Home > Alex Jones Detained On Orders Of Bilderberg Group

Alex Jones Detained On Orders Of Bilderberg Group

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 8 June 2006

Police - Repression Prison The "without" - Migrants USA Canada-Québec

15 hours of hell at the hands of immigration who knew they were coming

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | June 8 2006

Alex Jones and his team were detained by Canadian immigration on orders of the Bilderberg Group for a 15 hour nightmare of interrogation, accusations and threats of arrests in anticipation of the conference in Ottawa which starts today.

The group were detained at 11:45pm last night and only released after 2pm today.

Customs openly told Alex as soon as they brought him into custody that the Bilderberg Group was aware of his arrival and that this was the reason for his detainment. All three members of the team were instantly detained despite going through different immigration desks.

Officials knew everything about Alex, even the fact that George W. Bush had once had him arrested in 1998.

"I was screamed at, I was cussed at, I was interrogated," said Alex.

Jail threats were issued as officials seized and searched through Alex’s equipment for 15 hours. He was told that if any trace of pornography was found on his three computers that he would be arrested.

"They were talking about how I was a criminal - they hooked our laptop computers up and said that if they found any porn, even mainstream porn, that it’s illegal to take it across lines and that we’d be going to jail," said Alex, thanking God that no trace of any porn was found on his office computers.

Searches continued throughout the night and again in the morning.

Immigrations officials seemed to take a gleeful satisfaction in detaining the team, claiming they were liars and not part of the media despite one admitting to having seen an Alex Jones documentary. Accusations of drugs and weapons smuggling were thrown around without recourse.

"You Americans shit all over us Canadians think you can do anything you want to us," said one immigration official who was acting more like a drill sergeant.

Towards the end of the ordeal national media, including the Ottawa Citizen and CBC, got wind of what was unfolding and sent journalists to the airport to talk to Alex.

A CBC journalist vouched for the fact that Alex was in the media and that she was planning on interviewing him, after also being subjected to a barrage of questions by officials.

At this point immigration officials sharply changed their attitude, reversed a likely decision to deport the team and by the end were apologetic and conciliatory about the entire issue.

Alex would like to make it clear that the immigration officials on the whole were just doing what they were told in trying to prove who Alex was and they should not be the focus of any vitriol. Alex himself admits that his behavior was not perfect and he smarted off a couple of times when he should have remained quiet. The major element of this story is that the pressure was brought to bear by Bilderberg.

The point to emphasize again is that it was brazenly stated that the Bilderberg Group were behind the decision to detain Alex and his team. Bilderberg have acquired a notorious reputation of harassing journalists, including Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin, who are simply trying to report on a meeting of the world’s most influential powerbrokers.

The immigrations officials said that their reason for detaining Alex was because they feared he was in the country to infiltrate the Bilderberg meeting.

Since being allowed to enter the country the team have been watched and tracked by several nefarious individuals and also followed by car.

The team booked a decoy hotel in order fool Bilderberg security as to their real location. The decoy hotel has been receiving numerous calls from individuals within Bilderberg’s Brooke Street hotel - despite the fact that Alex told no one he was staying there.

Further reports on this incident and developments from the Bilderberg conference itself will feature here over the next few days.

Click here to listen to Alex’s call in to his own show today being hosted by Jack Blood.

Forum posts

  • He’s lucky that the press got wind of his arrival, otherwise he probably would have been disappeared. He’s damn lucky to be alive cause I bet the Bilderberg Boys hate his everlivin’ guts!!!!!

  • This shows how flawed the "elite" Bilderberg Group thinking is. If they just ignored him they could of blown him off as some nutcase, like everyone else who denies everything and never looks into anything to confirm evidence being presented. Instead they have given him more credibility by having him detained. It’s not like he would be able to sit down with the group or walk into their meeting, so why are they so afraid of him. Maybe it’s because he is right, as well as Jim Tucker who has been investigating the group for 20 years. This plays right into Mr. Jones’ hands. I only pray for him and his crews safety. May the light of truth shine on us all!!!

  • Pahleeeeze! Alex Jones’ popularity and listener numbers are shrinking, because he won’t go near the real issues behind 9-11 and the war in Iraq. Americans are getting tired of this, and are looking elsewhere for answers that go beyond fear-mongering finger-pointing at the "Globalists" the "New World Order" and the "Illuminati." Jones doesn’t dare point out the real figures behind these groups, -either because if he did, he’d lose his job with Genesis (like Daryl Bradford Smith did [he now does his show out of www.iamthewitness.com ] or because he’s co-opted by the agents of these same groups. He couldn’t have asked for better publicity than this in order to bring some of the Bilderberger conspiracy attention his way.

    • hey why don’t you do some research before you open your mouth fag. that guy you list advocates my space .com which is owned by the globalist Rupert JEW Murdock. go figure tard.

    • what is a mouth fag? How do you figure tard?

