by Open-Publishing - Monday 6 March 2006

Wars and conflicts International USA

John Bolton ,the US Ambassador to the United Nations, is a herpetic lesion on the American body politic. A credible case could be made that he is the most insane official in this most insane of administrations. Although posessing a most weak , effeminate voice Bolton spews forth unrelenting torrents of bile , a lesion that oozing a torrent of venemous puss . On Sunday he spoke before the Fifth columnists at AIPAC . The assembled rabble were whipped into a frenzy as their dog of war , in full throttle war-heat, promised that Iran was in the crosshairs. Let’s look at the record of AIPAC’s fair- haired boy . 1 ) He’s an accused sexual harasser http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/april2005/210405mentallyunstable.htm 2 ) He’s a wiretapper , hiding under the guise of NSA junior spy cadet http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/nsa/Bolton.htm 3 ) Bolton is allied with drug- traffickers http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0330-33.htm 4) "Nutty" Bolton fixed the the 2000 Florida vote count http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0414-25.htm 5 ) He is a serial intelligence fabricator Part One http://www.antiwar.com/mcgovern/?articleid=5934 Part Two http://stygius.typepad.com/stygius/2005/04/bolton_sudans_w.html Part Three http://www.truthout.org/docs_03/printer_071703H.shtml Part Four http://lists.econ.utah.edu/pipermail/marxism/2004_March/005923.html Part Five http://www.lewrockwell.com/prather/prather23.html 6 ) Bolton has committed perjury http://www.truthout.org/docs_2005/072905Z.shtml 7 ) Bolton is character assassin , vile intriguer, and disturber of the peace http://www.the leftcoaster.com/archives/004564.php 8 ) He’s also a unregenerate racist and enforcer of Jim Crow South http://www.alternet.org/story/21730 9) Finnally Larry Flynt has accused him of being a pervert http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/WO05005/S00240.htm

Forum posts

  • Ahh, the Whitey American at his best.

    Hate, hate, hate... There doesn’t seem to be anything else in the essence...

    Truely, Whitey Skin and Whitey Thinking has found the perfect home in this man’s body...

    • I think you are the worst racist I have ever come into contact with, bar none. Everything is the fault of white people, presumably including your obvious lack of success in writing a reasoned and reasonable reply to anyone else’s post.

    • yea yea it’s whitey’s fault but then again i’m jus a nigga and what eva I say don’t mean shit hehehehehheh

  • Whuzzup, Blacky?

  • John Bolton is not Jewish . Neither is George W. Bush , Richard Cheney, Lynne Cheney , Richard Armitage , Colin Powell , Condoleezza Rice and countless other neocons. The neocon movement is Jewish/Zionist centred. I have pulled no punches against the neocon bolsheiviks regardless of racial or religious orientation. It the neocon policy of world domination I abhor. My disgust would be identical if the the neocons were Buddhists , Hindus or members of the Church of Scientology. The person who labels me "Whitey , so full of hate" should note my record of trying to expose the planned genocide of US -backed mercenary Viktor Bout in the continent of Africa . I have little (actually no influence) but I try to expose these truths. Hating me or anyone owing to their skin pigmentation is irrational. I hate no one ! Am I to stand by and allow Bolton to turn Iran into a nuclear waste dump without calling him out . I have no delusions of grandeur about my influence but feel an obligation to expose this psychopath to whomever will read my research. Fate has consigned me to the signifigance of a grain of sand on the beaches of Atlantic City. So be it. But I soldier on - to the end.

    • I’m with you,however Colin Powell DOES have some Zionist blood in his family& A Solomon Bush and 2 of his brothers(jews) are listed as combatants during the Revolutionary War!!!! Don,t forget there are "cryptojews" out there!!

    • Zionist blood is difficult to come by as:

      Zionism is a political movement and ideology, the modern movement was originally secular.

      For purposes of accuracy it might be advisable to stick with;

      The term Jew includes those who actively practise Judaism, and those who, while not religiously observant, identify themselves as Jews by virtue of their family’s Jewish heritage and their own cultural identification.

      Those identified in the article might best be described as ;

      In America, the term crypto-fascist has been revived by some critics to describe the neoconservative movement, especially in reference to various national security measures taken after the September 11th attacks

      To the author you might rethink your "neocon bolsheiviks" description as;

      Neoconservatism refers to the political movement, ideology, and public policy goals of "new conservatives" in the United States, who are mainly characterized by their relatively interventionist and hawkish views on foreign policy,

      and Bolshevik is defined as;

      A member of the left-wing majority group of the Russian Social Democratic Workers’ Party that adopted Lenin’s theses on party organization in 1903. A member of the Russian Social Democratic Workers’ Party that seized power in that country in November 1917. A member of a Marxist-Leninist party or a supporter of one; a Communist.

      Otherwise I agree with your opinion that John Bolton is a most unsavory, vulgar and dangerous person. In addition few have worked as hard at becoming so obnoxious its very typical that George Bush would appoint him to the UN especially bypassing the congress where he would not have been confirmed.

      cheers, jt