Home > Defiant Bush Declares War On His Own Party’s Senators

Defiant Bush Declares War On His Own Party’s Senators

by Open-Publishing - Saturday 16 September 2006

Parties Prison Governments USA


Defiant Bush Declares War On His Own Party’s Senators
Bush Leagues
September 16, 2006 5:40 AM

An obviously-angry President George W. Bush declared war on Senators from his own party Friday after a Republican revolt in the Senate threatened tough anti-terror legislation taht would allow torture of prisoners.
A defiant Bush rejected warnings that the United States had lost the high moral ground to adversaries.

"It’s flawed logic," he snapped.

Bush is trying to rush his legislation through Congress, hoping a hyped sense of urgency will work as it did with the Constitution-defying USA Patriot Act that lawmakers passed without reading in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks.

"Time’s running out" for the legislation, he warned, with Congress set to adjourn in a few weeks.

The bitter president called a Rose Garden news conference to confront a Republican rebellion led by Sens. John Warner of Virginia, John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Susan Collins of Maine.

To the administration’s dismay, Colin Powell, Bush’s former secretary of state, has joined with the lawmakers. Powell said Bush’s plan to redefine the Geneva Conventions would cause the world "to doubt the moral basis" of the fight against terror and "put our own troops at risk."

Seven weeks before the November elections, the dispute left Republicans fighting among themselves - rather than with Democrats - about national security issues that have been a winning theme for the GOP in past elections.

Responding to Bush, McCain rejected the president’s assertion that an alternative bill approved by the Senate Armed Services Committee dealing with the trial and interrogation of terror suspects would require the closure of the CIA’s detainee program.

McCain said the measure would protect agents from criminal and civil liability and, by not reinterpreting the meaning of the Geneva Conventions, uphold the nation’s obligations.

"To do any less risks our reputation, our moral standing and the lives of those Americans who risk everything to defend our country," the senator said.

Democrats were eager to point out the GOP disarray.

"When conservative military men like John McCain, John Warner, Lindsey Graham and Colin Powell stand up to the president, it shows how wrong and isolated the White House is," said Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. "These military men are telling the president that in the war on terror you need to be both strong and smart, and it is about time he heeded their admonitions."

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said, "Instead of picking fights with Colin Powell, John McCain and other military experts, President Bush should change course, do what the American people expect, and finally give them the real security they deserve."

Warner, a former Navy secretary, is chairman of the Armed Services Committee. McCain is a former Navy pilot who spent more than five years in enemy captivity during the Vietnam War. Graham is a former Air Force Reserve judge. Powell, a retired general, is a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

On another major national security issue, Bush said he was disappointed that the number of U.S. troops in Iraq was climbing rather than falling. He said hopes for troop withdrawals were dashed by a spike in violence in Baghdad, where in just the past two days more than 130 people were killed in attacks or tortured and dumped in rivers and on city streets.

"Look, we all want the troops to come home as quickly as possible," the president said. Polls show the war is unpopular among Americans, and Republicans worry it could cost them votes. He said he would base troop levels on the recommendations of his top commanders, Gen. William Casey and John Abizaid, and said he had great confidence in both men.

Bush took vehement exception when asked about Powell’s assertion that the world might doubt the moral basis of the fight against terror if lawmakers went along with the administration’s proposal to come up with a U.S. interpretation of the Geneva Convention’s ban on "outrages upon personal dignity."

"If there’s any comparison between the compassion and decency of the American people and the terrorist tactics of extremists, it’s flawed logic," Bush said. "It’s just - I simply can’t accept that."

Growing animated, he said, "It’s unacceptable to think that there’s any kind of comparison between the behavior of the United States of America and the action of Islamic extremists who kill innocent women and children to achieve an objective."

Bush said the Geneva Convention’s ban was "very vague" and required clarification. "What does that mean, ’outrages upon human dignity?’ That’s a statement that is wide open to interpretation."

He said that unless Congress acts, the CIA will end its program of tough interrogation methods that the administration says has prevented attacks.

"So Congress has got a decision to make," Bush said. "You want the program to go forward or not? I strongly recommend that this program go forward in order for us to be able to protect America."

