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post from Aljazeerah

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 7 January 2006

Wars and conflicts Parties International USA

This is a re post from aljazeerah. The Author (descendant from ancient New Hampshire stock) endorses spreading her story.

Earth to Hillary and Other Democrats Supportive of Israeli Aggression and American Imperialism

By Genevieve Cora Fraser

Al-Jazeerah, January 7, 2006

Dear Hillary, For years I have been a strong supported of both you and President Clinton - defending both of you within the party when others deserted. I have now left the Democratic Party because of you even though I once worked for a democratic state senator and was the chair of my town committee.

Israel maintains brutish totalitarian control over Palestinians 24/7. Palestine encased in the Racist Apartheid Wall is a de-facto concentration camp with Israel engaged in terrorist state activities non-stop within the territories. Israel has a 36 billion dollar military pitted against Palestinians with sticks and stones, a few rifles and home made rockets. Palestinians have lived under an illegal occupation for nearly 40 years and under international law have a right to defend themselves. Under international law, they also have a right to return to their former homes, from which they were brutally removed nearly 60 years ago. I believe someday will return... unless they are annihilated.

Last January 6th, I visited the blood soaked apartment of Professor Khaled Salah, who was murdered along with his 16 year old son Mohammad, 6 months earlier during a late night 1,000 troop Israeli assault using attack helicopters, tanks and snipers. Professor Salah was a noted peace activist. He and his son had appeared on Israeli television promoting peace.... Fight on the soccer fields if you must, but not each other, they said.

According to the Salah neighbors, the IDF had inquired as to where he lived and who else lived in the apartment. The doctors above and below were evacuated and the IDF concentrated on killing the family. Fortunately, the mother and daughter (an American) and little brother survived. I saw the missile holes, the bullet holes and the damage caused by the IDF when they came into their home and machine gunned every room within the apartment. Even their pots and pans and clothing and underwear were laced with bullet holes. I saw the blood on the rugs and soaked into the tile. His wife and daughter narrated the events for me. His widow has lost over 40 pounds since the murders. Her daughter and small son continuously re-live the horror of being pinned down in a safe corner of the living room and assaulted for hours.

I also toured Nablus and saw the administration building, courthouse and jail bombed and bulldozed by the IDF. Abbas was campaigning in Nablus that day so the Palestinian police were out in force. Normally if they are seen in their policeman uniforms they are gunned down by the IDF. That evening I wanted to take a photo of this three thousand year old Home of the Good Samaritan. I was stopped, because the slightest flash triggers a round of shell fire into the neighborhoods which are under constant surveillance.

Israel has done everything in their power to destroy any civil society in Palestine and constantly attacks the most moderate elements in the society. For example, as I write this Dr. Mustapha Barghouthi, a candidate for president in Palestine has been jailed by Israeli forces for daring to campaign - Last year, they beat him so badly he was hospitalized. His agency provides medical services throughout Palestine and he is widely respected. Yet the people you support seek to destroy him. Why?

I was appalled by your visit to Israel, your defense of the internationally condemned Apartheid Wall, your support for illegal settlements and refusal to visit Palestinians. I suppose you are also proud of the total enclosure and strangling off of Bethlehem.

Your co-hort Al Gore, who I once championed, also recently spoke at an illegal settlement fundraiser in Australia.

You should realize that your activities and the activities of other democrats who support racist apartheid Israeli dominance in the region is being duly noted. If Israel seeks peace, it must first understand what that means. A good beginning would be to uphold human rights in Palestine as well as in Israel where total disregard for the well-being of Arab Israelis is also common place.

Your actions show utter disregard for human rights... in Iraq, Palestine, South America and wherever else the American Empire wishes to exploit and destabilize indigenous peoples.

It Takes an Empire to Bomb a Village, Hillary.


Dear Friends of Palestine,

If you were angered by Hillary’s recent trip to Israel to champion the apartheid wall and illegal settlements. Please post comments at the following website:


PS Please feel free to pass this on. She needs to know her actions are not appreciated

Earth, a planet hungry for peace

Apartheid Wall

The Israeli Land-Grab Apartheid Wall built inside the Palestinian territories, here separating Abu Dis from occupied East Jerusalem. (IPC, 7/4/04).

The Israeli apartheid (security) wall around Palestinian population centers in the West Bank, like a Python. (Alquds,10/25/03).