    • Methinks you be fooled by Agent (Daryl Bradford) Smith, as more and more have been of late. Poor Mr Smith doesn’t even know the difference between a ’Jew’ and a ’Zionst’, or perhaps he knows all to well and his main purpose is to keep us confused and in doubt of the few remaining alpha males that risk their lives exposing the global criminal elite.

      You see how easy it is to simply attack someone rather than contribute actual value to a discussion? I didn’t even have to try though, as for DBS...

    • I have done my research. How come Alex Jones (after 12 years of research),doesn’t name names aside from the usual ones we hear in the news? Naming these names is what got Daryl Bradford Smith kicked off Genesis Radio. By the way, DB Smith has no use for racism of any kind, and unlike you, he doesn’t use hate slurs like "fag" and "tart."

      Your remarks about Myspace don’t hold water. It would be like me saying that because you use US dollars, you’re in cahoots with the billionaires who run the privately-owned US Federal Reserve. These same billionaires have gutted the US economy’s manufacturing sector, and have destroyed the jobs of millions of hard working Americans. Now people like Alex Jones are whipping them into fear, turning them against immigrants, rather than pointing the finger at the billionaires who are sending their jobs out of the country to the Third World and China. Maybe you need to ask yourself where your allegiances lie.

    • Daryl Bradford Smith goes out of his way to condemn Zionism, whether backed by Christians or Jews or others. He also goes out of his way to remind his listeners that many Jews are not interested in Zionism and some find it abhorrent. He has had Rabbis on his show to defend this position, and they go further, condemning Zionism as an abomination. Check out his interviews:
      May 9, 2006 with Rabbi Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta at:
      He also has a link on his site to the Jewish anti-Zionist academic Michel Chossudovsky’s site:

    • Thanks for this post and those links. It is imperative to define the differences between Jews and Zionists. It is unfortunate that many people think that most or all Jews are Zionists which is simply not the case. Anti zionism is mis-labelled as anti semitism so often that it seems like an intentional strategy to confuse the issue.

    • Thanks my friend. My thoughts exactly.

    • He is exactly trying to confuse the issue. That’s why we see so many posts here promoting him, its COINTELPRO trying to get us all in the mindless anti-semetic camp. Hate the Zionists, Rothschilds, NEW WORLD ORDER bunch, not the Jews, who have been victimized repeatedly by these people throughout history.

  • There’s a great deal of misinformation to support and protect this group. The ones to not listen to are those who appear to want to confuse the issue with Bilderberg Group.

    I was in a family for more than 26 years who joined Organized Crime but this wasn’t any ordinary crime system. Their job is to launder money straight into Property using corruption as a way to hide the ownership. Most of the money came from International Drug Distribution, per what they told me. Later it was for Political Corruption. However, who sits at the top of this crime system other than rogue CIA criminals are Secret Societies namely at the top is The Bilderberg Group.

    There’s other purposes this criminal entity has planned. Running out of time, I’ll have more to post later.

    Marty Didier
    Northbrook, IL

    • Marty, your posts always seem to want to say a lot, but you always wind up saying very little. How about naming some names, places and dates, etc. for a change? Anyone can make vague charges for many reasons, including the need to create a false impression. So, buddy, where’s the beef?

    • Hello

      This book contains many answers to the questions you ask. This is the beef with the head still attached... I am not the author. I found it on the internet. This is what you are looking for.



      Big Oil and Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf
      Four Horsemen, Eight Families and Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics and Terror Network
      book by Dean Henderson

      This 450-page expose stems from a 1991 Master’s thesis titled "The Political Economy of Middle East Oil..." and an additional 13 years spent tracking a global oligarchy which maintains control through monoplies over the world’s three most valuable commodities: oil, weapons and drugs. There are, of course, several cameo appearances by the Bush family, and the book makes it clear that Bush is strongly connected to much more powerful old money families who are thoroughly described. If interested in a copy, send a check to:
      Dean Henderson, 1706 Diane St., Papillion, NE 68046, USA
      Cover price is $26.95.
      Add for shipping charges:
      $2.95 US, $5.95 Canadian, $8.95 Europe/Asia/Australia

      email: rsteele4296@hotmail.com


      Chapter 1: The Shah of Iran and David Rockefeller
      Nazis, Assassins and Operation Ajax — The Standard Oil Trust — SAVAK and US Multinationals — War is Business — Pull the String and Watch Him Dance — Revolution, Heroin and Chase Manhattan Bank — The Trilateral Commission

      Chapter 2: Hong Kong Shanghaied
      The Golden Triangle — Hong Kong Shanghai Bank — The Fascist Iron Circle — Nugan Hand and the Australian Coup

      Chapter 3: The House of Saud and JP Morgan
      The Assassins — ARAMCO — Bechtel — Council on Foreign Relations — Morgan Guaranty — Camp Saudi — The International Banksters — A 20-Family Affair

