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Whose Heads Have Turned Away? Comment regarding: The Final Solution (Endlösung) for Fallujah and Ram

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 11 November 2004

Wars and conflicts International

Whose Heads Have Turned Away?

Comment regarding: The Final Solution (Endlösung) for Fallujah and Ramadi By Yamin Zakaria ,Al-Jazeerah, November 7, 2004....

Excerpts for background:

“The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human” ............Aldous Huxley

"...While modern propaganda techniques were developed by Adolf Hitler and his spin master Joseph Gobbels, it is now the likes of CNN, Fox TV and mainstream radio shows and newspaper editors that have perfected it. The torture techniques inherited from the Gestapo and is now ready to implement as the final solution (Endlösung) in Fallujah and Ramadi by killing everyone there that opposes US agenda."

"...The US is full of hate and extremism towards nations that do not comply with its agenda and answers the questions why the US is hated. George Bush proclaimed he could not understand why the Islamic world cannot see the good side of the Americans. That becomes difficult when you are bombing and plundering their nations even in violation of your own lectured principles! Hypocrites intoxicated with imperial power have no shame. You can remove the fig leaf of pretexts."


While I fully agree with the entire spectrum of this authors assessment, I would like to comment on the closing statement:

"Meanwhile, the more liberal and intelligent Americans are still trying to figure out what happened on the 2nd of November. Unfortunately the train is moving out of the station and there is no more time to wait. Endlösung for Fallujah and Ramadi is about to be delivered and Americans are poised to simply turn their heads away."

Upon awakening Sunday morning, on the radio I heard that the massive assaults had begun against insurgents in Fallujah. The day’s bright sun hit my eye, yet, it did not herald a new day. For the umpteenth time in many months, for the six consecutive day, I would head to my computer as incensed as ever, to pen various letters of outrage to Kofi Annan, the ICJ, numerous bodies within the UN family, my Senators, my Congressmen, to express outrage against an illegal war waged in my name.

On November 3rd, I expected to awaken to a new era. Although I am not convinced that the election results are correct, I am now faced with the realization that we Americans, who spent so much time and energy trying to unseat the foremost terrorist of our age, are left alone in our hope to stop American proliferation in the Middle East and beyond.

It is not true that we have turned our heads away. All over the Internet you will find our pleas: as the unheard voices of failed private International Tribunals; in articles denouncing America in very clear terms; on websites dedicated only to the unmasking of lies; within blogspots, forums, debates. The outrage is certainly there, yet, it provides nothing but a chronicle of wasted time, achieving nothing as it’s end. The problem waxes full while our hope wanes.

It is evident that the combined voices of the global community against this war have fallen onto another type of deaf ear: those international bodies in the position to stop this madness.

They are the ones poised: poised to prefer political correctness above humanitarian principles; poised to appoint panels that have apparently accomplished nothing; poised to keep there heads turned away, while this quicksilver of global threat amasses into something too hard to contain.

Those of us who keep our hands fixed upon the pulse of world opinion know that we are not alone in our ideals, yet, we also know that until we are one voice heard, nothing we say is going to stop the deaths of those innocent Iraqi citizens, nor, advance the consideration of issues we have not discussed today.

Marsha Hodgson

Forum posts

  • Is there one particular ’clearinghouse’ on the internet that will accept documents?

  • For more on this theme, go to the following story posted here today:

    "Falluja’s defiance of a new empire" by Sami Ramadani
    Thursday 11th November


    "On April 28 2003 US soldiers opened fire on parents and children demonstrating against the continued military occupation of their primary school - killing 18 of them in cold blood and injuring about 60 others. Until the killing of those demonstrators, not a single bullet had been fired at US soldiers in Falluja or any of the cities north of Baghdad."


    Don’t become complacent.

    • God wants to smite these infidels and yes there will be calateral damage along the way. God is guiding our president in Iraq and we will prevail. Support our troops by praying for an easy victory. The liberal press does not tell of all of the fantastic and wonderful things happening in Iraq, they have new schools, new hospitals, roads and etc., the majority of the Iraqis are welcoming us liberating them and many have become Christians which will save them in the end. When these people lay down their weapons and come into God’s fold then the killing will stop, and not until, the choice is theirs.

