Home > Did Hugo Chavez Speak Truth Or Lies?

Did Hugo Chavez Speak Truth Or Lies?

by Open-Publishing - Friday 22 September 2006

Governments South/Latin America Peter Fredson

Did Hugo Chavez Speak Truth Or Lies?


By Peter Fredson

September 22, 2006

The President of Venezuela addressed the U.N. Assembly this week. His unkind references to the President of the United States, George W. Bush, made many people uncomfortable, electing a huge variety of boorish, loutish, obscene, and uncomplimentary remarks.

I have examined the Chavez speech in detail, and find that much of what was criticized was actually warranted. If we leave out the jingoistic and nationalistic sentimental fervor of “true” Americans to some statements, the rest is all fairly well documented.

Let’s examine some quotes from President Chavez and see if they are factual or erroneous.

“The hegemonic pretensions of the American empire are placing at risk the very survival of the human species. We continue to warn you about this danger and we appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt this threat, which is like I think that the first people who should read this book are our brothers and sisters in the United States, because their threat is right in their own house.”

I have said much the same in my blogs. We are at the mercy of a cabal of neocon thugs that have taken over our country and turned it into a semi-fascist theocratic corporation. They have usurped all governmental institutions and instruments, for personal profit and glory. They have involved us in a bloody, unnecessary and costly war through stealth, lies, deceit, secrecy and aggressive actions according to preconceived conspiratorial actions.

“The devil is right at home. The devil, the devil himself, is right in the house. A sword hanging over our heads.”

“Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the president of the United States, the gentleman to whom I refer as the devil, came here, talking as if he owned the world. Truly. As the owner of the world”

As I look back at my archive of bloggers I see that many would share this sentiment, although without using the religious rhetoric. Bush started this crap with his “Axis of Evil”, with his “God told me to do it,” and with his “Bring ’em on” swagger and bluster. George, Dick, Rove, and Rice all are ultra-aggressive chicken-hawks who are willing to give your lives for their bank accounts. Bush is NO messiah, not even close.

“I think we could call a psychiatrist to analyze yesterday’s statement made by the president of the United States. As the spokesman of imperialism, he (Bush) came to share his nostrums, to try to preserve the current pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage of the peoples of the world.”

Everyone knows that, as elections get closer, the Bush apparatus will use every trick, every dirty device, and every smear tactic, to remain in power. They do not intend to relax their hold on smaller nations, but intend to continue for world domination. That is documented.

“The American empire is doing all it can to consolidate its system of domination. And we cannot allow them to do that. We cannot allow world dictatorship to be consolidated.”

Bush wants army bases all over the world to be able to crush any hint of dissent by utmost violence. Bush tries to control all the media, using whatever means are necessary to avoid criticism.

“The world parent’s statement — cynical, hypocritical, full of this imperial hypocrisy from the need they have to control everything.” Does any reasonable person dispute this claim? Is it not factual? Bush wants total control of media, of expression, of economy, of environment, of Congress, and of the courts.

“It’s the false democracy of elites, and, I would say, a very original democracy that’s imposed by weapons and bombs and firing weapons
What type of democracy do you impose with marines and bombs?”

Bush has no idea of the meaning of Democracy, Freedom, or Sovereignty. He makes a mockery of our utmost values. Imagine a soldier who just shot someone through the head, winning “hearts and minds” by giving the orphans some chewing gum or a chocolate bar? Does a sovereign nation harbor an occupying army with weapons at the ready? Is death and destruction a synonym for Freedom?

“The president of the United States, yesterday, said to us, right here, in this room, and I’m quoting, "Anywhere you look, you hear extremists telling you can escape from poverty and recover your dignity through violence, terror and martyrdom."

“Wherever he looks, he sees extremists. And you, my brother — he looks at your color, and he says, oh, there’s an extremist. Evo Morales, the worthy president of Bolivia, looks like an extremist to him.”
Bush sees terrorists under every bed, in every closet, in every critic. For him and Cheney treachery is everywhere that they are criticized. Bush detests minorities and poor people, thinking they are cursed by his God for some 2,000 year-old sin.

“The imperialists see extremists everywhere. It’s not that we are extremists. It’s that the world is waking up. It’s waking up all over. And people are standing up.”

There were NO organized terrorists in Iraq before Bush decided to sucker our Congress and invade Iraq with his villainous “Shock and Awe.” Bush has killed more than ten times as many Iraqis as the Al Qaeda group killed in the Twin Towers, but still he is not satisfied with Muslim blood. He is not satisfied with oil, with bases, with huge embassies, with his tanks and missiles striking anywhere in the world. He has no compunction against invading friendly nations to accomplish ill-gotten and immoral gain. His ego knows no bounds, he wants the world with his fence around it.