      Chapter 4: Nicaraguan Contraband
      Sandinismo — Reagan’s Terrorists — The Enterprise — Indiana Hull and Contra Cocaine — The Silver Triangle — Costa Rican Justice — A Lil’ Ol’ Airstrip in Arkansas

      Chapter 5: Persian Gulf Rent-a-Sheik
      Tea-Sipping Embezzlers — Convenient Monarchy — Floating the House of Cards — The Royal Paymaster — Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion — Fortress Persian Gulf

      Chapter 6: The Bank of Crooks and Criminals International
      Loyal to the Bank of America — All That Glitters — Robin Hood in Reverse — The CIA’s Bank in Washington — The Black Network — Leaving the Arabs Holding the Bag — Flying Dolphins

      Chapter 7: The Four Horsemen
      The Illumination Merchants — Horse Play — Big Fish Swimming Downstream — The Octopus Requires Energy — Putting the Eggs in One Basket — The Bilderbergers

      Chapter 8: Project Frankenstein
      Afghanistan: Skull and Bones — The King, the Liberator and the Trap — Poppy Fields Forever — Bill it to the Oil Sheiks — Frankenstein Blow Back — Frankenstein’s Oil Can — Drugistan — Restoring the Petro-Monarchy

      Chapter 9: The Texas Oil Mafia
      Harken Energy — Baker Family Tumbleweed — S&L Crooks — The Marcello Oil Mob — The Kennedy Assassination — Enron

      Chapter 10: The Iran/Iraq War
      Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars — October Surprise and the Hardy Boys — Arming the Iranians — The Muslim Brotherhood — Arming the Iraqis — The Busy Little Isle of Jersey — Mutual Assured Destruction

      Chapter 11: Noriega of Panama
      Funny Money and Bad Acid — Our SOB and Operation Black Eagle — Pan Am Flight 103 — Operation Protect the Bush Family Investments — Chiquita and the Coca Leaf — Guatemalan Genocide — The Banana Republic of Honduras

      Chapter 12: The Gulf Oil War
      Iraqi Nationalism — The Depopulation Crowd — Stealing the Oil and Making it Worthless — Watch Them All Die — al-Sabah Yellow Ribbons — Contracts for Vampires — Balancing the Books

      Chapter 13: USS Persian Gulf
      Occupying Ghawar — The Carrot and the Big Stick — Feed the Puppet Wheaties — Let the Iraqi Genocide Begin — Iron Mountain — Somalia

      Chapter 14: Saddam’s Banker in Atlanta
      Kissinger Associates — Jolly Grain Giants — Bush League Criminals — Weapons of Mass Destruction Anyone? — The Chase Manhattan Two-Way Mirror — See No Evil — The Gnomes of Zurich

      Chapter 15: Yugoslavia Bad, Greater Albania Good
      Economic Warfare 101 — Untermenschen — Evisceration Time — Al Qaeda to the Rescue — Ethnic Cleansing in Reverse — The Brown & Root of the Problem — The Kosovo/Albania Golden Triangle — A Kangaroo Court

      Chapter 16: The Mexican Fast Track
      Zapatista Horse-Slayers — Sergeant Dow Jones — Brother Raul and His Bankers — Plan Columbia — The Haitian Route

      Chapter 17: Caspian Sea Oil Grab
      Big Business and the Bolsheviks — Unholy Alliance — It’s the Oil Stupid — The Russian Wall St. Mafia — Chechen Drug Lords

      Chapter 18: The International Bankers
      Oil and Drug Money Overlords — KissAss — The Nixon Coup — The Petroleum Standard — Eurodollars and Third World Debt — The Rockefeller/Morgan Axis — Consolidating the Money Power

      Chapter 19: The Eight Families
      The House of Morgan — House of Rockefeller — Freemasonry and the Bank of the United States — The House of Rothschild — Knights of the Roundtable — The Illuminati — The Federal Reserve

      Chapter 20: 911
      The Four Horsemen President — The Patsies — The Beneficiaries — Deutsche Bank Goes Short — Follow the Carlyle Group Money — The Crusaders and the Spooks — The Secret Handshake — Symbols, Allegories and Metaphors — The Masterminds — The End of the American Empire

    • Thanks, but no thanks. I don’t need to read a book on the Illuminati conspiracy theory. That’s not what Didier is all about. He claims to have specific knowledge of crimes in which his ex-wife’s family took part. Once again, that should include names, dates, places, etc. To say that the rich and powerful control everything and routinely break laws is to say nothing at all.

  • Posted by 24.**.145.**
    “That’s not what Didier is all about. He claims to have specific knowledge of crimes in which his ex-wife’s family took part. Once again, that should include names, dates, places, etc. To say that the rich and powerful control everything and routinely break laws is to say nothing at all.”

