our predacessors did (and had to for comfort and sometimes survival). Times may not always stay as financially good as many people have it now, history obviously shows us booms and busts are the NORM not the exception. It might be unwise for any of us to forget the hard times our parents or their parents, etc, went through, and to live and plan accordingly.