“We are rising up against the empire, against the model of domination.”

What’s wrong with that statement? I have seen a hundred blogs accusing Bush of imperial pretensions and preemptive aggression.

“But the government doesn’t want peace. The government of the United States doesn’t want peace. It wants to exploit its system of exploitation, of pillage, of hegemony through war.”

Bush doesn’t really want to leave Iraq. As long as he stays there he remains as a War President, above our laws, with contempt for our Constitution. Once he leaves, his only recourse is to go back to cutting brush and coupons, if not to face some sort of impeachment or court for gross contempt of laws and war crimes.

“It wants peace. But what’s happening in Iraq? What happened in Lebanon? In Palestine? What’s happening? What’s happened over the last 100 years in Latin America and in the world? And now threatening Venezuela — new threats against Venezuela, against Iran?”

The same questions have been asked countless times in our blogs, without a single satisfactory answer from the Bush cabal. On the other hand he never has answered Cindy Sheehan either. Ah, well.


Forum posts

  • Chavez should practice at home what he preaches abroad. He’s a hyoprite of the worst kind. Do as I say and NOT as I do!

    • It’s extremely disconcerting that serious global issues couldn’t be settled by pie throwing contests, pissing matches, or, in the case of Chavez and Bush - a duel at 20 paces. Bush is a fool to be sure and more and more people love to hate him, in this case through the eyes of a South American leader two shades away from being a 50s style dictator preaching under the banner of socialism and Christianity - an odd admixture combining the Church and the proleteriat. Marx, no doubt, is turning over in his grave.

      For those recommending the writer needs professional help or that anyone believing America is wrongfully pursuing its foreign policy is an asshole, then, please tell us, What about the people who believe Bush and America are justifiable in prosecuting their criminality? What sort of category do your warped beliefs put you under? Do the world a favor, put the Neocon Kool Aid down, roll the flag back up and make a New Year’s resolution to find out what’s really going on in the world. The choice, contrary to your limited perspectives, isn’t between those nasty third world societies or America; the ideal is that America can reach its full potential so that it can lift those countries up instead of bombing them into oblivion for the sake of "democracy." But it will never do that operating in accordance to this administration’s wicked intentions.

      That being said, it’s sort of pathetic to see the left jump on so many Anti bandwagons that seem to promise even a scintilla of redemption, like Chavez, Ahmadinejad, and last but not least, Stephen Colbert. It’s more a sign of impotence than affirmation, desperation rather than meaningful activism. It’s not much difference than screaming at the top of your lungs when the opposing quarterback just got creamed. What did it really mean to you in the big picture? Really? We’re keyboard jockeys clicking mouses, scrolling copy and taking small victories whenever we see Bush take a beating, from virtually anyone in the world. If this were ’39, you can bet there’d be an entire peanut gallery taking joy in that new German leader, Hitler, mocking Bush if he had been president way back when.

      Unforunately, these humiliating outbursts only make it more difficult for Americans to make their way around the world. And that’s a pity, for if America had its act together it would have much to offer the rest of the world. And that’s now more difficult for the world to believe than before W.

    • ...your opinion represents American "values". We have enough from Lex Americana. People in Europe are now after their governments which are in favour of dictator Bush. To obvious what you are trying to do. Stay home little Ami, stay home in your prison and we won’t even export our goods to you, because we don’t want our industries end up in China.

      An American, Israelian and Britain free UN. All treaties should become void. Total boycott of the US and their two allies.

    • With the applause that He recieved I think it is high time the USA and Isl depart the UNrealistic And UNfair .
      The UN for decades has more and more become so anti US and anti Is. UN mandates exist to disarm Hez, yet with UN troop in place,, they refuse,, thus another war will occur, and more condemnation on IS for self defence.
      The UN does nothing but talk for emergencies in Afrika, and has more meetings to plan meetings.

      Or monies would be better spent elswhere than on providing the UN a pulpit on our own home soil to deride, add hate, and Belittle us.

      In short,, To heck with the UN

      Mike Davis

    • Speak for yourself when talkin about europe.

      It is a myth that people in europe despise Bush and its also a myth that people oppose the war on terrorism in general. Only the farthest left - and with that I mean people who consider Lenin being a liberal - and the muslim minority are opposing the operations of the last years. This may differ for the big adventure Iraq but not for the whole campaign.

    • The US is in such debt, that half the world owns it already.

      If you really care about US policies than pull the plug on the dollar and watch the pentagon go down the drain. Recall US treasury paper and that will end imperialism.