On another anti-terror matter, with Osama bin Laden still at large five years after the 9/11 attacks, Bush said he could not send thousands of troops into Pakistan to search without an invitation from the government. "Pakistan’s a sovereign nation," Bush said.

At the same time, Bush expressed frustration that the United Nations had not sent peacekeepers to stop the misery in the Darfur region of Sudan. "What you’ll hear is, well, the government of Sudan must invite the United Nations in for us to act. Well, there are other alternatives, like passing a resolution saying, we’re coming in with a U.N. force, in order to save lives."

(The Associated Press contributed parts of this story).

Forum posts

  • Torture in any form is not a means to extract information. One would wonder why the US is withdrawing from International treaties, accords that the rest of the world abide by. Like the Nazis/Sadam and many others, who used many forms of torture, such as dunking a persons head under water until near death, while their hands are tied behind their backs is a clear form of torture and maybe should be used by the enemies of Israel and America on US or Islareali soldiers that are captured...... I wonder if the lame duck president understands any of this or is his past alcoholic practices burnt so many brain cells that he can’t visualize what he wants is just not cosher.

  • Doesn’t surprise me, he’ll start a war with anyone and any country he can.

  • This is nothing than a big P.R. action. McCain an the other rebells don’t repell the idea of court martials without showing the "evidence" (big secret: they don’t have any evidence).
    And the remarks that women presence in interrogation is degrading is pretty revealing, do you think that any human being - and muslims are no exception - would prefer not to be water boarded instead. Crap and more American crap - this society is sick.

  • does Bush think of ANYTHING but war?
    his entire presidency is "flawed logic"....it is a tragic chapter in our country’s history, one that is unfortunately not over yet. I only pray that they will find a brain tumor in both Bush and his henchman Chaney before he starts another war against the "evil doers". It is a sad time for America, but I believe we will rebound. Our constition and our people are stronger than one individual, no matter how wicked , evil and rich that individual may be.
    I think the willingness of the republican senators to FINALLY have the balls to stand up and point out this insanity is in itself a good sign, even if it is simply for votes in November.
    Bush has undone himself. His insanity, paranoia and evil mind have been apparent to the rest of the world for a long time, i think the moronic 54 million that voted for him, are slowly starting to smell the coffee...or the gas....as in prices...whatever - it all stinks.

  • These a**hole cowards are NOT defiant! If they were truely defiant, they’d be at the head of a movement to IMPEACH that SOB! They have been going along with everything bush has been doing since 9/11. The one and ONLY reason they’ve rediscovered their so-called consciences is because they’re terrified they will lose in Nov.


    • Whle I am very excited to see defiance in the republican party and the democratic party over the use of torture, we do need to come to the reality that our politicians have failed us. The democrats have showed they will bow to anyone, even a facist, the republicans have done the same. We need politicians that put people first, not concerns over their re-election status. We need politicians that are willing not to be bullied and bought out, and as we know there are few on both party lines that could really say their power base is from the people and not some corporation or extremist christian group seeking to inject racist homophobis hate into our public school curriculims. when election time comes i think we should all consider who to elect, not by party lines, or who looks good five weeks before voting, but who actually has the well being of the world on their minds. we need to have our country safe, but when bush says they is a big difference between the US and those who kill innocent women and children, this is in the eyes of a state sponsored terrorist, who doesn’t understand that blowing yourself up at a checkpoint or dropping a bomb high from the sky has the same psychological impact on those who become victims of the violence.

  • I cant beleive that after 9/11 we have so many people doubting the correct actions of our president who has set correct policies that have prevented future attacks on our country,If only they would spend more time supporting him rather than calling him names we could defeat the enemy and bring peace so our grand children wont have to fight this war as a retired vietnam military soldier I can see the same non support for our commander and chief as then, I guess another 9-11 will have to happen for our nation to wake up, I wonder if the people that are against our president had children in Iraq as soldiers and there loved ones head was cut off if they would still have the same feelings to give these terroists geneva convention rights do the right thing and support our president he is not the enemy he is doing the right thing

    • You’re having us on, right?!