Opinions expressed in various sections are the sole responsibility of their authors and they may not represent Al-Jazeerah’s.


Forum posts

  • This is blatant revisionist (FILL IN THE BLANK). See my post on Arab apartheid as practiced against Palestinians in Lebanon and Syria. No other region of the world would get away with locking hundreds of thousands of refugees away and refusing to allow them citizenship for 50 years. Yet, Callis has no words of condemnation for these atrocious circumstances.

    What we have seen clearly in Iraq, Palestine, Iran, and throughout the Middle East is that the greatest enemy of Muslims is their fellow Muslims. 30 Iraqi’s blown up while attending a funeral this week is an atrocity of mind-boggling proportions. To my knowledge Israel has never targeted mourners or blown up pilgrims visiting the Jeruslaem mosque. It happens every day in Iraq. Yet, all Callis can talk about is Israel. This is what you call blind hatred, folks that completely ignores the reality on the ground.

    Then there are all the tinhorn governments in that region that deny their people’s civil rights. Arab Israeli’s have more civil rights than any other Muslims in the Middle East and that is a scathing indictment against all these regimes. A true defender of Arab liberty would never miss an opportunity to denounce these regimes.

    Tens of thousands of Iranians have been put to death by the government of that country in the past 20 years. That’s like about 1,000 times more bodies than died in Gaza. Does Callis care about this genocide? He simply follows the same tired, worn-out Bogeyman revisionism the American left always trots out vis-a-vis Israel. If we’re basing our morality here on sheer body count, Callis better get his calculator out. His sympathy is grossly misplaced.

    NOTE TO AMERICAN LEFT — GET A NEW TUNE!!! If you want to point to the most persecuted people on the planet, they live in Tibet, folks — NOT the West Bank. China marched into that country about the same time as Israel was created, subjugated the country, bombed and destroyed ancient mosques and carted their treasures off to Peking, then imposed Chinese rule on the population, expelling all their religious leaders. To this day the people are denied access to their holy sites and their religious leader or the right to practice their religion the way they want to. Nothing on this scale of suffering has happened on the West Bank or Gaza. At least Palestinians have a vote for their own leaders. So, why does the American Left have no sympathy or protest over China’s Tibet policy? Why do they devote endless pages and pages to a few million Palestinians? I don’t know. Maybe Callis has the courage to come on this board and answer that question.

    • Sorry for the misunderstanding I did not write the article, it was written by a friend, Ms Fraser. I do not know enough about the scene in Palestine to write about it, except a young girl named Rachel was run over by an Israel Tank and her body was mutilated by the tank when it drove over her in reverse.The author is an honest person and I believe her information.
      Michael Callis

    • Sorry for the misunderstanding I did not write the article, it was written by a friend, Ms Fraser. I do not know enough about the scene in Palestine to write about it, except a young girl named Rachel was run over by an Israel bulldozer and her body was mutilated when it drove over her in reverse.The author is an honest person and I believe her information.
      Michael Callis

    • Yes, good reply.

      The Jews are to be worshiped on earth and God will reward us for this in the Hereafter.
      The Jews are to be worshiped on earth and God will reward us for this in the Hereafter.
      The Jews are to be worshiped on earth and God will reward us for this in the Hereafter.
      The Jews are to be worshiped on earth and God will reward us for this in the Hereafter.
      The Jews are to be worshiped on earth and God will reward us for this in the Hereafter.

    • Boy, you really don’t know anything about that area and recent events... Even what you "know" is faulty.

      It was a bulldozer that ran over Rachel... Not a tank.

    • I also misspoke when I said I had nothing to write about Palestine.

      UN Made mistake creating Jewish state of Israel.
      Nov, 2003

      The United Nations made a mistake in creating the Jewish state of Israel, Israel should have been designated a country not a religious state. The U.N. should take the initiative to correct this critical roadblock to peace, blocking the whole Middle East. I am not alone in this observation, an influential Jewish Zionist has also expressed concern that Israel was not intended to be a religious state.
      There is an important action that should be taken by Israel and I would frame it with the following statement. "Mr. Sharon tear down that wall, walls are appropriate for prisons and cemeteries, walls do not create a free state."
      I am not anti-Semitic, my mother was an American German Jew, she served America in the second World War and I share her pride in our heritage. She was not afraid to criticize a perceived injustice that was being committed by her Jewish Rabbi elders. When she was 13, her father died and the Rabbi’s were refusing to allow her father from being buried in a Jewish cemetery because of a scandal involving the infamous Mayor Curley of Boston. In tears she said, "No wonder they are doing what they are doing to us" she now rests beside her father in the Jewish cemetery.
      My research of early American history clearly shows again and again the importance of the separation of church and state. It is a battle that is easily forgotten judging by the actions of the UN and by the Fundamentalist’s in recent times. It is not enough to have the appearance of the separation of church, state and, most importantly, the courts, it requires the diligence of a free people that craves liberty for all.
      Michael Callis

