by Open-Publishing - Saturday 11 February 2006

Governments USA Peter Fredson

Bush Credibility
(An Oxymoron)

By Peter Fredson

February 11, 2006

Credibility, trustworthiness, reliability, integrity, are for most humans words which give us a certain feeling that, whatever the occasion, there is a solid basis underlying the fitness of things. They imply that some care and attention will be given to the daily routine, that human relationships can be rewarding, and that ordinarily we can get though the day after depending on other people.

It is therefore with regret that I must report that the Bush administration has lost all credence, all trust, and all integrity with me. I cannot believe anything that anyone connected with this administration says, promises, or even implies. Instead of honesty I find perpetual lies, deceit, and misinformation. These are not accidental, but are purposeful, carefully crafted for maximum, and deceptive, public attention.

Bush last week gave a long list of promises in his SOTU 2006. But the very next day the promises began to unravel.

For one thing, all the promises were duplicates of previous promises but were resuscitated because the Bush people have run out of ideas. Bush then announced the largest budget in world history which would go 80% for arms, munitions, and to his corporate buddies, while the compassionate promises he made about health, Medicare, insurance, social security, education, math and science, oil reduction, veteran’s care, etc. all were reduced.

Turns out he has NO compassion. But we found that out during Katrina, didn’t we?

Then recently he claimed to have foiled a terrorist attempt to destroy part of Los Angeles, three years ago. Yet he never notified the mayor of L.A. Former intelligence officers claim the Bush people invented most of the story. Why did he release the secret now?

Well, obviously because Karl Rove has announced the new Republican strategy. It is simple. Concentrate heavy public attention on terror, fear, war, 9/11, mushroom clouds, fanatic Muslims with nuclear bombs, and the well-known courage, wisdom and intelligence of George W. Bush to protect everyone in the U.S. Scare the public until they wet or dirty their underwear with fear.

Then state boldly that the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED President is on the verge of a great VICTORY but needs everyone’s help, not criticism, to fight EVIL. He also must be given great leeway in small liberties like torture, abuse, indefinite detention, wire-tapping, internet interceptions, all of which have already shown remarkable results in stopping terror through the entire world.

Another part of the strategy is to continue the Crusade against Infidel Muslims for the benefit of his Republican Fundamentalist Christians. Bush is well qualified for that mission, having already harangued his True Believer supporters into a state of ecstasy over the potential destruction of Islam.

So Bush is going to terrorize the nation into submission, will lie like a drunken cowboy in a Laredo saloon, and will send his cabinet and Bolton to threaten other nations, creating a wonderful distraction, under cover of which the Republicans can raise bushel barrels of cash, hide their corruption, and behave like Christian martyrs going on a crusade against Muslims. Bush will play with the pretty alert lights, flashing red, green, and orange, with purple for false alarms based on lies.

GWB often communicates with code words for his many Christian Fundamentalist supporter to seduce them into believing he represents some sort of representative of the Supreme Creator of the Universe, and that one of his major roles is to fight against evil, which he is authorized to classify, tag, and stick with the label of heretic, infidel, unbeliever or even “terrorist.”

He mollifies his True Believers frequently with Biblical references and televangelist phrases that are familiar to them.

You can now expect EVIL to come up in every mention of Iran, Syria, North Korea and other countries that Bush feels qualified by his God to pronounce as sinful and EVIL.

He also seems to sympathize with certain Reconstructionist or Dominionist schools of thought which favor deceit, imposition, aggressivity, and stealth that necessitate surprise attacks on non-believers. His frequent reference to “not imposing his beliefs on others” is part of the elaborate façade of deception, which he promptly exposes by declaring National Days of Prayer, Bible Reading in schools, Pledges Under God, Ten Commandments, varieties of Creationism, and turning the Oval Office into an extension of fundamentalist televangelist dogma and entertainment.

His “faith-based initiative” shows his contempt for non-believers and allows access to the treasury to some of the worst religious scum in our country. The fact that Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson were advisors to GWB illustrates the bigotry, dogma, and superstition that has won the “heart and mind” of the Presidency.

On the secular scene he proposes to make Water Cleaner and Air Safer by erasing restrictions on the amount of pollution his cronies can put into the atmosphere and water, but by clever semantics make it appear that he has done something beneficial for humanity.

He proposes to save our forests by cutting them down. So you can expect further efforts by Bush to dominion will include fabulous opportunities for his cronies to profit hugely and to deviate any thought of oversight by insinuating thoughts of imminent terror.