    For years, I couldn’t use my real name. It’s been only a while that I can use my real name and I stand behind what I say! I’m also not afraid to speak the truth either! Some time ago, I did write a lengthy post that described in detail along with crime information, names and dates. However, shortly there after, the complete webpage was gone. So to answer your question(s), YES, I do have and know specific detailed information. YES, I’ve also made it known for years. However for some reason, someone else didn’t like it, so it’s gone.

    I did start an Ebook that includes more than 30 years of experience in a criminal family who has ties to what was bragged to be “The World’s Largest Criminal System” that includes links to very wide spread Political corruption managed by Secret Societies groups. I have more than 20 chapters completed and almost ready for release. It may well balloon to more than 50 chapters.

    The family’s link was mainly through a vicious large criminal group who had close links to “Le Cercle” however, it also includes The Bilderberg Group, among others. From what they told me, the Secret Societies involved cross linking as in an organized Corporate structure. Keep in mind that this Criminal system is unbelievably mammoth in size. The Political Corruption component mainly involves the Republican Party, however out of every 10 political people involved, 7 are Republicans and 3 are Democrats. It extends from the lower areas involving towns and small cities on up through State Governments and into the Federal areas including Both Bush’s (Sr and Jr) and Clinton among a few others. However, they aren’t the bigger part is who’s really a problem are those around the US Administration! But if you look in the UK as an example, it exists there as well. I was told specifics about the Wat that went on for years between Irland and Briton as the reason was all about corruption. Corruption requires reasons to spend Treasury money and Wars are a good reason!

    Were does the Money go? It mainly goes into property that’s well organized into Laundromats. My ex-in-laws are one of them among many others. There’s a huge LAND GRAB that’s going on at the moment, if you haven’t noticed. Also, Dubai is the biggest! In the 90’s I was told that a company owned by Dubai known as Mandarin Oriental Group, is where our stolen tax dollars end up and has MOB connections. Hence, it was considered back then as a Federal Laundromat. If you look into Dubai, you’ll notice they just purchased the "Largest Property Developer in the US" for more than an Billion and for good reason.

    Please remember that the people involved in this criminal system don’t have ANY REGARD for human life what so ever! Their approach to eliminating threats is done by a focused interest to never let it be traced back to them. This means they do everything they can to make sure the death is accepted as an accident or normal means. It’s only when they are seriously threatened and have to act quickly, that they will react without concern for making their kill known. Back in the 90’s, I was told that around Chicago, they have three Hospitals that are used as ‘Killing Machines” for eliminating people. I feel that now there are many more. They use a variety of ways to get you in there from connecting with your doctor for testing or a procedure you don’t need to hitting you with a car so you’re hurt and in need of medical attention. Once you’re in that Hospital, you’ll never leave there alive! When anyone in the family needed to be in a Hospital, they posted hired guards at the room doorway to check everything coming in and going out. When my ex-father-in-law was in for a bypass, there were two attempts to bring in questionable materials that were ultimately stopped by the guard. Poison is another tool for death they use. I had a small refrigerator in my office that often I found food that something was placed in it. I knew about this and bought separate servings that was sealed and after inspecting it before placing it in the refrigerator, then checking it a day or so later, it had puncture marks and one had the seal peeled back. After eating one which caused me to buckle over in pain, I constantly checked and threw away anything that appeared to be tampered with. One of my lawyers died more than a year after she helped me finish with the divorce. Yes, people die, but when people around you die who have helped you fight this group it’s time to take a closer look at what’s happening.

    While married, we considered ourselves “connected”. Anything we wanted to know in the Federal or State levels, only required us to ask. Within a day or so the information was available. We knew before intense voting on certain issues what the outcome was going to be. If you look at how the Congress and Senate operate, they act mostly like actors trying to satisfy our concerns long enough to where they then do what they want to do. A good example is how Sen Spector is playing a game on us to manipulate the tense situation with the Telecoms towards releasing them from everything.

    By the way, the wiretapping issue is an old one and I’ll leave it at that for now. However, the real reason for why they wire tapping started wasn’t to look for terrorists. Since I left the family before 9/11, my opinion is they need to spy on us to support their “criminal operations” and for Political dissidents. Just so you know that they also break into homes, cars, offices and anywhere you are to learn what they can about what you’re doing. They are totally paranoid about needing to know everything and won’t stop at anything to get what they want.

    My ex-wife’s family started their involvement by hiring this group to commit murder. The target was a Bank President who managed a Bank they tried to start back in the 70’s. The murder was accomplished with a setup car accident. Then they started laundering money for the criminal international Drug Distribution system. Their business is developing property and hiding the ownership was simple since they used Mortgage fraud, connections with Chicago Banks and Trust Departments and corrupt Recorder OF Deeds Departments. They are ALL working together! Usually when they were ready to release a new development (condo building or separate homes) for sales, the criminal group would step in and buy up a large quantity of units. There’s other murders, attempted murders and almost too many to count “Operations” to intimidate people, to make them run away. They would even do this if they didn’t like someone. In the process of trying to intimidate, some were harmed. Again, all of this has links all the way into our Federal Political level.

