by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 6 June 2007
1 comment

Parties USA

"We’re going to give you a fair trial, kid...and then I’m going to hang you, personallly"....Karl Malden, in "One Eyed Jacks"

Last night CNN held it’s first National Embarrassment; a debate among moral midgets! Let alone that the Democrats debate last week was nothing to rave about, the rampant and raving Republican nutcases (exception: Ron Paul),stood on the stage and had the audacity to spew their poison all over the gathered throng...and by extension, throught the toob to all on our poor planet who would bend an ear.

McCain, with his usual speil, never ceased calling us "My friends" (as if!), Giuliani was hit by metaphoric lighting when challenging the tenets of the Catholic church, Huckabee threw out some religious crapola, and Romney, standing head and shoulders among the rest (only physically), looked more presidential, but had nothing original whatsoever to say.

Tommy Thompson,perhaps the grossest derrier kisser in the crowd of fools, at one point, when asked what he’d do with President Bush after he retires said "I’d send him out to speak to high school kids about honesty and integrity, since he well qualifies for that job". Any viewer not puking up their guts on the spot was either a neocon sympathizer or an idiot!

Wold Blitzer, ever the subtle inquirer, asked the bunch of well manicured dolts if they’d consider taking out Iran’s nuclear plants with "tactical nukes". The results, clearly predictable by any American audience but shocking to the rest of the world, indicated that the VAST majority of those klowns said "yes", though they qualified their responses. In other words, they just might be willig to launch WW III given the "Right" set of circumstances. In all fairness, SOME Dems would surely have responded in the same fashion...in fact, they have. These statements demonstrate that our leaders in this "peaceful" and "Christian" nation are all too willing to risk the war to end all wars...for political or ideological reasons. The world no doubt views our intense urge to wage another preemptive war as just another expression of Bush insanity. Cheney, everyone knows, has pressed for such action for at least 5 years.

Standing out from the crowd was a small white haired man named Ron Paul,who spoke truth to power at every opportunity. He forcefully urged us to pull out of Iraq, to correct our international trade policies, and to get on the path to becoming that nobler and more respected America we once claimed as our birthright. Even if exaggerated his uncommon pleadings...sensible and reasonable and passionate...rang true, and in many quarters this little man with a loud and honest voice (much like Kucinich on the other side of the aisle), won the contest hands down.

Next in view: the ultra Right wing whacko Fred Dalton Thompson. God help us all!

Forum posts

  • I think you had better examine deeper into the philosophy of Ron Pauls Libertarianism. Beyoud the Iraq debate, you may have less in common with him than you think.