Home > XENOPHOBIA: America’s Flip-Flop

XENOPHOBIA: America’s Flip-Flop

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 13 May 2006

Discriminations-Minorit. USA

Americans are among the most oprobrious xenophobes on the planet, but the dichotomy is really odd to say the least.

CUBA: We call Castro a "butcher" but love his cigars.

RUSSIA: Cheney insults them, U.S.citizens still think they’re all "Commies", but Bush has looked into Putin’s eyes and sees a fine soul.

CHINA: We hate them for their odd eating and religious habits, abhor their military buildup, but love their food and can’t wait to build more factories on their soil.

FRANCE: Americans never stop insulting them for their filth and their "cowardice", even though they send us the Statue of Liberty, have great food and wine, and we swarm to Paris every year for vacations!

VENEZUELA: We call Chavez a "Strong man dictator" despite the fact that he’s nationalizing their oil to aid the poor AND offered to help OUR poor with cheap heating oil.

IRAN: We fear them and call their leader mad (he may well be by Western standards), but forget about their great educational level and ancient and refined culture.

We sure love to hate, but where would we be without the wonderful diversity this planet has to offer?

Forum posts

  • Please, don’t confuse all Americans as being neocon dullards and racist Rednecks who hate the world for being "America Haters".
    Actually there are many Americans who loathe this ridiculous xenophobia for its extreme stupidity . Remember, not every American lets the mass media and the Federal Government do they’re thinking for them. Some of us actually have brains and are able to speak and write more than two languages, and many of us have actually travelled to foreign countries and enjoyed being with other human beings who weren’t Americans. Perish the thought, Americans who like foreign people? And why not, after all, foreigners make up over 95% of all humans on Earth, & it would be a good idea to maintain civil contact with them, don’t you think? I mean, we certainly don’t have to nuke them all, right?
    Perhaps Americans who evaluate human beings individually as opposed to making snap judgments based on race and national origin are in the minority, but then the truly independent and resourceful have always been the minority throughout the world.

    I do agree that without the inveterate racism found in many white Americans, the US mass media would have had a much harder time fueling the impetus for the war in Iraq, a war that smacks more and more of naked aggression and unashamed hatred towards Arabs the longer American troops stay there as they ’courageousy impose Democracy’ on a helpless nation whose people are much more interested in staying alive than they are in anything else.

    • Thats right you cant keep Democrats away from Commies. They love Chaves , Hou , Castro. JFK couldnt even support the troops he himself sent to Cuba in the 60 s. Coward , dig him up ill shoot him myself.

    • As usual 24.91, your comments reflect your unhinged mind. Do you read anything at all, do you understand anything at all? Of course not, why should any escaped patient from the local psych ward understand anything at all? But now my understanding of your mental affliction is much clearer: you suffer from necrophilia. In reality you are some kind of necrophiliac in search of very old cadavers to unearth and then fuck over repeatedly. Truly you are one sick son of a bitch.