by Open-Publishing - Sunday 12 March 2006

Wars and conflicts Europe USA History Peter Fredson


By Peter Fredson

March 12, 2006

Long ago I was sent as a First Sergeant with my small unit into Normandy, France. I spent several weeks living in fox-holes, tents and Nissen huts. Then the Allies broke through at St. Lo. Large German army units surrendered intact.

A colonel called me to his portable headquarters and said: “I understand you speak German.” “Yes, sir”. “Do you know army regulations?” “Yes, sir, I’m a chief administrative non-commissioned officer, so I know regulations.” “Do you know about the Geneva Conventions?” “Yes, Sir, I have the army pamphlet on it and have read it.”

“Well, Sergeant, I’m putting you in charge of some prisoners of war. You will set up a stockade and arrange for the care and security of the prisoners. I’ll give you some squads of infantry men from a rest area, and there will be a couple of war-tired officers to advise you. Stick to army regs and to the Geneva Conventions. You will contact supply and other services and take care of living problems. Try not to kill anyone or get killed. Any questions?”

I was given a large truck-full of barbed wire and we set up a perimeter with the German troops sitting and sleeping on the ground for several days until I could find tents. I spent considerable time talking with the prisoners, mainly Wehrmacht inductees, who generally were well disciplined, docile and cooperative. The few who could not believe they were prisoners, and still harbored thoughts of resistance, I transferred to another unit.

While processing the prisoners, I usually spoke them about their views of Hitler and his Thousand-Year Empire. Most prisoners said they were just ordinary people, who read the newspapers, listened to the radio, and went along with the administration without much opposition. They well knew the treatment accorded to any critics. They believed the newspapers, the radio, the newsreels, the speeches, their preachers, which all gave the same unified message.

Hitler was mighty convincing. He said he would restore the glory of Germany, and avenge all the wrongs that European countries had imposed on Germany. They watched him build his army, his air force, his navy and were impressed. They liked his aggressiveness, his ability to stand up for Germany.

They listened to his fiery speeches, watched the swaggering, liked the threats against smaller neighbors as their retribution. Indeed, Germany showed amazing industrial progress. They could never believe that Hitler lied constantly, or that his preemptive propensities would sink the German nation into a quagmire of despair, destruction and death for the entire nation. Up until his last days he retained his optimism that he would prevail.

When the great propagandists, Goebbels and Goering, began their campaigns they squelched all resistance by firing squads, midnight knocks at the door, torture and abuse in dank jail cells, all lack of legal counsel, secrecy paramount, neighbors spying on neighbors, reading personal mail, listening to private conversations, and every possible means of supressing any resistance to the total spread of Nazi ideology, the Aryan mythology, the marching with flying flags, the swastika and photos of Hitler everywhere.

Who could resist the enormous circus act by political scoundrels? Certainly not the “representatives” of the people. At least, not beyond a modicum of indignation. Certainly not the judiciary, beyond ordinary tasks of judging ordinary household crimes where the Constitution still applied. They went along the path of least resistance.

But Hitler was above any constitution, above any law. He was the law. He was the ultimate unitary executive, which no one would deny.

The transition to finding the Jews as scapegoats for Germany misfortunes came naturally. The final solution to the “Jewish Problem” was ostensibly not known to the average German. I did not personally speak to anyone who ever admitted knowing about it. The secret death camps were not advertised, the torture and abuse not shown in the newsreels, but only the swooping Messerschmidts, the grinding treads of the heavy tanks charging through the landscape, the roar of rockets, and the grim faces of well-disciplined troops, armed to the teeth, as they swept victoriously through one European country to another.

Those were days of great optimism, everything seem to go well, victory was constantly trumpeted. The great leader stood in stadiums amongst thousands of cheering people, making endless speeches, with flags and swastikas everywhere. DEUTCHLAND UBER ALLES. Hitler and their preachers told them that God was with them. Their politicians assured them that great days lay ahead. The military was assured of glory, promotions, victory.

Great things were happening to young and old Aryans.

Most prisoners told me that they were merely following orders. Their great leader would solve all their problems, so they went along with him. Their military was the best in the world, with the best armament, well-educated officers, a very efficient and deadly secret police, the fabulous S.S. troops, all fighting against oppressive or degenerate neighbors that were not worthy to be fully complete civilized humans. Their factories were invincible machines, superior to all others, and could churn out immense war supplies.

All the German media favored Hitler, praised him, reprinted all his speeches, his promises, and those of the Hitler charming advisors in propaganda and death. The offensive forces could defeat any other on earth. The defensive forts and walls could withstand any assault. Optimism was reflected in every word, every gesture of the great leaders.

Any criticism was very quickly taken care of by many different agencies, most of them deadly. But why protest, when everything was going so well? There was plenty of food for conformists, plenty of medals and praise for sycophants, most ordinary people could work for fair wages or on their farms without ostensible repression. The young people went to special training camps, where sex was encouraged to get more cannon fodder.