      The world has to decide which you prefer: to profit from the power of the US dollar and thrive on the benefits of US imperial capitalism or put your money where your values and mouth are and yank the carpet out from the greenback. Do it before your country is the next to be bombed.

    • Yeah, Abbie Hoffman redux, go with the absolutist logic - all America is bad, American values are rotten, boycott all of America. It’s actually not much different than the simplistic logic of the president, albeit with different targets. With this kind of nuance the world should blow itself up in less than 10 years. Then you will have been right and the world will then be able to allow ants to rise to the position of dominant species. How did you get so smart?

    • Hey, it’s Abbie Hoffman redux with the absolutist logic that insists all American values are wrong, all Americans should be condemned, all Americans should suffer. Hate to be the first one to tell you, but your simplistic logic is remarkably similar to the one used by Bush, albeit with different targets. Using such "brilliance" the world should blow itself up in about 10 years and then the ants can finally evolve and take over. If you want to see so much hurt spread around why don’t you start with a head piercing, say a large sized spike going from side to side.

    • Utter crap. Many Europeans who would never tolerate leftist politics abhor Bush’s Neo-Fascism. The myth is that anyone who opposes the brain-dead puppet of the globalists is automatically left wing.

  • Well said! Chavez, despite whatever baggage he carries, hit the nail on the head with regard to U.S. hegemony. If nothing else, it was a nice plug for Noam Chomsky’s book.


  • Hugo Chavez is now representing a growing number of people around the world who are fedup with U.S. hypocricy. Everyone around the world buys into democracy and human rights. U.S. administration fails to represent either one of these attributes. U.S. undermines democracies, eg. Hamas in Palestine, and violates Human Rights and the Geneva convention, eg. Guantanamo bay. These facts speak for themselves, no matter how much sugar coating and marketing spin, people know the truth.

    • US is not Bush, but Bush and his friends are making the world more unsafe. The question is WHY ?
      They have surely big interest, but they are destroying the american values, that make US a great country.
      Many people are against that.

  • Chavez has spoken the truth from El Salvador (when the people who did the killings heard Reagon had won, they knew they could keep going), the Shah of Iran, Imelda Melcos in the Phillipins, Noreaga (I am spelling these names wrong and I apologize)
    Sadam himself was empowered by Rumsfeld against Iran, we have always said "We are for Democracy but we put people in power who do terrible things to their own people (all the while being paid by the US)

  • Bravo, Chavez !!! Finally somebody speaks the truth. It’s about time. Buy CITGO gas. Chavez gave heating oil to the poor in the USA last winter and promises to do the same this year.
    r jackowski

  • Thank you so much for your article. I personally do not believe that Chavez said anything so egregious. Most of the articles I read about Chavez´comments focus on the lines comparing Bush to the Devil. Yours is one of the few that at least makes some attempt to analze the speech. Thank you again for exercising your right to free speech.

  • Chavez speaks TRUTH!!!!.
    ............. The Illuminati Zionist Jew controllers of Bush,Clinton,Reagan,Bush sr.,Carter,Ford,Nixon....... are the true evil satanists....For a hint at their TOTAL control of American citizens ,including,obviously, some of the other responders, Google: "who runs the media" and CONSIDER the ramifications of this absolute manipulation of what we percieve as reality!!!! Remember:"he who controls the media ,controls the minds of the masses"
    .......copy & paste...http://www.realnews247.com/who_runs_the_media.htm
    ....for humanity’s sake as well as your family’s and friends’......read this link!!!!

    celtic canine(not affiliated with any Yahwist religions)

    • i dont agree with chavez that bush is the devil, but if he had said bushes mother had sex with satan, and george was the result, who could argue with that?

    • It is funny how little people actually know about reality and how strong their opinions are when they are really sitting in the dark. They have no idea that they are being minipulated to defend the Bush administration while the Bush administration acts on behalf of a completely anti-American group of bankers. Nothing Bush is doing, interms of over-riding the Bill of Rights or attacking countries that had nothing to do with 9/11, has anything to do with fighting terror. Zero of the recommendations of the 9/11 commission, to protect the country, have been implemented.

      Bush is acting in the interest of his own people (who control him) towards the destruction of America and control of the world. Hugo Chavez is not controlled by the international bankers and is trying to wake Americans up. That anger you feel toward him is really the mental output from your long-term mainstream media brainwashing.

      God bless America and turn on the light. America needs you to defend her now!

  • How polite Hugo is. I would have put it more like this......

    ....Americans are a nation of drug crazed maniacs, they are sick, wacko, perverted, blood thirsty cockroaches. They molest their children and rape their young women in epidemic numbers. This behaviour is taught to them by their religious leaders and teachers in schools and churches everywhere as soon as they are old enough to stand in front of an altar.