    • surely u r joking??

      please TELL me, who IS the "ememy"???

      u r misguided if u think that Bush has done anything positive for our great country..
      he has caused death, pain and made aalot of extra money.

      you are very very misguided.
      how can u say tht he has done ANYTHING to "protect" the US??

      the one individual responsible for 9/11 is not and has never even been a priority for this madman in the White House. He has invented an "etrenal" ongoing war, one tht cannot have a conclusion, so that he and his wr mongering , money grabbing henchman can continue to rape the US and the rest of the world.

      Get a life for God’s sake!

    • Sorry pal but you should drop the scales from your eyes. Your President should not be "supported" no matter what. He is torturing. Waterboarding is torture. Torture is illegal and immoral. If you behave as badly as your enemies then you are no better than they are.

      Your grandchildren? If you listen to the people on this thread you will see that America can be safe again, but not by war, by negotiating and withdrawing from all the countries you occupy. You can be safe by hammering Israel until they make a just settlement with the Palestinians.

      I can tell you that not one American would have been killed in Vietnam if there were no Americans there. How many Americans were killed by the Vietnamese before you invaded their country? None. How many Americans were killed by Iraqis prior to your invasion?

      How many Iraqis have been killed by US sanctions and then the invasion? At least 600,000. It’s true. Why did you do that? Why? You tell us?

      Your President has lied, is lying and will lie to you in the future, yet you are so blinded by patriotism, jingoism and fear you cannot see it. America is bankrupt, it has no money, your industry has been shipped offshore by the oligarchy that actually rules your country. America is now the most hated country in the world bar none. Your President did that.

      And you say support the President. This is far too simplistic approach. Wake up pal, your country is going down the toilet. Bush did it. Bush. Your President, you remember, the guy you say you should support no matter what.

      What the hell does 911 have to do with it? The Taliban never attacked America, Iraq never attacked America, 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals. Saudi. Not Iraqi. Please think about this. It is imporatant. America will be attacked again, of course it will, you are killing people all over the world. This makes people mad.


    • I guess you have not be made aware of the idea that 9-11 was an inside job, proven by so many groups that it is ashame to even use the lives of 19 25 years olds to continue to perpetuate the farce. If you will look at the history of the Nazi’s and how they used communism to facilitate their wishes and plans for world domination, it is clear that the very members of the Nazis clan have grand children in the upper rungs of the U.S. Government, spewing the same type of false rethoric to the world.

      I really feel sorry for you that you have not taken time to do your own research and stop believing what comes out of Washington and it’s Fox influence media! These are the same people that set up governments all around the world, have stolen Amercian Elections, local, State and National and now want to rule the world.

      Had Nixon not moved the U.S. to the Oil standard versus the Gold Standard we would not be in the boat that we are in.

      As soon as Hussain decided to sell his oil in PetroEuros vs. PetroDollars, GW and his puppeteers were gangbusters because he was going to hit them where it hurts (in the pocket of all the OIL GIANTS of AMERICA) and this is how it goes. If the U.S. continues to broker oil using the dollar as the currency, every one globally has to buy dollars to buy oil (artificially keep dollars strong). Once OPEC collectively decides to honor a different currency the dollar loses value so when Suddam started letting the French and Germans buy oil in Eurodollars the Bush crew knew that their goose was being plucked and getting prepared to be cook, so, we contrive a plot to draw Iraq in to a war so we could invade it and stop this renagade dictator which GHW so happened to put in office in the first place. Now what do we have here, a great plot and reason to go to war, only problem is Iraq never had WMD and never was involved in WMDS, if they did they would have used them on the invasion. Ya Think?

      If the PetroEuro becomes the currency for buying and selling oil, where does that leave the U.S. economy. Spiraling in to the abyss, never to return because we have no standard upon which to base our currency. In other words our dollars are like scott tissue "not worth the ink that they are printed on.

      Now you have Iran threatening to do the same and proposing to put there economy on a nuclear energy basis so they will never be totally dependent on oil foreign or domestic.

