by Open-Publishing - Saturday 14 October 2006

Discriminations-Minorit. Australia

...The Israeli ambassador to Australia .. told Haaretz that the two countries are white sisters amid "the yellow race" of Asia.

"Tamir said that due to what he characterized as the racial similarities between Israel and Australia, the two countries should work together to enhance ties with other Asian countries.

"Israel and Australia are like sisters in Asia," Tamir said in an interview with Haaretz during a visit to Israel this week. "We are in Asia without the characteristics of Asians. We don’t have yellow skin and slanted eyes. Asia is basically the yellow race. Australia and Israel are not - we are basically the white race. We are on the western side of Asia and they are on the southeastern side."


Forum posts

  • Israel is not a race, it’s a terrorist country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • What about the Indians, Tamir? They don’t have ’slanted’ eyes, and their skin is brown, not yellow and their is more than a billion of them? Just how much anthropology do these so-called ’world leaders’ know? How much geography does this Tamir know? After all, the Arabs also populate a good portion of this continent, and they are right next door to you, hey, they practically live on top of you, Tamir.
    Do they have yellow skin, do they have slanted eyes? Hell, take two Palestinians you don’t know, and take an Israeli you don’t know, throw them in the mix, and Tamir you yourself would have a hard time distinguishing the Palestinians from the Israeli solely base on physical appearances. Tamir, your people aren’t the only Semitic people in the world. Had you paid attention in college you would have remembered that Arabs are Semitic as well and for a good reason. Your languages have common roots and so do your people. Tamir’s denial of reality is of the same order of the neocons’ delusions of Americaner-Uber-Alles.
    It’s good to know that the US is not the only country in the world that has sleazy, poorly educated con-artists running the show.