Home > Will Democrats stop war on Iran?

Will Democrats stop war on Iran?

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 18 April 2006

Wars and conflicts Parties USA

Amidst growing expectations of a possible an American military strike against Iranian cities, two Democratic Congressmen sent letters to the U.S. President George W. Bush, who secretly decided in 2003 to go to war in Iraq long before he admitted as much in public, expressing concern that if circulating reports about a possible war on Iran are true, then the president is once again acting unilaterally without first obtaining proper authorization from Congress.

"Recently, it has been reported that U.S. troops are conducting military operations in Iran," wrote Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), Ranking Democrat on the House Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations, last Friday.

"If true, it appears that you have already made the decision to commit U.S. military forces to a unilateral conflict with Iran, even before direct or indirect negotiations with the government of Iran had been attempted, without UN support and without authorization from the U.S. Congress".

Facing pressure at home and abroad over the possibility of initiating another devastating war in the region, President Bush claimed yesterday that recent reports, all revealing plans by Washington involving a military strike against the Islamic Republic are just "wild speculation".

Last week, a report by Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker, stated that, "one of the military’s initial option plans, as presented to the White House by the Pentagon this winter, calls for the use of a bunker-buster tactical nuclear weapon, such as the B61-11, against underground nuclear sites. One target is Iran’s main centrifuge plant, at Natanz, nearly two hundred miles south of Tehran. Natanz, which is no longer under IAEA safeguards, reportedly has underground floor space to hold fifty thousand centrifuges, and laboratories and workspaces buried approximately seventy-five feet beneath the surface. That number of centrifuges could provide enough enriched uranium for about twenty nuclear warheads a year."

Also Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-OR) plans to submit a resolution "expressing the sense of the Congress that the President cannot initiate military action against Iran without congressional authorization" soon.

He also plans to send his letter to other House members to get their signatures.

Citing Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution ("The President shall be the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into actual Service of the United States..."), DeFazio said.

"We are writing to remind you that you are constitutionally bound to seek congressional authorization before launching any preventive military strikes against Iran," DeFazio writes.

DeFazio condemned the repetitive intentional misinterpretation of the clause with the aim of using it to justify “unilateral military actions” by U.S. presidents without authorization of Congress.

"Contrary to your Administration’s broad reading, nothing in the history of the "Commander-in-Chief" clause suggests that the authors of the provision intended it to grant the Executive Branch the authority to engage U.S. forces in military action whenever and wherever it sees fit without any prior authorization from Congress," writes DeFazio.

"The founders of our country intended this power to allow the President to repel sudden attacks and immediate threats, not to unilaterally launch, without congressional approval, large-scale preventive military actions against foreign threats that are likely years away from materializing," DeFazio adds.

Liberal Democrats strongly opposed the Bush administration’s decision to go to war in Iraq, and now they’re trying to stop the government from committing the same offense, but, according to analysts, there’s a fat chance President Bush would listen.

Political experts suggest that a war on Iran is imminent, given the U.S. deteriorating situation in Iraq, which would allow Iran intervene to support the country Shias, also with the near launch of Iran’s Bourse that threatens the U.S. hegemony and the once strong American economy.

The war in Iraq is viewed by most of the U.S. Democrats as the government’s biggest mistake. The U.S. launched Iraq war on the false pretext that the toppled leader of the country possessed weapons of Mass Destruction and had ties to Al Qaeda network, which they U.S. blames for September 11 attacks.

Now the U.S. government is using the same scenario, to launch a military strike against Iran, claiming that the Islamic Republic is developing a nuclear weapons program.

Forum posts

  • Character is spelled with an H. It it isn’t spelled caractere. It is spelled Character.. Do you deine any of the words you will erase...for instance. WHAT precisely is a Xenophobic expression.? Can you give us all a definition of the word so we will be certain to avoid such terms? I dont want to believe you will provide your own opinion about the terms and just delete anything as it seems that doesnt fit your opinion. So it would be a good idea beforehand to define what is and what is not Xenophobic, for instance.

    Censorship is always a bad idea. Some cultures favor it and some dont. I wont say whose cuture will cut off your head if you post a cartoon of a certain individual with a Bomb in his Turban. That might be deemed somewhat "xenophobic".

    The above thread asks rhetorically if the Democrats in the United States will stop the present administration from getting into a War with iran.

    No they wont. they arent in the White House and they dont control the Senate and the House with a majority.

    If George Bush wants a War he just dials up the Pentagon and they say "Yes, Sir." Sad but true.

    If the democrats get the White House they may do something else, but until they do...the US Marines like their job and will continue to do it.

    Proper authorization? Like what? Like asking whose permission? When you are the party in power you rarely ask permission from the party out of power. You leave that to the Voters. The elections are coming up in November. I expect the US will move on Iran by August after Bolton gives Iran an Ultimatum in June.

    Most of Iran will be in the toilet about 48 hours after that.

    And notice that as Marshall McLuhan says’ "The Medium is the Message." ( you do understand that dont you?)

    The gift of Allah is to be SUICIDE by some 40,000 worshippers of Human Sacrifice.

    Some religion. islam is heavy into Human Sacrifice like the Aztecs were.

    We are not dealing with a people or a religion which is modern in any sense. Islam looks like its medium is as ancient as the altars of the human blood. The Booga Boogas of Islam.

    The Iranian sticks the pistol in his mouth and threatens to shoot. Go for it Achmed.

    And not only human sacrifice...but SUICIDE. Islam is so much FUN. They kill themselves. Is that what Mudjob Abujibberjabber is doing with Iran perhaps...comitting suicide.?