    • Micheal, I agree with you, but again I ask the question — why do you condemn the marriage of state and religion in Israel and ignore the same scenario in Iran. In Iran’s case — it’s resulted in a 25 year tragedy for that nation. The death toll is too high to count.

      This is my point, folks. You can’t keep up the Israel-bashing while ignoring worse atrocities in the region. Nobody’s going to take you seriously. I mean, 200 million Arabs outside the West Bank have no civil rights? Isn’t that worth a few pages of web space? What about it, Mr. Callis?

    • Iran is no differant from any other government that lets religous leaders dictate laws and foriegn
      policy based on religous beliefs. I have written about this over the past two years. Iran represents a form of religous fundamentalism.

      Key to Peace April, 03
      By Michael Callis

      The key to Peace is hidden in the name of Fundamentalism. Pres. Bush has used the word, Fundamentalist, to describe the Islamic opposition that we should avoid putting in power. Recently, on C-Span, a married couple, returning from a visit to the Middle-East commented on Fundamentalism on a broader level. The Christenson’s were CIA analysts, collectively, from 1950-1979. They isolated Fundamentalism, as the primary obstacle to Peace. Fundamentalist Islam, Jews and Christians. The Conway library had a speaker this winter who suggested the Fundamentalist’s in Israel were in control of Israel’s policy toward Palestine.

      The word Fundamentalism is defined in the American Heritage dictionary " An Organized, militant Evangelical movement originating in the United States in 1920 in opposition to Liberalism and Secularism" ( separation of church and state). The fact that Liberalism today is a four letter word politically, resulted from a concerted effort to demonize the word and its definition. The word Liberal, among other things, means freedom from bigotry. You cannot be a bigot unless you demonize and you can’t have an honest dialogue with a demon.
      Some of the the recent Bush court appointments were described with some alarm as Ideologues by two former US attorney generals on C-Span. A spokesman for the National Council of Churches has identified the Fundamentalist’ as media savvy opportunists who have hijacked the Christian identity from more moderate introspective Christians, aided by their zeal for media and cable Evangelism.

      When Saudi Arabia was formed by the British in the 1920’s a man named Bin Laden embraced Islamic Fundamentalism. Today Jewish Fundamentalists are embraced by Christian Fundamentalists. All three embrace Weapons of Mass Destruction.
      The influence of the Christian right is not benign, the list of person’s on the National Policy Council that have affiliations with or are Fundamentalist evangelicals is recorded for all to see. The way to Peace is in understanding what the word Fundamentalism means, and if that is what the new Millennia is all about. My hope is all Fundamentalist’s stand down and open a liberal dialogue.

    • Key to Peace April, 03
      By Michael Callis

      The key to Peace is hidden in the name of Fundamentalism. Pres. Bush has used the word, Fundamentalist, to describe the Islamic opposition that we should avoid putting in power. Recently, on C-Span, a married couple, returning from a visit to the Middle-East commented on Fundamentalism on a broader level. The Christenson’s were CIA analysts, collectively, from 1950-1979. They isolated Fundamentalism, as the primary obstacle to Peace. Fundamentalist Islam, Jews and Christians. The Conway library had a speaker this winter who suggested the Fundamentalist’s in Israel were in control of Israel’s policy toward Palestine.

      The word Fundamentalism is defined in the American Heritage dictionary " An Organized, militant Evangelical movement originating in the United States in 1920 in opposition to Liberalism and Secularism" ( separation of church and state). The fact that Liberalism today is a four letter word politically, resulted from a concerted effort to demonize the word and its definition. The word Liberal, among other things, means freedom from bigotry. You cannot be a bigot unless you demonize and you can’t have an honest dialogue with a demon.
      Some of the the recent Bush court appointments were described with some alarm as Ideologues by two former US attorney generals on C-Span. A spokesman for the National Council of Churches has identified the Fundamentalist’ as media savvy opportunists who have hijacked the Christian identity from more moderate introspective Christians, aided by their zeal for media and cable Evangelism.