    However, since I was single, while dating, all of the ladies I went out with were harassed in some for or another. I finally decided to stop dating out of fear that someone would be harmed. Then I met a nice lady named Patti who I shortly learned lost a good friend of 10 years to being murdered. As she explained her life’s experience it was clear she was wrangling with the same people and her friend was also murdered by them as well. It’s interesting that her ex father in law, who’s retired, was a Trust Department VP for a huge Chicago Bank downtown. He has connections with this group and her divorce shows lots of corruption that includes names, dates and more. Her friend’s twin brother was the largest Political contributor to the Republican Party in Colorado and there’s strong suspicions linking him with this as well. Both Patti and her son-in-law will testify in court that her friend was murdered! Patti has also had numerous car accidents too which most don’t appear to be accidents at all. One in particular, the person who hit her tried to escape but later was found by Police. If you talk to Patti, you’ll learn that Attorneys, Insurance groups and more are all involved in this too. Also, you may want to ask her about the problems she’s had with helping her mom while she was ill! Patti came close to loosing her elderly mom and resulted in nearly a 40 page sent to another Attorney who said they would respond a month ago, but nothing yet.

    I could also tell you about a few others, one who worked for a major International Bank who works directly with this criminal group. That alone has numerous Police Reports and I can tell you of who some of these criminals are! I met some at my Brother-in-law’s house!

    My friend, I can talk endlessly for days if not months about this. Also, there are many books published that discuss parts of this which I need to inform you some of it does cross with my life’s experience. Regarding crossing stories, please accept that my 26 years being married crosses with Gus Boulis/Abramoff affair, Gus’s Casino boats and his Sandwich business in Florida too. There’s a lot more about this. It also crosses with Chicago’s “Hired Truck Scandal”, O’Hare Scandal(s), Mayor Daley and more.

    In 1996, my ex-in-laws threatened me with a couple of things. At this time Bush Jr, was Governor and they talked about the State executions and told me that if I talked to anyone about this, I could very well find myself in a situation where I would be executed just like others in Texas. As it was explained to me, they controlled enough to make sure that I wouldn’t have any ability to defend myself. That is, if they wanted, they would set me up and through the corruption system I would find myself in the position where I could be executed. Looking back, I wonder how many people who were executed in Texas during that time were not guilty but knew too much as I do? The other threat was that “I was either with them, OR not!” I was told that eventually a BIG CHANGE was coming! If I wasn’t WITH them, I would end up being placed in a Prison. They said that many prisons were going to be placed around the US and I would find myself in one of them.

    What I was told over those years and what I choose to believe were two different things. After talking with other family members, some felt the same way. What I did believe came from what I could see and the story of Prisons never made it until after seeing what Bush and the Federal area is doing and seeing pictures on the internet showing a few already built Prisons. The report that came out of the European Group on Human Rights listing a number of countries colluding with the CIA should explain to everyone that something is seriously wrong! I feel they are using FEAR of Terrorists to make us accept a World Wide Prison Scheme. Don’t bet on it! Oh, there may be a few Terrorists but the major part of their plan is to change things around. This may seem far fetched at this point, but a while ago, the corruption issues also seemed far fetched too, did it not! Then you have the questionable wiretapping among other things that are too much to even include in this post. Remember, I’m only telling you of what I know after living in a family for more than 26 years who’s part of this.

    Hope this helps? If you have more questions please reply. I’ll talk about what I can but fear if names and dates and situations are stated, the webpage might disappear like before. Besides, if you don’t like what I have to say, you can ask Patti and a few others! I’ll post more as I can.

    Marty Didier
    Northbrook, IL

  • There are many things I want to add, however just in the last few days, someone downloaded destructive code into my computer. So I’m back using library systems again.

    Being in a family who laundered money for “The Worlds Largest Criminal System” gave me opportunities to learn many things that frankly, I really didn’t want to know. Knowing this has ended up being a huge problem for me.

    I’m most familiar with their interest to launder criminal money into property. I didn’t want to give the impression that property was their only interest though. Money laundering needs to be a clean method of washing criminal funds otherwise a trail will be left for the authorities to follow. We were treated royally special simply because we handled their money laundering. In came cash and out went developed property. There was a lot of talk within the family for a long time about concern of getting caught from tracing property ownership. My ex-wife’s family felt that dealing with anyone but the ‘Recorder of Deeds” department was best. They feared that other corruption might trace back to the Deeds department and more bad things would be found taking them down with it. This was also the reason why they didn’t (back in the early 90’s) launder for Rosemont Illinois and Inner Chicago Mob. Both who wined and dined the entire family including my wife and I. Rosemont as an example appeared too flashy for my ex-wife’s family to want to get involved in. Same principles with concern were applied with their decision with them as well. It is one way though of meeting colorful people! No laughing!

