Home > Oh, The Outrage! A Country Falling Apart.

Oh, The Outrage! A Country Falling Apart.

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 19 April 2007

Poverty-Precariousness Governments USA

Everywhere you look the infrastructure, once sound, well built and highly functional...is falling apart at the seams.

Each night hundreds of thousands of children go to be hungry, and the numbers of poor and suffering swell with each passing day.

There are severe air quality problems throughout the country, and new diseases seem to pop up each week! Reports keep flooding into the government agencies about outbreaks of plague and other serious life threatening illnesses.

Gas prices constantly escalate and the currency is worth less and less every time you turn around!

Violence is rampant, and the prisons are crammed with every kind of petty AND career criminal imaginable. Of course drugs are..and always have been..a major blight on the country.

Immoral and unethical behaviour is ramping up each year, with no end in sight.

The public screams out "Do something!", get the politicians out of the way and let the people solve the problems.

But nobody seems to listen.

Of course I’m speaking of Iraq, right? WRONG.

The good old USA!

Forum posts

  • The USA is in fact falling apart. I know. I live here.
    As goes the Empire, so goes the UbberLand.
    As the Empire crumbles, so does the Core.

    If you wish to lubricate the fall of the USA, do this:

    Trade in your dollars.
    Trade them for Gold, Silver, Euros, other Currencies, Potoatos, Rice, Lumber, Land, anything.
    Just GET RID OF YOUR DOLLARS, period.

    Refuse to accept them.
    Refuse to hold them.
    Refuse them.

    This is the only way to reduce the USA to a "normal" counrty.

    The power to do so is in your hands.

    STOP buying American products.
    STOP lending America Money.
    STOP accepting dollars as payment.

    ONLY when the Majority of people STOP accepting US Dollars, will America become a "normal" nation.

    Until then, you who accept US Dollars as payment, also have blood on YOUR hands.

  • I recommend looking at solari.com for how to use financial circles to improve wellbeing.
    There are some articles there too about the missing trillions of US tax dollars.

    Also, check out libertydollar.org It’s private money based on gold/silver. Personally I’m not a big fan of gold mining, but at least precious metals keep their value.

    If you check out the reasoning for the creation of Liberty Dollars, you will see a good case made for avoiding FRNs (Federal Reserve Notes) among them the fact they are private currency produced on behalf of banks. Unlike a hard currency, FRNs are fiat currency: we are told what they are worth by the Federal Reserve, a private corporation that establishes the value of the dollar.

    Another reason to avoid FRNs is to keep the money local, to slow down the hemmoraging of money to centralized repositories and corporate accounts where it will suredly never come back out to small businesses and individuals in the form of investment. As it is, we the people have to pay to borrow money that is free to create, but has been channeled into the hands of the Federal Reserve, created in an illicit law in 1913. Since then the dollar has lost over 96% of its value. Obviously the little people feel the inflation more than the banks that just jack up interest rates and makes us pay more...for our own money.

    Unless we take action with how we spend money, and save it, we will be exploited by the rich who can make more money quicker than the sheeple, As a result the richest 2% now control 50% of the world’s wealth. The imbalance is getting greater.