Home > Why I’m Joining The GOP. Leaving The Left For Fun And Profit

Why I’m Joining The GOP. Leaving The Left For Fun And Profit

by Open-Publishing - Friday 10 June 2005

Parties USA


Why I’m Joining The GOP
Leaving The Left For Fun And Profit
Jeff Gillenkirk
May 29, 2005

After a lifetime voting for and working for Democratic candidates and independents, I’m finally going to make the switch and become a Republican.

The reasons are many, not the least of which is age. I turned 55 recently and, having lived more than half my life, I can’t afford to worry anymore about the other guy. It’s time for me.

As a Republican, I can now proudly — indeed, defiantly — pledge to never again vote for anyone who raises taxes for any reason. To hell with roads, bridges, schools, police and fire protection, Medicare, Social Security and regulation of the airwaves.

President Bush has promised to give me more tax cuts even though our federal government owes trillions of dollars to its creditors. But that’s someone else’s problem, not mine. Republicans are about the here and now, and I’m here now.

As a Republican, I can favor exploiting the environment for everything she’s got. No need to worry about quaint notions like posterity and natural legacy. There are plenty of resources left for everyone, and if we don’t use them, someone else will.

I want a party that doesn’t worry about things before we have to. Republicans refuse to get hog-tied by theories such as global warming, ozone depletion, fished-out oceans and disappearing wetlands. The real problems — if there are any — aren’t forecast to take hold for at least 50 years. So what do I care? I’ll be dead.

As a Republican, I can swagger and clamor for war — in Iraq, Afghanistan, Colombia, wherever — even though I’ve never fought in one or even been in the military. I can claim that we’re fighting for Democracy, ignoring reports of torture at Abu Ghraib, Bagram Air Base and Guantanamo Bay, and a spreading gulag of secret detention centers around the world.

Freedom, as every American should know after spending $300 billion for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, isn’t free.

As a Republican, I can insist on strict moral values when it comes to sex and ignore the growing moral chasms in business, politics, sports, journalism and the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.

A society that loses control of its sexual urges faces unwanted pregnancies, socially transmitted disease, broken families. Those overzealous about wealth, however, produce only a higher GDP, lifelong security for their family and more minimum wage jobs for the lower classes. What’s wrong with that?

As a Republican, I can favor strict punishment of criminals, except for those who happen to be my friends or neighbors. Isn’t that the very definition of community — looking out for friends and family?

I will be pro-death penalty and anti-abortion, pro-child but anti-child care, for education but against funding of public schools. As a Republican, I’ll have a better chance of getting to spout my opinions in the media, which for some reason seems convinced that since Bush was re-elected with the smallest electoral margin of any sitting president in history, liberals are passe.

As a Republican, I’ll say goodbye to "old Jesus" and hello to "new Jesus. " Sure Christ started out as a liberal Jew, and look where that got him. Compassion, love and diatribes against the rich only encourage the weak and punish the most successful among us. The Jesus that Republicans worship is a muscular, decisive, pro-war crusader hard at work cleansing the world of evildoers, not, God forbid, turning the other cheek.

My decision to become a Republican didn’t come easily. For years I clung to the idea that the foundation of a democratic society was our implied social contract, each of us committing some level of personal sacrifice to the common good of all.

I regarded taxes as dues we pay for better roads and schools, safe inspection of meat and dairy products, maintenance of parks and protection of wilderness areas. I see now that looking out for the common good resulted in shortchanging the most important element in this formula — me.

Let Democrats continue promising the "greatest good for the greatest number." Republicans clearly have my number — No. 1.

I’m sure a lot of my friends reading this will ask me, "How can you sleep?" My answer will be, "Who’s got time? I’m busy earning money." While they’re bellyaching about rising deficits, the outsourcing of jobs and casualties in Iraq, I’ll be marveling at the march of freedom in the Middle East, upticks in the GDP and the president’s plan to link Social Security to the magic of the marketplace.

As a Republican, I simply won’t listen to bad news anymore. Bad news doesn’t get me or my family anywhere. If you don’t have anything good to say about somebody, don’t say anything at all — unless it happens to be about a Democrat, of course.

Forum posts

  • What will you do when they decide they don’t need your support anymore? When they have take over everything?
    What will you do when your tiny sum of money you saved is worthless when the market crashes to contain the coming
    social unrest? Call GW he’ll give you a personal line of credit and let you stay in your bank mortgaged house just like the
    Nazis did when they drove the economy into hyper inflation to make sure that all abled bodied men got to join the Army
    and fight against the "terror" of the Jews. Oh and do you think they are going to make sure that as a card carrying member
    of the irresponsible mindless corporation tax paying slaves your "politcial association" will make a damn bit of difference.

