by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 30 November 2004

Attack-Terrorism USA


Have a look at the following animated graphic of what happens when an automobile gets too close to the wake from an aircrafts jet engines.

This is from a video hosted by Dave McGowan (I learned of this from 911skeptics.blogspot.com). The video itself can be downloaded from


This illustrates what happens when an automobile gets too close to the wake from an aircrafts jet engines. Here, the engines are powered to only a little above idle (one knows this, because the 747 remains stationary). Of course, under increased power the engines are capable of doing significantly more damage, than that seen in the video.

Now, the aircraft that hit the Pentagon, crossed a freeway (Washington Blvd - Highway 27) only a few feet above the multitude of cars (in fact, so close to the ground that the plane clipped a number of the light-posts alongside the freeway), so why weren’t these cars blown around in similar fashion to the one in the video?

Of course, one has to take into account that the aircraft in this demonstration is a Boeing 747. A Boeing 747 has more powerful engines than a Boeing 757:

Boeing 757 — approx 40,000 lb (120 kilonewtons) maximum thrust.
Boeing 747 — approx 60,000 lb (180 kilonewtons) maximum thrust.

Also, a Boeing 747 has 4 engines and a Boeing 757 only two.

According to a number of eyewitnesses, the aircraft that hit the Pentagon actually powered up its jets around this time to avoid hitting the ground. So apparently, it did not just glide over the freeway. This means that the cars on the freeway should have been blown around significantly. Why did this not happen?

Here are some photos of a light-post that was struck by the aircraft as it passed over the freeway. The light-post fell on the taxi (pictured in both photos). The Pentagon can be seen burning in the background of the first photo.

In about April of 2002, this article challenged the Bush administration to present the aircraft debris collected at the Pentagon to the world, so that the world would be convinced that the aircraft that hit the Pentagon was indeed a Boeing 757, as claimed.

It seemed that this would be a simple way to put to rest the conspiracy theories surrounding the incident.

However, the Bush administration has refused to simply show the world the aircraft debris and prove that they were not in any way involved.

Understand exactly what has transpired: the Bush administration has a simple and full-proof way of proving that they were not in any way involved in organizing the Pentagon attack, yet for over two years they have refused to present the world the evidence (that they claim to have in their possession) that would clear them.

So why has the government not put to rest all the "conspiracy theories"? The answer is clearly that presenting the debris would prove the conspiracy theorists correct in their belief that a Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon. Clearly, the debris would prove that flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon, otherwise the Bush administration would have released the debris immediately.

The refusal of the government to release the aircraft debris is solid evidence that the government is lying about flight 77. And if the government is lying about flight 77, then it is also lying about all of the events on 9/11.

Forum posts

  • I’m with you in spirit, but the simulation is misleading. The jet is on the ground and the affected vehicle moves right into the wake of the engine blast. Depending on a vehicle’s weight, it would be more or less affected by the force from the engine. A Boeing 757 is described as a cantilever low-wing aircraft. A 757’s engines probably have about ten feet of clearance from the ground.

    The two engine jet aircraft that hit the Pentagon, not necessarliy Flight 77, did buffet some cars on the road. This experience was reported by some witnesses in their cars. But, because the aircraft was well above the road (20 to 50 feet, maybe more) the blast from its engines was directed parallel to its line of flight into the air behind it, not downwards onto the road. Furthermore, it was angling down as it came in, so the engine blast or wake would have been directed at an upward angle, minimizing the effect even more.

    The missile/Global Hawk/small killer jet theory doesn’t stand up to all of the eyewitnesses who saw a mid-sized jet hit the Pentagon. The lack of videographic and/or photographic evidence of the aircraft that actually hit the Pentagon and has been withheld from the public has led to this alternative theory.

    This is the real mystery. Did the government deliberately want to create this fertile ground for alternate theorizing by withholding what it must obviously have in the way of video evidence? Why would it do that? To tie people up inventing theories that don’t hold up under scrutiny and can easily be discredited? And, if so, why did it bother to release those ambiguous 5 frames from the Pentagon surveillance camera, even though it "officially" denies having done so? The tooth fairy, I suppose, delivered them to CNN.

    Or, has it withheld the video evidence precisely because it would show that although it was a two engine, mid-sized jet aircraft that everyone saw, it was not American Flight 77?

    I don’t have too many answers, like so many others, but I do know that the jet wake simulation is misleading.


    • M.K. said "The lack of videographic and/or photographic evidence of the aircraft that actually hit the Pentagon and has been withheld from the public has led to this alternative theory."

      Not quite true. The missile theory was not the result of withheld information.

      It was pushed by the 9/11 false opposition. They pushed it real hard.

      Early on, I communicated with a few of them, until it became obvious that they were only interested in covering up with disinformation and outright lies.

      Unfortunately, nearly everyone who claimed to be interested in digging up the truth was in fact covering it up. This sort of deceitful activity was initially a surprise to me. Now I am surprised when this is not the case.

      Should I recognize the initials M.K.?

      And yes, the demonstartion video could be misleading, but people should think about the possibility of severe buffeting. I am certain the buffeting from a 757 that close would be so severe that all witnesses from the cars would have reported it.

      Since I do not have any eye-witness reports of this buffeting (among my list of eye-witness reports) would you please present the eye-witness reports (that you mentioned above) here for me.

    • Two witnesses come to mind:

      1) Mary Ann Owens stated, "Gripping the steering wheel of my vibrating car, I involuntarily ducked as the wobbling plane thundered over my head.’

      2) Christine Peterson stated, "My car shook as the plane flew over."

      M.K. (And, no 911WhoDidIt, "you should not know "M.K.")

    • Actually, I did have those two eyewitness reports but dismissed them as the shaking seemed nowhere near violent enough.

    • If enough good people keep banging away and coming up with solid research that reveals glaring contradictions and lies in the official story, sooner or later the truth about what really happened is going to rear its ugly head. We’re just at the end of the beginning of the fight.