    One most interesting point my ex-wife’s family made was that ‘Everyone Was Involved”! They kept saying that often and added that if they tried to build their property development business without joining, the Criminal Organization would have stopped them and shut them down. Hence, as of today, they have a large business.

    But, everyone needs to know that Corporate America is heavily involved in this also. I mentioned earlier Banks as being involved, but many others are also involved. Hence, depending upon your position within this system, you could launder through one company or a group of companies, who are involved and might give you dividends from illegal stock purchases and more. This may look more like “Insider Corruption OR Relationship Corruption”. I just made up the term but it describes that because of your relationship, you enter into agreements with others within the criminal system that permit you to launder money. I’ve always felt that our relationship with the other groups, were like it was one big happy Country Club

    I do know about a part of the Gus Boulis Casino situation that hasn’t ever been mentioned. I’m concerned about saying something before it surfaces, however you need to realize that there is another half of his story that was never told. It involves what happened BEFORE he got into trouble and needed to sell his Casino business. This included a Secret Agreement between him and the District Federal Attorney! There are many questions and one of them is, “Why was the Agreement Secret”? Another part of this part is that my ex-wife’s family were jealous of Gus’s success and followed him as closely as they could through the criminal system. Hence, the Criminal System idolized Gus Boulis and felt he knew how to make money to where they had to have what he had. My Ex-wife’s family also considered buying his Casino Boat business but it was my ex-father-in-law who decided not to. I know what he said, but you need to realize that he’s a careful investor and follows a strict rule where he wants to keep himself low key. They felt that taking over Gus’s business make them too visual and encourage other problems. There’s more, that would be for another time. There’s another part of this too that links what REALLY has been happening in the Gulf Area with wide scale Political Corruption, MOB ties and much more. It’s part of the reason why The Mayor of New Orleans wasn’t able to have his Gambling Casino District right after Katrina, remember? It’s all tied together as they ALL ARE PART of the SAME CRIMINAL SYSTEM and these parts haven’t surfaced yet either! Maybe a bunch of them are trying to keep this from surfacing, but I know it’s there! This is important and I hope everyone is listening?

    If you have any questions, please ask.

    • Gus had to sell because you have to be an American citizen in order to own American flagged vessels and he wasn’t at the time. He concealed ownership and was caught. The deal was kept secret in order for Gus to get a fair price. The whole thing was a scam on both sides of the sale. Gus never intended to sell. He knew exactly what he was doing when he chose the buyers he did. Things changed and they all turned on each other and now he’s dead. It’s still his though...it’s right back in the hands of the same family members who ran it before the sale, during the sale and now after.

    • All of what you said has been in news reports and it’s great that you offer this, thanks. However, there was talk while at family gatherings which could add a few new twists to the story. I’m sure when the time comes that many certain people start talking, more of this will surface. What’s most interesting is there are always multiple sides to every story, however the one I got came from the criminal side. They had been watching Gus for many years and were very jealous of what he had accomplished and wanted what he had to a degree that was very obsessive. He was their King and every move he made they studied closely. I know weel since my ex-wifes family wanted me to copy his sandwich business here in Illinois. They wanted me to meet him and see his business and much more. I was told not to worry about investment money as they would provide. At one time, they explored with interest to buy into his Casino business. That’s where my part of the story surfaces.

      Just so everyone understands, I was in a criminal family for more than 26 years. During that time my experiences crossed with Gus Boulis and many others multiple times. I don’t make things up, I only explain what I know happened in hopes it helps straighten out what might be a mess into a truthful story. I don’t like being in this position but since I am, my intent is to offer what I know. If there’s something other fact, I’ll explain that it is so everyone knows what’s fact and what’s suspcion with what I say. I look forward to questions as it helps clarify what I say against what has already surfaced.

      Marty Didier
      Northbrook, IL

    • I just wrote a response but after finishing it disappeared. Will reply on this comment later.

      Marty Didier
      Northbrook, IL

    • Marty,

      What really gets to me is that Gus is portrayed as the victim instead of a willing participate/ mastermind of the whole deal. He did not deserve to die but he’s certainly not the honest, decent man they make him out to be. Maybe you can answer a few questions for me? How is it that a bank that is loaning millions of dollars for the sale just look the other way while pretending all the financing and terms were legit? It had fraud written all over it! Why weren’t Gus’ people (Ace, Joan etc) held responsible for fraud along with Jack and Adam? They were just as much a part of it, maybe even more, but walk away from this better off than they were coming into it. I have known Gus for a long time. I wish I could tell you what my connections are but I’m uncomfortable sharing that info right now. Besides, if you know him as well as you say you do, you may already know. I’d really appreciate any info you are willing to share. I have so many unanswered questions. His actions nearly destroyed everything my family has worked so hard for for so many years.

    • Whats the deal? The same thing just happened to me! I spent so much time writing a reply to you and now it’s gone!

    • Could it be that someone has something to hide? Yesterday while searching on "Freemason" I experienced problems with my editor and explorer. Seems like someone doesn’t like when I do certain things.