He proposes to save our industry by shipping it overseas where slave labor can make a fine profit. He proposes to save our borders with a flood of Central American refugees who will work for peanuts and a sleeping mat.

By word manipulation, he uses the George Orwell Double-Speak of making black appear to be white, murder to be democracy, racism to be God’s will, colonialism to be sovereignty, destruction to be reconstruction, oil theft to be solid business procedure, Global Warming to be alarmist propaganda, social security to be slyly extracted from government accounts and put into executive bank accounts, Lear Jets, huge mansions, Isle in the Caribbean, and high life styles for 1% of the population, which consists of the most elite people ever made by Jahwey.

It is hardly coincidence that the Vice President (President of Vice?) was the CEO of a company which by marvelous coincidence was given a no-contract deal to steal the oil of Iraq and which, by another great coincidence, does not have to explain where about 2 billion dollars disappeared.

It is hardly coincidence that Karl Rove, chief trickster and noxious advisor, was given a lot of money to help “reconstruct” the Gulf Coast, although under investigation for committing a felony which Bush had sworn would not be tolerated under any circumstances.

It is very strange that Rove reportedly threatened violence and retribution if he were judged harshly and that all the former pressure on him was then relaxed.

It is not coincidence that the checks and balances of a Democracy no longer work in our country, but were by design eliminated to give GWB Imperial Fiat over all legislation, by reason of 9/11 and being the favorite of his God. This trumps all other arguments, including the despicable outmoded Constitution.

It is no coincidence that Bush cronies got the bulk of money for “reconstruction” of New Orleans, of which much will be spent on taking vacant houses, whose occupants have scattered, and submitting them to “eminent domain” for the benefit of gambling casinos or prominent politicians, or putting in a pretty driveway for a Senator’s mansion, right though all the mud and muck of Katrina.

The harvest of bushels of money for Republicans will indeed show the blessings of the Bush administration and the care it takes for the welfare of the rich and powerful.

The Bush administration showed its great courage in dealing with corruption in high places by jailing Martha Steward, but a half dozen corrupt Senators are commended, given leadership positions, and spend most of their time in praising the competence and leadership of GWB.

Of course, I use the terms “competence and leadership” in the Orwellian Double-Think sense, much as Bush constantly refers to Democracy and Liberty, with which he has shown no acquaintance at all. I cannot accept that keeping 160,000 heavily armed soldiers in Iraq, breaking into houses daily, shooting people in the head daily, or even given a chocolate bar to an orphan whose mother the troops just shot, will win “hearts and mind.”

I cannot accept that having no plan, no course to entrance or exit for a war, begun with lies, can be justified by “keeping course” when it is a failed course, and results only in death and destruction with no end in sight for corruption and looting.

I cannot accept that killing more Muslims will not result in fully-justified vengeance against Americans, who become innocent victims of GWB aggressivity. Any further attacks on America itself will be the harvest of Bush “diplomacy” as it was in the past, although the density of the fog around Bush prevents him from seeing this clearly.

Incidentally, how in the world would any sane leader appoint as Ambassador, representing American values, a nut-case like Bolton, who would like nothing better than to destroy U.N.? We might also inquire about GWB’s other appointments, often made when Congress was on vacation, with the most inappropriate people possible. This is not accidental.

But, of course, by not ending the war, by keeping up the pretense of war for years, then Bush becomes “War President” and can murder, destroy, smash and invade anyplace in the world.

It is a great advantage to be at war, especially for cronies that manufacture the materiel of war, for people who cater to the soldiers, for advisors that are busy looting the resources of a country to their private accounts, and especially for proselytizers who see Muslims as unbelievers to be smitten by the sword.

I wanted to say something about the Black Angel of Death, Condi Rice, in reference to credibility issues, but will save it for some other blog. But, any one who believes anything she says, unblinking, should be euthanized as hopelessly loony.

Credibility? Shmedibility!

Forum posts

  • You are wasting a lot of words on them, just get rid of them all please. Sooner the better. Any which way will do.

  • Supurb stuff. Couldn’t have said it better myself. The bit about checks and balances is very germane. Essentially its not working now, but it doesn’t mean its not working in the median to long term. In fact its changing now, as it looks like Bush’s wiretaps will have to be handled under FISA. Its a first step of bi-partisanship in Congress and the Seante out of many. There has always being a tension between the executive and congress, a president’s power is usually greatest during war (Lincoln, FDR), and so little wonder today that perpetual war is peace, to continue the Orwell theme. Ironically, Cheney has stated that an assertion of executive power is required to re-address the impositions following Watergate and Iran/Contra. Unbelievable. I like your ideas.