    Wake up it is not about REPUBLICANS or DEMOCRATS thats a bunch of mind control BS coming from WHAT ONLY MATTERS
    in a CAPATILIST SYSTEM and THATS WHO HAS THE money and WHOSE got the A BOMB. Because unless your one of those
    people - YOU ARE A NOBODY regardless of your "party affiliation". I personally was a Republican and a CHief Technology Officer of a Major $ 6 million dollar a week PROFIT CENTER, and let me tell you that all the people working for me DID NOT LIKE ME ONE BIT and I could have cared less about them too. But one day I had a taste of REBUPLICAN reality and fired one of my minions and you know what happened when I saved the CEO 100,000 dollars in salary so he could pay another 50,000 to BUSHES reelection.
    The 51 year old man went home after working for that company for 15 years and put a gun in his mouth and took his own life and left a note with my name on it saying he felt worthless and could not support his aligning wife anymore and dropped into a state of depression that his family has yet to recover from. All because some one at the top decide he wanted to MAKE A LITTLE EXTRA CASH so he took some ones livelyhood away and guess WHAT it MADE ME FEEL LIKE the worst person in the world.

    It is not funny when the power of money influences people to do STUPID things because their is NO SECURTY in a CAPITALISTIC Corporation controlled system. If you do not control the money from the top and have the balls to DO to WHO EVER WHAT EVER NEEDS to be DONE To make the bottom line work, it won’t matter that you are a Republican. It only matter when you generate profit for the POWER structure and that power structure cares about NO ONE OR anyting. It is only beholden to the "Balance" and a total worship and life long dedication to that ONLY. YOur family does not matter. You have no need of friends and relationships will and are based only on the PROFIT you can extract from them. These are the type of men that are NOW IN POWER.

    Are you insane? Can you see clearly into your own convictions or ARE YOU ACTING OUT OF fear of the perceptions of the
    established POWER structure. Fear it not, THE FORCE WILL BE WITH YOU BROTHER. And that is the FORCE of Life and nature
    of people which ARE SOCIAL BEINGS that need to live in SECURITY. When the propaganda FADES and it will --- THE MOTIVES
    WILL BE EXPOSED and you NOW WHAT they won’t be about apple pie, baby safe GOOD FUN STUFF. They are about
    domination through MONEY or HUMANS and the EARTH for PROFIT --- NO MATTER WHAT and that my friend has always
    failed — LOOK AT ALL OLIgachies that have come and Gone in the PAST --- THEY ARE ALL GONE.. They ALL Failed.
    Do you think the current power structure can sustain itself forever on BUllSHit. It never could and it never will.
    TIME brother... Is on your side. Figure it out. Don’t take the blue pill take the RED pill NEO, and see what
    the MIND CONTROL MATRIX is all about.

    This is what you say you now believe in? WAKE UP.
    MONEY IS DEATH for those that it is used against. It provides not more but less security for humans as they are now
    concerned with the absrtaction of numbers which is the profit and PEOPLE and LIFE IS NOT A NUMBER. It is REAL BREATHING WARM FLESH. And it needs LOVE, and FOOD, and a HOME. and A Secure Job in society to be healthy and to function peacfully.
    You better take a look inside and check out what you think you are really getting into.

    I am niether a Repub or a Dem. Stop buying into their mind control, their ARE only TWO simple sides to ALL ISSUES.
    LIberal and Conservative. This is what I am told so I believe. It is good for me. They said I will be happy if I support
    my masters words and follow is drivel. NO YOU WILL NOT. You will be a HEARTLESS MUTANT that lives for the abstraction
    of mindless profits and self destractions... AND don’y worry the corporation will take care of YOU by outsourcing your
    HIGH PAYING JOB just AS SOON AS IT CAN. Then where will you be with your "Republican ID card" standing in line waiting
    for the to TAKE PITY ON YOU. I THINK NOT. They CARE about nothing and NO ONE. They should not even be considered mentally competant as humans as they lack a certain QUALITY called human empathy and as SUCH are great profiteers and TERRIBLE human beings. Read the messages that are really being told to YOU. Are they backing it all UP with FACTS that they are going
    out of their WAY to prove to YOU. I have yet to discover a single shred of facts... in their plans for helping anybody...
    Why are you going to support that...?? THAT WILL NEVER lead to any FUN any the only profit you will get is WHAT THEY
    are forced to GIVE you as long as you have as use to them ... AFTER that don’t expect the SMILE and the HANDSHAKE anymore.. YOU ARE NOW an economic PROFIT LIABILITY and they DO NOT LIKE THOSE!!!