      I am considering posting some DETAIL, as requested, and will have something soon. Stay tuned.

      Marty Didier
      Northbrook, IL

    • 70.***.2.** said:
      “What really gets to me is that Gus is portrayed as the victim instead of a willing participate/ mastermind of the whole deal. He did not deserve to die but he’s certainly not the honest, decent man they make him out to be.“

      No doubt that Gus may have had his dirty side. I’m not going to comment on this part. However, my ex-wife’s family endlessly discussed Gus’s business for years as if they worshipped him. And we lived in the North side Chicago Burbs! As mentioned, their link was through their connections with a higher end criminal group linked with many others that I won’t talk about at this time. You’d be more than surprised to learn what this part is! Also, maybe I should talk about my ex-wife’s family’s FIRST murder and how that all happened? That might shed some light on a few other things? I know a great deal but am only going to talk about certain things at this time – sorry. (Isn’t this like you though?) Remember, my ex-wife’s family considered purchasing and/or going in with buying his Casino Boat Company. They’ve know about it for a very long time as I mentioned above.

      “Maybe you can answer a few questions for me? How is it that a bank that is loaning millions of dollars for the sale just look the other way while pretending all the financing and terms were legit? It had fraud written all over it!“

      This shouldn’t be confusing at all! I mentioned above, the Banks are involved in more than a few criminal activities, BIG TIME! Again, there are certain things I will talk about and won’t talk about at this time.

      “Why weren’t Gus’ people (Ace, Joan etc) held responsible for fraud along with Jack and Adam? They were just as much a part of it, maybe even more, but walk away from this better off than they were coming into it.”

      As I mentioned earlier, I feel more than strongly that there’s a whole half more of a story on Gus that hasn’t surfaced yet. There may be reasons at this time for that not to be pursued? My strong feelings come from more than a few things that happened and were told to me by my Ex-wife’s family all through those years they were obsessed with Gus. Believe me, he was a household name with them. The discussions were wildly heated and as always, they tackled his business with pencil and paper trying to determine his money flow. That of course, surface what they knew about how business was run in the Golf Area. And it specifically identified other issues regarding MOB, Political Corruption including links through the Feds all the way to the top! In the end as I mentioned, my ex-wife’s father said “no” that he didn’t want to be part of something so visual as that would entertain other problems. So it looked to not a matter of making money as that was what they wanted, but more of a matter of dealing with all the other corruption problems trying to get Gus also. One thing Gus was good at and that was making money. He proved it more than a few times and that alone set him aside from others. It also placed him on a pedestal where even the MOB and “The World’s Largest Criminal System” worshiped him.

      “I have known Gus for a long time. I wish I could tell you what my connections are but I’m uncomfortable sharing that info right now. Besides, if you know him as well as you say you do, you may already know. I’d really appreciate any info you are willing to share. I have so many unanswered questions. His actions nearly destroyed everything my family has worked so hard for for so many years.”

      If I felt comfortable enough I would tell you more, but as you feel uncomfortable, I do as well. Gus’s situation through Abramoff right now presents an interesting problem to many others as you can see in the news. My life’s experience crosses with many others, also in the news too so I tend to be selective with what I say and when I say it.

      I’m sorry to hear about your family, mine personally is totally destroyed and I’m trying to help it come back together. However, my friend Patti’s family also is a mess and she is a witness to another murder. Her son-in-law and her will both testify in court that it was murder. Someone ought to look into her divorce over all those years as in black and white there is a big story that leads to the murder too. Plus during the time he was being setup to die, I was being seduced into the same trap. Luckily at that time, I knew about that Hospital being one of the “Killing Machines” and although I needed the work was very careful to not let myself get trapped. They kept coming after me but I managed to steer a straight and secure path. My business doesn’t do work for Hospitals and I never did and can’t. However, their plan wasn’t about me doing work but more in setting me up as once they got me in that hospital I would end up a goner as Richard did! Who did it is an interesting question as both of us have more than a few suspects and possibly it could very well be all of them too.

      Anyway, I’ll entertain more questions if you have them. Just respect that like yourself, I am limiting myself with what I will talk about at this time. But be assured that I do know a great deal as I was smack dab in the middle of something huge. The trouble is, I walk about with the knowledge of enough murders that places the count in the double digit range. And all were assumed to be accidents! That’s how they operate, so be careful!

      I have this link and will continue to check over the coming days.

      Also remember that this whole thing also relates to the UK and other countries too. I know more about the UK but choose to keep that quiet for now.

      A week ago someone blew up my laptop. Yesterday, someone blew up my floppy disk trying to stop me. Then later, they screwed up my Word editor by freezing it and I was forced to use Notepad. They have been deleting all the WordPad editors to force me to use Word because they program added code to allow them to watch me. Something almost every day now has been happening. So again, be careful!