What could be wrong with that picture? What loyal German could protest?

Disloyalty was treason and led to tremendous punishment, suddenly terminated by death. This applied to all Germans, even Generals. So, loyalty was unquestionably a major priority for citizenship. Carrot and stick worked well as a modus Vivendi. German superiority to Polish peasants was obvious to them. It was civilization versus barbarism, and the choice was clear. Get rid of human trash and the world will be better for it.

Hitler, the very model of arrogant dictator, absolute in his convictions and beliefs, unquestionably right, God-Fearing, irritable, petulant, carpet-chewing in rages, working by divine intuition, micro-managed the entire nation in every detail. Every campaign, every battle, was overseen by his genius and inexhaustible energy, He did not have a stupid “flypaper” strategy. His entrance strategy was always well-informed by a very competent General staff. It is his exit strategy that went awry with Russia and the Allies.

He stayed his course until the bitter end.

I didn’t meet any prisoner that disliked him. They all remarked on his charm, eloquence, vision, leadership ability, spiritual qualities, tenacity, ambition, and great desire to recreate the German nation in the Aryan image. But those were in the early days of German defeats. Desillusion came later, in great gobs.

Yes, I have a reason to relive these bygone days.

To anyone who hears me, I see many parallels between George W. Bush and Adolph Hitler. I see many parallels with the Bush cabinet of cronies and the Hitlerian advisors like Goebbels and Goering.

The difference is that Hitler was a much more effective and competent leader, less reliant on fantasy and supernatural entities, but equally vicious in attacks on civil rights and in arrogant presumption of being above law or Constitution. Hitler was perhaps quicker in deadly reprisals, but Bush certainly has the potential for death to critics, foreign or domestic. His Hellfire missiles have sent that message clearly.

Bush is much more manipulable to several mighty influences of fundamentalist Christians, neocon corporations, and to his cronies, whereas Hitler could suddenly terminate them without second thought. Bush is a Charlie McCarthy figure, while Hitler was a more lean, mean, sinister and frightening figure

But the spying, secret jails, torture and abuse, renditions, kidnapping, spies in foreign countries, the military strategy, the tortuous suppression of civil rights, the arrogation of imperial powers, the deliberate lies prior to invasion, the preemptive attitude, the absolutist mentality, the contempt for other people, the disdain for legal procedures, the ignorance of other cultures, the swaggering and strutting, the eternal carbon-copy speeches, the sycophant representatives, the worship of wealth and power, the military-industrial complex unleashed, the corruption, the degradation of other peoples, the exploitation of patriotism, religion, flag, and fear are all eerily familiar to me.

If anyone does not see this they are blind to history, deaf to precedent, ignorant of consequences, and oblivious to what is happening to our democracy today.

We are in the grip of a tyrant right now, with the same mechanics of administration as Hitler, same type of cronies, same dynamic for empire, same military-industrial complex, same kind of cowardly war-hawks thirsting for someone else’s blood and property. The lust for power is the same, the grab for wealth identical.

The same pretensions of religion and corporations have appeared. The same sycophants, the same endless corruption, the same disregard of spending. The same disdain for the death of loyal troops is present as inconsequential in the great scheme of things.

When leaders recur to torture, abuse, secrecy, lies, misinformation, stealth, propaganda, control of media, spying, warrantless arrests, indefinite detention, disdain for international law or precedents, and strut or swagger, their way in bullying the rest of the world, then we have lost the concepts of democracy, liberty, freedom, virtue, honor, rectitude, justice, and peace.

God is with the powerful, the wealthy, and the Devil take the rest.

Forum posts

  • I was disappointed that not one person saw fit to comment on my true experience with terror beyond horrible. Was I whistlng in the wind. or "ploughing the sea?"
    Peter Fredson

  • I think you are absolutely correct. I read a book a while ago titled "They Thought They Were Free : The Germans, 1933-45," by Milton Mayer. He interviewed in depth 10 Germans after the war in the early 1950s and it was breathtaking to me how eerily similar were their attitudes and the times were to our own. The experiences you recounted talking to the Germans in your camp concur with what Milton wrote.

    I see striking similarities between Bush and Hitler, although as you pointed out, thankfully, Bush is weaker and manipulated by more forces.


    P.S. I’m definitely not asleep.

    • Peter, I know it’s disappointing to not get any response from Americans...because they simply don’t believe Bush is anywhere near as evil as Hitler. I’ll give you an example: Several weeks ago I was discussing the insidious loss of our civil rights in America with a friend of my daughter.

      He was disbelieving that any of his rights were in jeopardy and we went back and forth for about 15 minutes, when, to make I point, I compared Bush to Hitler. He became outraged and ended the conversation abruptly.