      Now that’s polysci 101! and the ingredients for the NEW WORLD ORDER

  • To the poster who is defending Bush and his ridiculous reign of terror, let me start by saying I AM a Soldier who has spent time overseas for this farce known as "The War on Terrorism", and I feel Bush is a disgrace to ALL Americans!! He wants our great nation to stoop to the level of the very terrorists my fellow Soldiers are trying to stop!! What kind of logic is that. Since 9-11 our borders have NOT been made safer, we have taken over a sovereign country based on lies, and we have alienated the majority of our allies. WE ARE BECOMING THE TERRORISTS!! Take YOUR blinders off, and realize that just because he is president it doesn’t make him right!!

    • As Another Viet Vet please put my name with your’s in the fight aganist our radical racist president!

    • America WAKE UP YOUR HOUR OF TRUTH IS COMING! When the Bush/Cheney/Clinton/Neo-CON/Rockefeller/CFR MAFIA attack America once more in the Bigger badder version of 9-11 part two WHAT WILL YOU DO??? Where the HELL is our "intelligence" community the ones who are supposedly there to "protect us"??? SOLD OUT!?!?!?! Is there noone left to defend The Republic?!?! American CITIZENS it’s now up to you (as it REALLY always has been). The Final WAR OF AMRAGEDDON is coming and it will simply be those who REALLY value TRUE FREEDOM on one side versus thos who value FALSE dictatorship on the other. YOU are WITH the constitution or against it. YOU value TRUE FREEDOM or you hate it!!!! THERE IS NO MIDDLE way left!!! Choose you this day who you will serve and stand firm! LOng LIVE THE REPUBLIC!!!!!!!

  • We didn’t get an invitation to Iraq, so whats the difference?
    It"s all about the money and the greed of the United States governmental leaders’

  • It would make sense that one could use torture as a method to thwart terrorists plans that could result in the death of one or more innocent victims. These liberals are so blinded and sickened, that they cannot see this war as nothing more than an elaborate fantasy. As the previous...um...gentleman wrote before me "clear form of torture and maybe should be used by the enemies of Israel and America on US or Islareali soldiers that are captured" It makes one wonder if the moron ever saw or even heard of the videos showing filthy muslim extremists scream allah akbar in an orgasmic frenzy while severing the head of innocent victims. I suppose people like this need to lose a loved one to such "Cosher" tactic before they can grasp the reality of this dirty war. These people have nothing to lose. They commit egregious acts of horror on innocents on a daily basis...as I write this, yet another christian church is burning to the ground over one man’s opinion. Fire is best fought with fire. If a man comes to burn down your mother’s house, is best to burn down his mother’shouse first. WAKE UP! Apeasement to these blood thirsty savages will not weaken their stranglehold on the free western world, you liberals never disguss in disgust, the psychotic tactics used with extreme impunity by these islamic fascists who threaten stability at all corners of the earth. Like many have said...You just don’t get it. In this case, the lion WILL eat you first, so keep trying to feed them...

    • The Background:

      The September 11 never happened.

      Do you know more than thousands of structural engineers and scientists have said that these buildings cannot fall with an airline attack.

      The WTC was build like a strong mosquito net, with highly reinforced Steel Columns, so a plane cannot bring one down and bringing three buildings is a big joke. Building 7 no way possible, Texas hillybillies with Fox news education,may believe it.

      NORAD is helpless, Bush’c cousin head of WTC security resigned on September 10, Silverstein said they pulled building 7, pulling a building takes months of preparation.Even now do you guys trust Bush,Cheny and Fox news.

      Bush and Cheny took us to Iraq:

      Iraq has no role in anything. Bush and Cheney fooled the americans into using the WTC attack as a plan to attack IRAQ and killed more 50,000 civilians, women and children. Bush crossed his line, setting up secret prisions both within and outside the country including cuba.

      Now this is a war crime, and bush is shitting in his pants now to get away from it, by trying to modify geneva convention. Saddam is in prison for gassing 140 civilians, Bush has 50,000 civilan blood in his hands now.

      Poor young americans with dreams for a bright future are sacrificed in the iraq war.

      How to protect Americans?

      Terrorism is an ideology. It cannot be conquered by bombs and losing the high moral ground.