      Marty Didier
      Northbrook, IL

    • What about his casino business partners? Where do they fit in all of this? Do you know?

    • I guess Spiro is picking up where Gus left off...Huh? Did you see what hit the papers today?

    • Last year as all of this surfaced, I grabbed a time-line article and inserted all of my dates along with Patti’s dates. That’s when I formulated my opinion. However, now this whole matter has grown into something much larger. Hence I’m not going to comment on this at this time, sorry. But I am going to modify my comment of being somewhat set in my opinion, to being absolutely FIRM. As to your other questions, sorry I don’t feel the internet is a good place for discussions of this issue, now anyway.

      Marty Didier

    • I’d like more information on Gus’s activities during 1996, if anyone has it. It’s during this time that some of my important information focuses regarding the family and thier obsessive intent to purchase Gus’s Casino business. Seems way "out of place" since he wasn’t approached until 1998 by the Feds to sell? I may have answers! There was talk also about who might be the new owners too but it was in a planning stage and there were more than many questions to be answered first. Funny, as this was in 1996! I’ll keep checking this webpage.

    • Through an FBI-documented confidential informant, FDLE discovered that Boulis was using the Mafia to protect and expand his gambling operation. The confidential source told FDLE that Boulis "was very friendly" with two men named Huey Steinhart and Joseph Defazzio. The FDLE report indicates that Steinhart was a known bookmaker and gambler, while Defazzio was an associate member of the Bonanno crime family.

      Law enforcement also discovered that Boulis tried to leverage his Mob connections to expand Sun Cruz into New York State. He had no such luck. He "met with opposition from traditional organized crime members there," FDLE states.

      "Boulis went back to Florida with his tail between his legs," the confidential source told FDLE.

  • I’m a British journalist who came across Bella Ciao for the first time while digging facts about the arrest of Alex Jones, whom I had never heard of either, to report it to colleagues here in the UK, to spread a bit of awareness and perhaps arouse a little solidarity, who knows?.

    I’m amazed at some of the contributions. Who are these sad characters who have to bring their festering anti-semitism into every discussion? I have the impression they are regulars, rehearsing their childish arguments for the millionth time. You say you erase xenopobic messages, so why do you put them up? Or are you a racist too? And why allow them anonymity?

    Rupert Murdoch - they can’t even spell names right! - is not Jewish (nor am I). If some of the the Bilderberg criminals happen to be (and I’ve no idea) their ethnicity is not their crime. The distinction between anti-semitism and anti-zionism is so obvious to any intelligent person - why waste time and space on it?

    Tim Gopsill

  • I want to clarify something that may have been mistated. My Ex-wife’s father’s intention NOT to get involved in the purchase of Gus’s Casino Boats wasn’t ever explained to me. I assumed the answer after being told they weren’t going forward with the purchase. To me, it was a simple answer based up on how they approach doing business. From how long their discussions went, I"m sure they exhausted every question since this was very important to them.

    Marty Didier
    Northbrook, IL

  • I’m more than surprised with how important this part is. When my curiosity got the better of me last year, I was also in the middle of other issues too. But I knew this was important however it’s possible my denial got the better of me to steer me in another direction, until now. I’m sure it was always a known fact but had to surface to make it real!

    Also, comparing when this happened, this incident really didn’t happen as long ago as some of the other incidents. Thus, I should have a better recall and as more detail is made known, I should have more to offer. I recognize the need for accuracy and having integrity. So I’m careful with wanting to say that which is true.

    Along with this are a resurfacing of emotions. I put them away and then I have to look at them again. That along with my son and two daughters only adds more anguish to deal with. However, going through this does tend to strengthen my position and seem more clearly what the past was all about. I’m probably at a different place now with dealing with all of this. The ongoing need for answers seems to be approaching an ending for me with the Gus story. It also seems threaded with a few things with my ex-wife and her relationships with her father and then how it affected me too. That was a reallly crazy time life couldn’t have been more insane.

    One thing that’s clear is when you’re way in over your head, maybe that’s the time you need to somehow get out. But committing murder isn’t a business deal and once you’ve crossed that line, you’re in until you die. They should never have gone in that direction and it’s sad that at the time I was young and too new in the family to have been able to stop them. I often feel badly about that as to me then they appeared to be warm family type people. Little did I know, huh?

    Another point to this is WHY the first murder happened! From some conversations it appeared the FDIC was corrupt and in bed with the MOB which caused the so called “loan” to happen that caused the bank to fail. That part was always fuzzy but there were a few conversations on that. Sad that the Bank President was blamed and that is why I have always felt they were seduced from the start!

    This whole group is insane and anyone who associates with them will have their own world go insane as well.

  • I am the author of the book, "Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families and Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics and Terror Network". The book is now in its 2nd Edition and is available from Global Ingights Publishers at www.nohoax.com or by calling 1-800-729-4131. Also, see TV interview at www.outtheretv.com Episode #259 with Dean Henderson. That’s me.