      I don’t know what the problem is with the sheeple...they just don’t seem to care. I blame the media, the corporate-controlled print, television and radio giants, too consolidated in the hands of military-industrial complelx.

      Let’s see how the sheeple will react when Bush starts dropping bunker-busting nukes on Iran. Perhaps that will wake up the zombies from their five-year trance.

    • I doubt it. They will have been so misinformed about what is going on, that they will believe it to be a justifiable attack. Look for some sort of false-flag attack on America or American allys, possible with nuclear weapons.

  • mr Fredson, your articles as always are enlightening and to me they help bring out the good things that can come about when people are truely willing to share.we in the west have been brought up from youth to capitolize on others weaknesses, this conditioning starts in the cradle, and continues throughout every stage of life in our over commercialized lifestyles.in my midaged life , i am still striving to overcome all of these instituted idealisms that are pummeled upon all of us continuosly. im my youth , i dreamed of beiing powerful and wealthy as well despite being born into a poor family which was always able to provide what we needed. i saw how hard my father worked just to provide for 4 children and a wife who had medical issues, despite working sometimes double shifts , my dad would always find time for any relative or friend that had plumbing or heating problems or many other things that they could have paid a professional to come in and do. i joined the military and continued in electronic and data systems technology, despite having enough education to obtain a masters in this field that i found no satisfaction in, i abandoned this , and allowed myself the nicety of performing trivial jobs that didnt provide financial security, but neither did they go against my ideals of what i would do to survive.we in the usa are not all warmongering thieves, and i think the mjority of the people now realize that all our leaders are.bush may or may not have good intentions, i am no mind reader either, but the consequences of policies like he is initiating always inevitable lead to the situations you described that have happened during your lifetime.i am at an impasse, i am frustrated , shocked and awed that my fellow countrymen are allowing this to continue.with personal issues of my own , our grandson who has seizures every day of his life, despite being to almost every specialist in the country, and my wife being on the other side of the country helping with his care, has exhausted me as well, and the ever increasing censorship that we are in under now, will not let anyone get an organized message out that calls attention to the evils they are wreaking upon us all, rich and poor. soon all the people will feel the effects , but then it will be too late, if only there were some solution, i am afraid with leaders like bush and cheney we will see nothing but the usa crumble, which the way it is now, may not be such a bad thing. i dont want to see this, but if the land of the free has to throw away their freedom to defend it , well i am no expert but the doublespeak seems to work on most of the so called ones. i know this isnt much of a comment concerning your excellent articles but i am tired. anyway lets all try and keep the faith and maybe sane men will prevail yet

  • Yes, Peter, Americans are and always have been so full of themselves that they can qualify for your dumb, blind prize.

    Frankly, Bush is doing what American Public wants and therein lies the crux of it all. What you and others seem to miss is the fact that we are destroying a nation that is not like us in any shape or form and that makes it totally acceptable.

    This bloodlust dates back to our very founding as a nation.

    Until this is overcome the U.S. will always be at war. This hatered of peoples not like us cannot be overcome until it is looked at. And it cannot be looked at until it is acknowledged to exist in the first place within us. And this previous item will never happen — not in this generation nor in the next seven generations. Self-reflection is just not part of the American public’s mind when it comes to war against others who are not us.

    In a slightly lesser way, this is how we deal with our unwanted — those who are black, or who are old, or those Americans who have fallen because of any number of reasons. That is, we don’t create war on them but we won’t really help them either. Look around you, there is a reason why there is a lack of health care for millions; why there are ghettos; why there is hunger and homelessness.

    • I watched a documentary on our Presidents today. In one scene Franklin Delano Roosevelt is saying, "The only thing we have to fear .... is fear itself." I think this should be modified today to say: "The only thing we have to fear ... is Bush." He is the fear-monger that keeps his supporters by daily referring to "terra", to "terrists", to "evil doers that have intentions to do us harm." His constant repetition of "9/11" is all that is keeping him in power, or his party. They are dismantelling our democracy in favor of a corporate theocracy, and not a Republican Senator wants any investigation, any censure, any impeachment, any rocking of their corrupt boat. They have no idea how to get out of the mess they created by lies in Iraq. They are spending the heritage of countless loyal Americans for their illusion of world domination. These cowardly people send our boys to their deaths for what? Lies, oil, bases, embassies, power, wealth, but not for honor, not for the Constitution, not for Justice, not for Peace.

  • In both cases,Germany and the current Bushista Cabal,the "behind the scenes manipulator" was/is .(drum roll)........Zionism/the Rothschild Banks and their control of western economies since the late 1700’s...go back and READ YOUR HISTORY TEXTS with this premise in mind ..I think you will be MUCH more interested this time around than you were in high school and college,when most students were just trying to stay awake!!! Bear in mind that is what the Zionista were counting on!!