      Get away from Israel is the answer and try recognizing sovereign nations throughout the world and build good diplomatic relations with them. This way we can control terrorists from being exported from these countries. There is no axis of evil, it some political writer’s fantasy.Every sovereign nation has ambitions and hope, a super power should not crumble it.

      A good example, what we are doing with Pakisthan,by building a relationship,you control terrorist export. By bombing you create a vacuum for more terrorists, and we will lose the moral ground.

      A Super power without high moral ground will seem arrogant to the world and dig its own grave.

      Remember Rome?

    • I see how this works now, If an American drunk driver runs over a child (which happens on a daily basis) then the person who’s child was run over, has every right to run over the child of the person who commited the act to begin with. I can certainly appreciate this logic considering that I grew up in a ghetto neighborhood in Chicago where gang violence is met with the exact same type of retaliation these "Bush Lovers" would like us to commit as a nation.

      I’m sure these are the same morons who believe an eye for eye was something that God actually mandated through the bible. What happened on 9/11 was a horrible experience for all Americans and Mr. Bush decided to use what happened as an excuse to further his and his father’s agenda. I still can’t believe that people defend this idiot when consdering all the "retaliation for 9/11" that has been happening hasn’t even come close to capturing the culprit that was actually responsible for this atrocity.

      People scream about liberal this or right wing that when it all comes down to the fact that the American public on both ends prefer to hide behind the bull crap of political parties. They prefer to be sheep. Don’t try to use the fact that people have died fighting this unjust war as an excuse to commit acts that are just as unjust. I, as many others do, have relatives who joined the military after the 9/11 incident because they thought they were doing the right thing; they thought we were going to war with the enemy that dealt that blow. Instead, we went into a country that although deserved to be relieved of Saddam, was not involved in the 9/11 incident and we allowed the person who should have been caught to get away scott free. After all this time I’m sure that most are aware that the only reason this happened was because Mr. Bush was in bed the the Bin Ladin family.

      If we’re going to continue (notice I didn’t say start) torturing people just to get information out of them, then we have no reason to complain that people are doing it to Americans. In fact this type of lawlessness should spread to all Americans and we should go running around all willy nilly dealing blows of arrogant justice to all who cross us in any way. I find it very convenient for Mr. Bush to all of a sudden state that the Geneva convention is vague after it was discovered that he had secret prisons. It was not vague when it was created and it has not been vague over these many decades. We are supposed to be leaders of the free world not seeking world dominion but to be there to lead by example. When that way of life returns perhaps we’ll be redeemed again as a democratic nation and not a facist/capitalist one.

    • u r crazy.

      just who is this ENEMY that u r so afraid of??
      anyone anad everyone that would disgree or do violence against the US?
      dont you realize that under THAT criteria the US would always have been and always will be in a constant state of "war"???
      Surely you cnt believe that??

      how many of these ENEMY do u believe need to be killed before the "war on terror" is won?

      cant you see the futility of that line of thinking??

      there have ALWAY been terrorists, there have always been extremists.
      President McKinley ( you may need to look it up to find out who he was) was assasinated by an extremist, anarchist, who was certainly a "terrorist". But one does not plunge our country into a a constant and hopeless state of military war, in order to maintain power and instill fear in one’s own people.
      I cant believe that after 6 years of raping of this country by Bush and his cronies, that there are STILL people like you out there. By the way, r u enjoying paying the extra money for gas? Mr’ Bush is sure happy you are.

    • Whether so called "terrorists" use knives to severe the heads of there persecutors or whether U.S./Israeli terrorists use 500 pound bombs to blow the heads off of innocent women and kids I see little difference in the end result which is death, simply a matter of technique. Let’s not forget though that Iraqi’s have a Right and a Duty to try and defend THEIR homeland from invaders who are there to murder and poison their people just so they can steal their land and resources. Americans would no doubt do the same if we were invaded by an occupying force out to murder our families and steal our resources. The simple FACT is the Bush/Cheney Globalist MONSTERS don’t care WHO they kill including THEIR OWN PEOPLE simply to get THEIR way and as a result they are dragging America down the LOW ROAD from which it is going to take every Americans effort to stop the insanity if The Republic has ANY chance of surviving.