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Republicans and the "Rule of Law"

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 9 July 2006

Wars and conflicts Parties USA

Have you ever noticed the rank hypocrisy of the Republican Party when they drag out their old standard "We must have respect for the Rule of Law"?

What respect? What are they talking about?

To wit:

They love putting criminals to death (Bush did it 131 times) without seriously considering the possibility of innocence.

Many of their followers bomb or burn abortion clinics or murder doctors in the name of "life", despite the gross illegality of such actions. And the GOP says nothing!

We invade Iraq (and others) illegaly, which is a direct violation of international law.

We have used cluster bombs and white phosphor to kill "insurgents" (and plenty of innocents), again in violation of all laws, local and international. We’ve also used land mines.

We have bombed schools, hospitals, mosques, water and electric systems, and declared sanctions...all against the Geneva Conventions and international LAW.

When Republican stand up to complain against some "injustice" in the US, it’s always about some relatively trivial act like flag burning or cable rates or social services paid to illegal farm workers, but WHEN...if ever...did you hear them stand up and rail against murder, US torture and Gonzales’ policies? WHEN did you hear about the injustice and criminal actions we’ve taken abroad in Afghanistan and Iraq, bombing and killing countless thousands of innocents?
AND...do you ever hear them complain about rendering prisoners to hardline foreign governments where they "may" be tortured?

Not a word. I thought that’s what you’d say!

Often, some Republican can be heard to say on a Sunday morning TV show or in an interview: "You commit a crime and you’ve got to pay the price...that’s the essence of the Rule of Law"...but when one of theirs (DeLay, Cunningham, Abramoff,Reed,Kerik,Libby,etc.) breaks the law and is indicted and/or arrested, not only do they NOT stand and join in victim’s outrage,no...they actually stand up and DEFEND their pals, and find a million talking points to shove at Limbaugh or O’Reilly or Hannity (Right wing radio personalities)...and before you know it the accusers become the guilty parties!

Lies are OK, deception is OK, borderline criminality is OK, violating the Geneva Accords is OK, rigging elections is OK.

Riddle me this: What ISN’T "OK"?