    They kill each other by the thousands every year as well as the many thousands of moslems overseas. Worst of all they blackmail other countries into helping them spread their putrid idealism to all corners of the world.

    They brainwash their soldiers to be incredibly bloodthirsty robots who revel in torturing shackled defenseless prisoners of war in the sickest. most perverted way.

    Only the filthiest, most disgusting subhumans live in the USA. I wish them all to rot in hell - except their twisted minds would love that.

    Hopefully there will be powerful catastrophic hurricanes, floods, tornados and earthquakes to help rid the world of this pus filled nation of scab sucking yankees. Because of these wretched people and the unstoppable world domination of American Greed, edged on by fanatical born-again-christians, we are again on the brink of a world war.

    .........Now that would be a speech Hugo.

    Joe Public - an observer.

    88yrs ago WW1 was claimed to be the war to end all wars. There were only 2 billion people in the world during WW2.
    There are almost 7 billion now.
    I’m betting it’ll be back down to 2billion years.again within the next 7 years

    • Is, perhaps, the use of "drug crazed" some form of subliminal message the writer of this thoughtful letter is trying to send us? Does he have an unwarranted aversion to taking drugs - medications that would be of enormous help?

      Dear writer, it seems safe to presume that the St. John’s Wort isn’t working that well and that you should begin, immediately, ingesting a fair quantity of clozapine, lithium, hydroxyzine, and a few pints of whatever would keep you away from knifes, sharp implements, weapons of any kind, and, arguably, other people. And, oh yeah, get plenty - I stress Plenty - of bed rest.

    • Rarely a more accurate description was given! But next time don’t sugar coat it so much, tell it like it is ;-)



    • Yo dude, the facility you could spend some time in is the library. You’d be surprised to see how much information they’ve got there, especially about how the world works. First, look hard enough and you’ll spot a brief description of metolazone, which will relieve all the fluids you’ve got choking your brain. Go with the full 1,200 mg. to clear out all the congestion as soon as possible. You’ll discover, as soon as that swelling goes down, clear thinking has a better chance of returning, though, from the looks of it, you may have an incurable case.

      Then hit the sociology department and do some research on sociopthy, that’s the disease the guy you’re defending (or could it actually be you?) has. Unfortuanetly, there’s no medical antidote other than a lobotomy, which may help relieve some of the paranoid delusion that the both of you (?) are experiencing. Good luck. You’ll need it.

  • Hugo Chavez spoke the absolute truth. Democrats who codemn him are all a part of the deeply dysfunctional US government who are hell bent on controlling the world, with the lives of young, innocent, and ignorant americans whose only job obtainable is a stint in the US military. Notice they never send their own to fight...The US is now a misguided country who has lost its purpose as a model of democracy and freedom. I personally have been in communist countries that are more free then the US. Places that people do things which could never be done back in the US today. And so, the profound hypo/democracy profused by the US government, coupled with its continuing adventures overseas only compels other soverign countries to hold the US government in contempt. A bully is never well liked by people who keep to themselves. Will the US ever learn as a country, as a nation; especially, after Vietnam..? It’s truly a shame...

  • people need to realize, AMERIKKA POWER IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE UP FOR GRABS...............second AMERIKKA has been exploiting South Ameriqua for years and years, its no coinsedence that its prominent leaders of today are calling AMERIKKKAS leaders devilS.

    and 3rd, most important of all..........AMERICA consits of land strecthing from Argentina (CHE GUEVARAS BIRTHPLACE) ALLLLLLL THE WAY up to Canada........................that is america my friends....................THE WHOLE CONTINENT, not just New York and Hollywood....ok ?

    the blue collar worker or the yuppie in times square should have the same rights..as lets say............................................a coca farmer in bolivia ????? damn fucking right........


  • In Alaska the foreign colonial occupiers (U.S. and it’s creature the state of Alaska) continue in fact act like the devil when it comes to Indigenous Alaskan rights. Alaska is probably one of the U.S.’s dirtiest secret starting from the lands purchase faud and on through today in State courts which are basically kangaroo courts. The state troopers are just like the catholic priests as they get conveniently moved around when they get exposed for their crimes and corruption. According to my friend from Aniak, that is where the corrupt troopers get moved to. Bethel is a hotbed of corruption n the state court system where they have set up a literal industry to finance their ill gotten gains. Where has anyone see, read or heard that the Indigenous Alaskans sold their land, rights, etc t Russia-Russia could not sell what it did not own but in fact congressman were bribed to dream up and pass the Treaty of Sessions which the Sen Thievens, er Stevens and Congressman Dumb, er Don Abramoff Young knows.