    If that is the center piece of his battle plan just where does he think he is going?
    He’s going to go right down the toilet while we watch. he will kill his own army and we will help him get them all in line. As General George Patton once said, "You dont win a war by dying for your country, you win the war by getting the other bastard to die for his."

    The Iranians will do it for us. Suicide is supposed to frighten who...it doesnt frighten the guy who can hit you at 350 yards and chew gum.

    Iran is toast. They have half what Saddam had ...and what did Saddam have?

    They know they cant win a modern war so they are committing suicide like the japanese Imperial Army used to do...just get all juiced and yell Allah Akbar BANZAI BANZAI...and then here they come....straight into the US Marine lines like they did at Guadalcanal, Saipan, and Guam. Ya Allah and waving their scimitars like the Zips used to do.

    And we blow them away and they pile up out there in the wire. They did it too in the war with Iraq...they sent whole CROWDS of their own kids to clear minefields at the run, popping like popcorn all over the place.

    The graveyards in Iran are ENORMOUS. The death rate of Iranian militias against Saddams troops was incredible. You dont actually fight if you are an Iranian...you just run out there and get blown away for nothing.

    Islam is a religion that takes your brain and says,"you wont need this anymore."

    Its too bad that the major metaphor of the Iranian battleplan is to just commit suicide. But there you have it. If THAT is the way they have a battleplan...its not going to be hard to see who will win the war, is it?

    Sure sure they will explain they will blow themselves up next to American soldiers...thats easier said than done. In modern warfare you dont SEE the enemy if he is technologically good. You die before you ever get to the Front. The nearest American is 250 miles away and you die anyway. Comprende?

    Remember the Gulf of Sidra incident with the Libyan AirForce and "the Line of Death" in the Gulf of Sidra? We destroyed about twenty Libyan aircraft and naval vessels and President Reagan turned over and went back to sleep.

    American losses were ZERO.

    Here come the Ya Allah Libyans, we smacked them at ranges of from 200 miles and they went right to Allah. Want to do that again? Only this time it can be massed Suicide bombers in trucks headed for the Front and we can just take them out somewhere in a parking Lot in Teheran while we are at 20,000 feet and headed back for Lunch.

    Are these fools serious?

    The Iranians will swarm into Iraq? Like they did with Saddam? Who do they think they are fighting...the Republican Guard again? If they lost millions against Saddam who had a military like he had what the bloody hell is going to happen to Iranian militias against Americans?

    Do you really suppose we dont know our job?

    And for every DEAD Iranian who got a mouthful of dirt and the kiss of Allah...there is another Iranian who says WTF. And its cheaper to shoot a Mullah than try to shoot a US Marine. See if that little gem doesnt occur to a whole lot of Iranian youth like a bulb going on.

    The Mullahs have to get all those Achmeds to the front and some of them are going to be loaded on the trucks and they may just think it all through a second time. Bet you thats occurred to the Mullahs too. Bet you nobody gives any guns to those guys or any training in how to use them either...its a one way trip, after all.

    Why dont they just Mooo for Allah. Cattle in Turbans is more like it. Its EASY to kill stupid people with no training. Hello?

    But after Achmed watches his buddies Muhammed and Modjob go and not come back and he sees half his neighborhood smoked by the American anyway and the streets full of rubble and garbage and more bombs tomorrow...well, he may re-think shooting a Mullah or two.

    How would you like to be a Mullah having to go down the block convincing everyone to line up to die for Allah. It sounds good on the radio...try it in person. And once you get a bunch all lined up...see if you can drive them close enough to the American lines to get them off and running.

    Good Luck there, allahboys.

    Who do these Islamics think they are dealing with? They are dealing with US Marines who are highly trained, superbly led and equipped ....who are the same sort who took Fallujah. We lost a platoon in Fallujah and the Jihadis lost a THOUSAND.

    FINE way to fight a war. See if Iran does any better. We lose a company and your Jihadis lose a DIVISION. You do that for two weeks and we are still there and you are on the menu for the bunker rats, Mustapha,.

    Guess who gets to F8ck Fatimah.

    The US Marines are gonna make Iran’s tits jiggle.

    I think the implied message was that Iran had 40,000 Jihadis with bomb belts and they were ready to GO!

    Fine. Go where? Down to the corner of Goombah and Douchebag?

    You dont mean Los Angeles or Kansas City....you cant get there. You telling me you can? Lets see you do it. We will be watching you try while we sprinkle Teheran with some USA fairy dust.

    Because cluebat you Jihadi, we CAN get over your towns and you CANT get over ours. Nice dreams. Here let me tuck you in...

  • Iran has been supplied with weapons from Russia . Let the games begin. HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAA

  • It seems to be the public so dumb and don’t understand that there is no diff between the Republican and the Democrat. They only change position as their turns come. This game is over, have we forgotten the Democrat who were the fore front of the war and its crime of Iraq occupation?
    Have we forgotten the British Kangaroo Parliament supporting the war while the conservative were on opposition?
    These criminals are the same, it is our tax money , it is our children’s who pay the heavy price, so do not waste yr time even think that we have a democracy what we have a voteaccrucy. When the sheep voted, the game is over, the wolf will tell us that the FOX is very DANGEROUS to us (SHEEP) and we believe the WOLF, because he is in SHEEP DRESS.
    Now , look at our Democracy, it is a joke of the century, Bush popularity is the lowest of any President in the US history, why do not the SHEEP give him a chance to kill few hundred thousnds human in Iran and disable 100 to 200 % more so we the SHEEP will help his popularity?