Home > Why the Democrats should impeach Bush/Cheney today

Why the Democrats should impeach Bush/Cheney today

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 14 January 2006

Parties Governments USA

Martha, I understand that US Representative John Conyers (D-NY) has filed an
“impeachment resolution” (HR 635), plus two mentions for censure (HR 636 and
637) in the House Judiciary Committee. The impeachment resolution lays the
foundation for bipartisan impeachment proceedings, which by the way is my first
problem with it. Asking the Republicans to impeach Bush/Cheney is like asking
the chickens to swallow a two-headed fox. But it’s more than that . . .

The editor of
Online Journal, Bev Conover, explained it to you once in “Here We Go
Again With The Censure Nonsense”
, "
Censure is a tool Congress
uses to reprimand one of its own, usually for an ethical violation not a
prosecutable crime."

Get it. We’ve got a
prosecutable crime here, and then some. The Democrats, the Democrats, should
properly file for formal articles of
impeachment ASAP, like now, as Evan
Augustine Peterson III, J.D., also wrote
in his recent email to some 89
writers, including the editor and this scribe, on the necessity of impeachment.
Then let the Republicans show their colors.

We know that
divergence amongst them is tantamount to gay marriage and stem cell research
and is punishable by Pat Robertson calling the wrath of God to fall on them,
like he did when Pat gave the hit sign on New Orleans and New York on 9/11, and
entire cities of non-believers got theirs, fire and flood, gnashing of teeth.
Either that or maybe Pat knows the terrorists. Hey, you never know. But could
the Republicans go straight for once? They know Jesus knows.

And truly, despite
the rambling rhetoric of Robertson, don’t we know deep in our hearts, where the
spirit whispers, that he has the conscience of a hungry anaconda. Try to talk
him or Congress out of snapping at the next dole of power from the One-On-High
and the One-Behind-Him. Fuhgedaboutit, as Tony would say. A little strong arm
goes a long way.

So don’t DeLay,
excuse me, delay Miss Nancy (D-CA) and Mr. Harry (D-NV), you-know-who-you-are.
Don’t wait for the 2006 elections. And thinking maybe we’ll sweep the House and
Senate, in the name of the father, son, and holy polling machine, or maybe
we’ll just win one of them or none of them.

Here is your chance
to really wake America. Here is your chance to take the true moral high ground
to out the criminals, who have been categorically declared such, brazenly
admitted such, and been judged by legal scholars and legislators. as well as
those 89 journalists and 14 websites, to be legally qualified for impeachment
and summary ejection.

Now you can take it
to Bush and Cheney, and the mobsters behind them, for insisting that a
president can unilaterally order wiretaps on American citizens without any
judicial oversight, even if warrantless domestic wiretaps are clearly
prohibited by law. Why, because he/they say so. He, they would have you believe
Der Bush has the Power! And unless you want some in your face, shut up and
drive. Who asked your opinion?

In fact, since when
do the American people have a say in matters of life, death, war, peace, outing
CIA personnel, torturing prisoners (excuse me, enemy combatants), hundreds of
billions of dollars of misappropriations, taxation of the poor, relaxation to
the rich, and so on. Don’t get me angry or I’ll tell you just how low we are in
the administration’s estimation. And just how stupid they think we are. Here’s
a chance to show Bush just how smart we are, America, Nancy and Harry, and just
how moral we are. Let’s take it to them. And why, bottom line, really why?

Because these guys
are nuts and can blow up the world tomorrow, that’s why. Dr. Strangelove lives,
on Pennsylvania Avenue. He has many guises, as many as they have talking heads.
They’re pointing nuclear missiles at Iran as we speak, North Korea next week.
They’re got biowarfare labs nestled all over the country. Recently a female
employee who worked at one in Florida threatened to send anthrax to her real
estate agent because he wouldn’t handle her rental house. She subsequently was
canned and apologized. But that’s what you’re dealing with. She’s out there
with a plastic bag of plague, looking to rent her basement.

Then you have the
chemwarfare gang who can stink up your neighborhood with death any minute.

And then you have
the rogue nations, and old Russia, who, fearing a unilateral strike, might do
something foolish first, so they won’t be in shock and awe hell like some
people we know. Mr. Bush and his friends have successfully panicked the world
and upset the balance of power. Alliances are being made faster than dates in
the Polo Lounge at 5 PM. Who’s on first? Yeah, that’s what I said. No, he’s on
second. What, wait a minute! What’s on third? Get outta here.

The world is no
longer a safe place. And I use that term with complete relativity: to pre-911
days, to the "pre the Supreme Court handing Bush the 2000 election"
days, to Cold War in its coldest days. Name the day. As John Dean titled his
book, it’s Worse Than Watergate. And
he should know.

Pentagon players
are planning first strikes on everything that walks, talks, and balks. Osama or
someone is waiting for a sequel. His CIA agent says he calls everyday. Hey,
Binny’s getting restless. Why don’t we take out LA, whack the whole film
business in one shot. Or like Randy Newman says, "Boom New York, boom
Paris, let’s drop the Big One now." You think I’m kidding? You think this
is funny? Do I sound funny to you? Hah? Look at me. Look. At Me. I Am You.

I’ve got three
kids, a wife, I pay my taxes. I help old ladies cross the street. And I retch
on people who want to rip up the Constitution. It’s that simple. All We Are
Saying Is Give The Constitution A Chance. All We Are Saying Is Give The
Constitution A Chance. No more bull, no more finessing, Dems, no more body
bags, bollixed war, floods, elections, education budgets, global warming,
nucular test bans ripped up, broken treaties, broken promises. Do it now,
Nancy. Now, Harry. You can be the most famous couple in American History.
Bigger than Lucy and Desi. The pair that took it to the Man. Smoke him out.
Bring it on. Hi-ho, Silver, away with ’em all!

Jerry Mazza is a
freelance writer from New York who contemplates the hole in the 9/11 ground
everyday. Reach him at gvmaz@verizon.net.


Forum posts

  • to quote: "We’ve got a prosecutable crime here, and then some. The Democrats, the Democrats, should properly file for formal articles of impeachment ASAP, like now" !!!

    Their silence is betrayal.

  • this writer is a moron your politians in france shpuld be in jail all european leaders have no clue about the real world , you need help, profesional help you may be insane

  • I think you are right about Impeach NOW! and the slogan for the January 25-31 March is IMPEACH BUSH OR WE IMPEACH YOU.

    I think that Rep. Conyers is right in asking people to sign his censure letter and he does use the I-word several times when asking citizens to co-sponsor this Impeachment Inquiry - I think if he get another half million signatures as he did with The Downing Street Minutes, that Republicans and Democrats will MOVE ON IMPEACHMENT so please sign, it can’t hurt and maybe Fitzgerald will publicly announce his decision to the letterr and meeting of the courageous Rep. Hinchey and 40 other Democrats who met with Fitzgerald and asked him to handle the impeachment inquiry.

    Rep. Conyers’ Letter to sign as co-sponsors to begin Impeachment Inquiry is here;
    Conyer’s Action Items
    Conyer’s Blog
    Please sign. Your children’s lives depend on supporting a Congressman brave enough to use the word Impeachment and to have a way that US citizens can support a real effort to begin this overdue process to rid the world of the insane Skull and Bones, Bilderbergers, PNACers who stole our government.

    Also Impeachment news and petitions at:


    Katrina, Bush and Cheney Grounds for Impeachment