    • You, my friend, a living in a dream world. Here’s something to think about the tactics of your fearless leader:

      "On April 28 2003 US soldiers opened fire on parents and children demonstrating against the continued military occupation of their primary school - killing 18 of them in cold blood and injuring about 60 others. Until the killing of those demonstrators, not a single bullet had been fired at US soldiers in Falluja or any of the cities north of Baghdad."

      Where are YOU getting your information?

      ........."God is guiding our president in Iraq and we will prevail."

      Prevail how? By blowing up occupied hospitals, with the scattered bodies of women and children in the streets? This cannot come to any good end for us.

      .........."The liberal press does not tell of all of the fantastic and wonderful things happening in Iraq, they have new schools, new hospitals, roads and etc., the majority of the Iraqis are welcoming us liberating them and many have become Christians"

      What a crock of bulls**t! I guess you are watching too much Hannity & O’Reilly.

      Here’s a challenge: Go online to Google and enter in quotes

      2004+"Iraq welcomes American"; 2004+"Iraq welcomes America"; 2004+"Iraq welcomes * American"; 2004+"Iraq welcomes * America". Lastly, Iraq welcomes America". You not getting anything to support your claims, are you.

      "new schools built in Iraq" or "new school built in Iraq".

      How about: "Iraqi’s converting to Christianity" and: Iraq Muslims "converting to Christianity". Not in Iraq; I don’t think you’re going to find many.

      Try: "roads built in Iraq" or "built roads in Iraq". You are not going to find much, if anything at all.

      "welcomes American troops";.... Iraq+"grateful * American troops";.... Iraq+"letter of thanks to the American";... Iraq+"letter of thanks to the American";... Iraq+"letter thanking the American"

      While your ’statistics’ sound ’impressive’, you might want to see both the whole picture, and, well, the whole picture.

      These fantastic things you are talking about are not as widespread as you believe. If roads are built, it’s mostly to deploy our troops. Some of the schools and hospitals that I have found reference to are in small towns in the south, and, for the most part it is not the Americans doing it. Certainly most of these things are in the works...others are still on the drawing board, but, I wonder who will actually be building these things.

      There may be Muslims around the world converting to Christianity, but, like I said, this is not an Iraqi thing. I think we can safely say that at this point in time, Christian ’good-will’ is something to fear. You may want to read the story of Mohammed’s revelation, and why Islam came to be.

      Let’s have some fun. Try: "Christians convert to Islam"

      I think your vision of an Iraq that is healing is somewhat askew.

      Let me ask you this: How are you going to react when your precious anti-christ Bush is toppled, and only the truth is available to you?

      With Britian’s Parliment gearing up to Impeach Blair, this coming spring will be a very interesting.

      The English Brits are really upset. The Irish were debating if they could arrest him when he last visited. If we’re still stuck with Bush once Blair falls, there’s no way the American Media can avoid the basis of his impeachment, because it has to do with his aiding America in an illegal war. Blair is here with Bush through tomorrow to discuss peace in the Middle East. I wonder what they’re REALLY speaking about as we read this. Countries that WILL harbor them?

      Let’s Listen In:

      "Blair, in supporting the U.S.-led war in Iraq, has defied public opinion at home and in European capitals.":


      "’Impeach Blair’ bid intensifies":


      "Motion to impeach Blair accuses him of “gross misconduct”: report":


      "Motion to impeach Blair is finalised":


      Isn’t it a wonder that our American Media doesn’t mention this? What do you think now?

      Sorry to be so tedious with this, but, this is part of the way to unveiling the truth.

    • Our wonderful president Bush has just been given capital in the election and he intends to spend it winning the war in Iraq, if the Iraqis do not want to realize that they are losing and will lose more everyday and just surrender, then they are just suicidal. They believe that Alla wants them to commit suicide for the cause and they are stupid enough to do it so who’s fault is it? Answer: theirs.

    • Thats not a fair assessment. From the language I see on sites like this, the war-mongering right seems to fight with foul language & insults from the privacy and safety of their own home. The Muslims are fighting to the death to try to preserve their identity and the honor of their men, women & children.

      The only reason they are even making a choice, by choosing the honor of dying for what they believe in, is because we have sorely violated them.

      So, in essense—we have made the choice for them. Case closed.

    • Why isn’t this being reported? If there is a motion to impeach Blair, I haven’t heard it. I guess that’s typical US manipulation of the news.