Home > Stop the War Against Iran Before It Starts!

Stop the War Against Iran Before It Starts!

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 25 January 2006

Nuclear Wars and conflicts International USA

Every day new stories in the media add to an increasingly horrifying trend preparing world opinion for a military onslaught against Iran. The propaganda war against Iran ”based on blatant untruths, half-truths, double standards and distortions” acts as a basis to confuse the public and intimidate potential voices of opposition against a new war in the Middle East. In the absence of strong opposition to their threats against Iran, the governments of the US and Israel speak openly of military strikes, and the Pentagon is even reported to be considering the pre-emptive use of tactical nuclear weapons against Iran. (see links & Articles).

The increasing belligerence of the governments of the US and Israel is based on the central charge that Iran is developing a covert nuclear weapons program. This is despite the fact that in the past two years, Iran has allowed intrusive inspections and safeguards beyond what is required by compliance with the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Numerous snap inspections have failed to provide any shred of evidence that Iran has a nuclear weapons program. Yet, in the meeting of the Governing Board of the International Atomic Energy (IAEA) on 24th September 2005, under massive US government pressure, Iran was condemned by a majority vote for non-compliance with NPT.

The US government is now determined to bring its European allies on board for referral of Iran to the UN Security Council for imposition of sanctions, which as in the case of Iraq, can be the prelude to a military strike by the governments of US or Israel against Iran.

The double standards being applied in the present situation could not be more appalling. As a signatory to the NPT, the US government has itself consistently failed to abide by its commitments for nuclear disarmament and has in fact developed new generations of nuclear weapons, refusing NPT inspections. In the Iraq war, the US government ”the only state which has already used the nuclear bomb” has employed depleted uranium, cluster bombs and white phosphorous against civilians, all in violation of international law.

For its part, the government of Israel has refused to sign the NPT and, with the support of the US and European governments, has covertly developed a nuclear weapons program producing hundreds of nuclear warheads. The government of Israel has also consistently refused to allow IAEA inspections of its nuclear plants.

 Oppose Iran’s referral to the UN Security Council!
 Oppose any attack on Iran and Syria!
 Oppose a new war in the Middle East!


Forum posts

  • The new war in Iran cannot be stopped, it is too late to protest.It is too late to march in the streets because those actions do not acheive anything... want proof ? just look at Iraq 2003 and what has happened until now.Thousands upon thousands of children killed by coalition forces.... they still are being killed today. No.. the next war will take place preparations for nuclear war are ready. Check this link and cash in your insurances and enjoy what freedoms you have today

    • Bombing Iran’s suspected nuclear sites, either by the US, Israel or a combination of both - with or without the use of bunker-busting mini nukes - will achieve nothing but further pissing off the Muslim world and a good segment of the rest of the world. Such an action will not produce regime change in Tehran, the only possibility of which would require a ground invasion and that just ain’t gonna happen, unless the US is hiding a half million man invasion force.

      Keep in mind, there are several thousand Russians in Iran, most of whom are located at these nuclear facilities. Now does Georgigula want to go ahead and make ’vlad" angry by killing his ciitizens? I don’t think so. And, let’s not forget how the PRC would react to such a brainless military adventure. The US would instantly make enemies of hundreds of millions of Chinese people who rely on Iranian oil and gas imports.

      An incursion into Syria is a much more logical and doable enterprise for the regime in Washington that gauges its wellbeing and continued survival on waging war against weak opponents. Iran is not that weak opponent.

    • If this were so ,they would already have bombed. Iran is outside the Cabal and needs to be taimed like. Libya or removed forever,and the oil fields do not need Tehran to flow for the victors.

      The fact that a phoney human rights rebellion with the southern tools was tried by ?UK/Israeli agents shows alternatives are stilll tried first.

      "I was an economic hit man" a non-fiction book,was an excellent insight into methods.

      The current PR, the false audio tapes sanctioned by the Clarke tool, with the resurrection of Osama suggests the final choice has been decided. Clearly to bomb Iran out of opposition thus benefitting israel in it’s territorial grab, drug movers,and oil hunters is the plan. To do this there is still the lesser threat of public opinion from an alerted public and now skeptical about explanations of events.With time and leaks there may be real cracks in the facard,so there will be the added benefit of a shocked population ,horrified and angered,ignorant at what it’s gov has been doing the whole time to others and even themselves.

      A false flag is the only way a nuclear attack upon Iran can be "sanctioned" quickly and performed with no time to question by ???Israel. It will all happen so fast who would know what happened first and how etc.

      That is why the stories of subs being sold to private buyers was so scarey earlier. I hope the Florida buyers are just using them for imports. I presume they cannot carry a nuke payload.

      A sub launched missile is the only way one would think an Iranian false flag attack can be explained upon the US mainland-oh ,hang on,the ultimate! Howa bout this? Blame an attack from Cuba via Venezuela planned by Iran and wipe out the whole lot in retaliation. Wouldn’t put anything past this evil elite-Illuminate/Opus dei/fanatical zionists jews and Christians/greed running the power show . They are clearly ruthless and have no concern for humanity in the way of their aims and delights.


      ps the more people discuss false flag attacks the harder they are to put into action as suspicions undo them and risk severe blowback,as one can imagine. Civilian shutdown is a back up plan shouldthe cat get out of the bag.Now I know how the Germans were trapped in NaZi german times.

    • Christians and Jews are not evil, we know the truth and what is about to happen, the world and liberal groups are the true evil, Israel is trying to exist as a nation but you probaly support the terrorist groups killing innocents

  • Iran is based on he said - she said prediction. The transcript of the Iran’s president speeches differ very much from that what was published in the press. Only a few magazines printed the full transcripts.

    Israel may threaten Iran or act as a spearhead, but it would be illegal. Both countries the U. S. and Israel may think they can use their sophisticated weaponary on Iran, but that is all what they can do.
    Such an act would destroy the rest of trust in the U.N.. Even if U.S. is able to refer Iran to the security council, does the U. S. government think it can justify bombing a country, which never threatened U.S. or any other country?

    And Iran has weapons and it will not give them up like Iraq, in order to open the possibility of a bombing through U. S. airforce. Nevertheless, most Americans get excited if the can commit another genocide. Especial those "heroes" from Texas.

  • No War In Iran Petition
    To: United Nations General Assembly

    We, the undersigned, urge you, the members and officers of the United Nations General Assembly, to pass a resolution against and to use all of your diplomatic and political powers to prevent an attack on the sovereign nation of Iran by the United States of America and/or her allies.


    Demand U.S. Hands Off Venezuela!

  • Read Eziekel chapters 38 and 39, it will tell you what will happen, the Iranian-russian invasion will fail, Irans leader is evil, he said it is Irans will to destroy Israel,Why can’t people see through the lies the media and anti-Israeli groups are spewing