Home > Workers Demand Union at Wal-Mart Supplier in China

Workers Demand Union at Wal-Mart Supplier in China

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 16 December 2004

Edito Un/Employment Women - Feminism Trade unions International


SHENZHEN, China, Dec. 15 - The scene on the street did not look like much, just
the comings and goings of small groups of women from their factory dormitory,
with a few lingering here and there in knots to discuss their situation.

Since Friday, though, work has stopped inside the Uniden factory’s walls here,
where 12,000 workers, mostly young women from China’s poor interior provinces,
make wireless phones, which the Japanese manufacturer supplies in large number
to the giant American retailer Wal-Mart.

China’s laws tightly proscribe public demonstrations, so the women found another way to vent their anger over their wages, and what they said were many other abusive work conditions. They met secretly to draw up a list of demands, and then walked off the job.

Wal-Mart has been much in the news recently in China, with the government insisting that the retailer do what it refuses to do in the United States: allow all its workers to join unions.

But what the scene at the Uniden plant here in Shenzhen, the very heartland of China’s export-led resurgence, reveals is a situation much more typical in this country’s booming new economy, where the government has been reluctant to enforce laws that would oblige foreign companies to allow unions, for fear of losing overseas investment.

The hordes of young women employed here say they are required to work 11-hour days, including three hours of mandatory overtime, to earn a basic monthly salary of 484 yuan, or about $58.

The women say they must spend nearly half their wage on the drab company dormitories where, as migrants, they must live. They laughed ruefully when asked if they were able to save any money, or send money back to their families.

"No, I haven’t been able to save any money," said Liu Shuangyan, outside the factory gates. "You have to eat. You buy a few clothes, and then there’s nothing left."

"If you get sick," added Ms. Liu, a native of Hunan Province, "they won’t give you leave unless it is very serious."

A friend and fellow worker from Hunan, Wang Lifang, then spoke up to say, "They have a small clinic, but you have to pay, and the medicines they give you are much more expensive than outside."

Other young women said that many minors were employed in the plant, and that most of the employees had been forced to pay 200 yuan under the table as a job-finder’s fee in order to be hired.

Some women said they had little idea what a union was, but yearned for some kind of representation that could serve as their advocate. Others said with certainty that no union existed, and ascribed their plight in large part to this fact.

"If there were a union, things would be fairer for us," said one 32-year-old woman from Henan Province. "Right now, one person says one thing, another complains about another, and the boss doesn’t listen to anything."

Workers said the strike began when a senior Japanese manager was overheard saying to a Chinese supervisor that the employees would be foolish to accept the terms of a new contract being offered them. Others said it was caused by abusive dismissals of workers with seniority to make way for cheaper, more pliable replacements.

Japanese officials at the company, reached by telephone, refused to comment, passing the phone to a Chinese manager. The manager, who declined to identify himself, said, "A group of workers’ contracts have reached termination, and the company, in conformance with labor laws, did not offer them a new contract."

Believing the questions were coming from a caller in New York, the Chinese manager said the strike had ended, early in the afternoon, and the situation had returned to normal.

"If you could get into a spaceship right now and come over, you’d see for yourself," he said, laughing.

Meanwhile, plainclothes security agents milled outside of the plant. As soon as a foreigner began taking photographs of the continuing work stoppage, they called the police.

Analysts of China’s labor scene say strikes like this are becoming far more common as younger migrant workers exposed to the wealth of China’s relatively rich eastern cities grow increasingly angry over what many see as their exploitation. Although few are unionized, communication and coordination among them is growing, often through the sending of coded messages to each other by cellphone.

"The migrant workers have learned to protest with their feet, they are more capable of negotiating, and they can choose not to work," said Liu Kaiming, who studies conditions of migrant workers in Guangdong Province. "That has especially been true recently, with a lot of the migrant workers who were born in the 1980’s entering the workforce. They’ve had a better education, they’re young and emotional, and they’ve been emboldened by media reports about their conditions to demand their rights."

All the women interviewed seemed determined to press their demands, the most important of which, they said, were shorter work hours and enforcement of minimum-wage laws.

Asked if they were afraid of losing their jobs, they scoffed at the idea, saying workers were in short supply in Shenzhen’s vast manufacturing zone.

"If we were men, there would have been a strike a long time ago," one woman said. "Women are easier to bully, but we have hearts of steel."


Forum posts

  • This is news? The ChiComs have been notoriously misogynist, especially the law that no married couple can have more than two children, and compulsory abortions are performed on violators to enforce it.

    A nation that kills their own doesn’t prosper. Another revolution in China is blowin’ in the wind.

    • China is half the problem. No argument there. But the other half is that fabulous American company, Wal-Mart.

    • Hi American, you should learn that the poor in your country the most poor people around the world.
      I have seen reports of a burial place near New York where the poor and their kids are buried in
      mass graves. So, please learn about your own country before you critize a civlized nation like
      China. Sure they have the toughest birth control, but guess what ... is it more human to let
      them live in misery or starve of hunger afterwards. Your ideas must have a religious background.
      And also American soldiers kill Iraqi civilians! America is the most babaric nation on earth. The
      use of nuclear weapon in Japan and war cruelties of all levels is the proof.

      Ami go home and study before your dare to discuss thinks you never understand!

    • The Chinese have been practicing their civilization far longer than most. They realize that like weeding in the garden, it is necessary to cull the unwanted growth. This will ensure space and resources for the "wanted". To breed out of control is not moral. To breed out of control only dilutes the quality of life for the wanted. To breed out of control will only bring miserable lives to the unwanted, at the expense of the wanted. The human is not an endangered species. To breed out of control is ignorant, and selfish and stupid. It serves no purpose and is only considered "good" by the weak minded. Humans need to control their breeding just like any other life form. If we do not take responsibility fro out of control population growth then mother nature will have to do it for us.

    • Hi American, you should learn that the poor in your country the most poor people around the world.
      I have seen reports of a burial place near New York where the poor and their kids are buried in
      mass graves. So, please learn about your own country before you critize a civlized nation like
      China. Sure they have the toughest birth control, but guess what ... is it more human to let
      them live in misery or starve of hunger afterwards. Your ideas must have a religious background.
      And also American soldiers kill Iraqi civilians! America is the most babaric nation on earth. The
      use of nuclear weapon in Japan and war cruelties of all levels is the proof.

      Ami go home and study before your dare to discuss thinks you never understand!

    • Wal Mart as with all corporate entities are ONLY interested in FINANCIAL profit. This means the cheapest labour, as with NIKE and GAP employing children on 72 hour weeks in Indonesia living in boxes -they don’t care. Fuck American jobs, when you read between the lines.

    • perhaps it’s the author of this hateful screed who will never understand: the government forcing a woman to lie on her back against her will and spread her legs to submit to a surgical proceedure she doesn’t want to remove a fetus which she does want, now that truly is barbarism. it’s the duty of government to defend people’s right to choose, not enforce its own agenda at their expense.

      china a civilized country? i wonder if the uighers, tibetans or mong would agree? remember the cultural revolution? need i go on?


    • It is shameful to know that in history CHINA is the only country that has not contributed in any way to development of poorer nations whereas AMERICA has done immense good in the world , to be born a chinese must be the most unfortunate thing to happen to a human being because he is born without genes of humanity or compassion , let history speak for itself if you are chinese get down on your knees and ask forgiveness from god for the terrible sins of your forefathers .

    • Maybe if we weed out all the chinese in this world , ????