      When Saudi Arabia was formed by the British in the 1920’s a man named Bin Laden embraced Islamic Fundamentalism. Today Jewish Fundamentalists are embraced by Christian Fundamentalists. All three embrace Weapons of Mass Destruction.
      The influence of the Christian right is not benign, the list of person’s on the National Policy Council that have affiliations with or are Fundamentalist evangelicals is recorded for all to see. The way to Peace is in understanding what the word Fundamentalism means, and if that is what the new Millennia is all about. My hope is all Fundamentalist’s stand down and open a liberal dialogue.

    • Key to Peace April, 03
      By Michael Callis

      The key to Peace is hidden in the name of Fundamentalism. Pres. Bush has used the word, Fundamentalist, to describe the Islamic opposition that we should avoid putting in power. Recently, on C-Span, a married couple, returning from a visit to the Middle-East commented on Fundamentalism on a broader level. The Christenson’s were CIA analysts, collectively, from 1950-1979. They isolated Fundamentalism, as the primary obstacle to Peace. Fundamentalist Islam, Jews and Christians. The Conway library had a speaker this winter who suggested the Fundamentalist’s in Israel were in control of Israel’s policy toward Palestine.
      The word Fundamentalism is defined in the American Heritage dictionary " An Organized, militant Evangelical movement originating in the United States in 1920 in opposition to Liberalism and Secularism" ( separation of church and state). The fact that Liberalism today is a four letter word politically, resulted from a concerted effort to demonize the word and its definition. The word Liberal, among other things, means freedom from bigotry. You cannot be a bigot unless you demonize and you can’t have an honest dialogue with a demon.
      Some of the the recent Bush court appointments were described with some alarm as Ideologues by two former US attorney generals on C-Span. A spokesman for the National Council of Churches has identified the Fundamentalist’ as media savvy opportunists who have hijacked the Christian identity from more moderate introspective Christians, aided by their zeal for media and cable Evangelism.
      When Saudi Arabia was formed by the British in the 1920’s a man named Bin Laden embraced Islamic Fundamentalism. Today Jewish Fundamentalists are embraced by Christian Fundamentalists. All three embrace Weapons of Mass Destruction.
      The influence of the Christian right is not benign, the list of person’s on the National Policy Council that have affiliations with or are Fundamentalist evangelicals is recorded for all to see. The way to Peace is in understanding what the word Fundamentalism means, and if that is what the new Millennia is all about. My hope is all Fundamentalist’s stand down and open a liberal dialogue.

    • Yes, I agree. However, at this time, Christian and Jewish fundamentalist do not impose their religious beliefs with violence. the same cannot be said for Muslims. In the case of Iran, you’ve got a whole nation of women forced to conform to the religious opinion of 12 Guardian Council members and wear a veil. Fines and jail time await anyone who breaks this law, and in Iran jail time for women means a good chance of getting raped by the guards — or worse.

    • How could Israel survive without $5 billion a year from the US Government. I think the only atrocities we can really deal with are the one we commit, support and encourage the historical list is long.

      cheers, jt

    • 70/158
      Have you every considered shutting off the TV, radio, stopped reading the mainstream press for ten days?.
      Have you considered going to a university library for this period of time and checking out any of the thousands of books that Homeland Security has a particular interest in.
      Have you every been outside the US especially surrounded by people where you don’t speak the language and have to figure out customs and values first hand for yourself.
      I can say from first hand its an interesting and valuable way to get out of the bubble.

      cheers, jt

      more exciting than reality TV for sure

    • You seem to ignore the fact how much effort has been invested in the region, especially in Iran by CIA to screw things up to this point. While Israel was supported by US, Iran had it’s democratic government overthrown with CIA helk in 50’s, shah put in power and when the shah stopped to be in their pocket overthrown again, this time by fundamentalists again with CIA help. No wonder the country is a mess. Imagine how would the USA look like if forced to go through such meddling by some even greater power. The game is not clean, there are many crooked deals under the table going on for more than 50 years. But there always is a price to be paid eventually but the comparison between some countries is not possible.

    • Christenson should be spelled Chistison and National Policy Council should be Council for National Policy or CNP. Michael Callis

  • I agree. I’m a registered democrat and I am absolutely disgusted with Hillary.