    This is a satire....
    I am a droid and will follow master BrainFarts words... this is the truth... it is so... WHat should I
    do now master... Have no self will — I serve you in your greater desire to profit from others... I am nothing....
    All bow down to the "balance" the profit, and the propaganda... it is good and it is right... I have been told it is so....
    WELCOME TO 1984 Buddy.... READ the BOOK... Has about 100 parallel issues that we are living in today!!!
    I am from the Department of HomeLand Profitablity and I am hear to protect my masters corporate profits... This is good...
    .... Wake up Neo... Morpheus NEEDS you DUDE!!! DON’T get SUCKED in the MATRIX...

    I am a HUMAN BEING and I support and will always support the responsible use of the human life and the earth in harmony because that is HOW IT works best in the persuit of Happiness. Work toward a world that is for the good of all people not just the few at the cost of the lives of the many.

    destroy money. create peace. live love.

    • If you’re planning to destroy your money, would you mind sending it to me instead?


    • Please tell me one thing? Where did the feelings that changed your mind come from what events?
      Are you personal convictions or actions so weak that you can not see the benifit of others around you also
      living well and being socially and mentally healthy, working together to help yourself and others?

      Remember after the Genetically modified foods that went up in your stock investment kill millions and perhaps you,,,
      what will you do with all that money now that your body has been used as a profit center for death by corporations.

      Don’t forget when you need that extra medical help or educated person to do this or that you can always look in the yellow pages.
      Remember consumerism is a desease and an ADDICTION and it can also KILL and already has? You know who?

      Please pick up my money anytime you want. I live and work my own organic farm with my own solar home and private water supply and haven’t bought any stupid corporate shit in over 5 years. I lost 50 pounds. And I can run flat out for over 3 miles. I have a
      wife that looks like what you surf on the internet, and she doesn’t even have CREDIT CARD. WE play music and socialize with other farmers growing organic and HAVE NEVER Been happier. We also give some of our sales proceeds to KPFA in Berkely as radio station that is not brain dead to people and not owned by corporate death dealers.

      Oh don’t forget to predent you care when you pay them. It makes them work harder for you next time.

      Good Luck.
      Peace Out.

    • This is a most interesting post for a left based web site blog. It has many of the Psy Ops techniques in it including:
      1. Appealing to the motivations and the struggle of the enemy and giving the ideas of a way out instead of persisting to his own convinctions and working toward those.
      2. It does not speak of any personal reasons it just offers positions and based on the flow of a setup of being from the left side and going to the right is a form of "leading" which is a mind control techique.
      3. The structure is pointalistic which suggests it could have been written from the point of view of collection of points in which the message was intented to affect and to suggest that a complete reversal of beliefs is possible and should be cosidered normal, this is definitaly a "switch sides" Psy Ops techniques offer possible benifits "propaganda" for going to the other side. This type of technique was used in operation Phoenix in Veitnam and you know what it failed the Vietnamese didn’t buy it.
      4. A person signed it with a name giving it a persona of personal honesty and realism.

      This to me seems like a peice of right wing psy Ops trying to influence people that are of the working type to support and insane agenda of profit , exploitation, and how it is all about "me" making it seem that life is a linear existence of events when in reality it is a group of parallel events all around us all interacting and blending meaning that in reality it does matter if you care about others and how you treat them... as if you think you can live in a vacuum ... then one day if you do something to offend them ...
      they will definitaly send you a message to STOP IT....And that is what is going on in the world today..

      WE are sending the mind control agents the message STOP it we ARE NOT GOING to BUY the BUllSHit.
      Perhaps these people would like to tell us that corporations are good and wholesome that is why they are buying
      up our government and using it for their benifit at our TAX PAYING EXPENSE. That sounds like a country based not
      on a constitution of the people , but a STUPID BUSINESS PLAN of the OLIGARCHY with no real human purpose.
      And you know when ROME or other massive super states in the past triend that what happened... Complete self destruction
      because they have no real plan they are operating from the perspective of abstract numbers... And numbers are NOT REAL.
      People are real. The Earth is Real. Your FEELINGS and PAIN is REAL. Numbers are just a construction of accounting.
      And you know what happened to the accounting at firms like Enron and others like it.

      To all my borthers and sisters do not believe this... It is a work of a clever deceptive piece of mind control drivel.

      peace 7b

    • Gillenkirk’s article is a piece of satire. It was written in response to a piece in the SF Chronicle the week before entitled "Leaving the Left" by Keith Thompson. Thompson’s work should be the one you are attacking. Mr. Gillenkirk has his tongue planted firmly in cheek.