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Fully three years after the 2004 election campaign, the Democrats are still coming after Ralph Nader

by Open-Publishing - Monday 2 July 2007

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"There can be no daily democracy without daily citizenship."
— Ralph Nader
The Unreasonable Package, 2007 Edition
Story Posted on Monday, June 14, 2007

Dear Friend:

Behold, the spineless Democrats.

On Iraq, they capitulate to George Bush.

On trade, they capitulate to George Bush.

On oil price gouging — they capitulate to George Bush.

And it’s not like we didn’t know this was coming.

In 2000 and 2004, we called out the corporate Democrats.

Their hypocrisy.

Their corporate connections.

Their disregard for the needs of the American people.

They finally say — get out of Iraq.

They then fund the war.

They say — protect worker rights.

They then agree to a trade bill that undermines workers.

They say — crack down on the oil company price gouging.

They then immolate their own bill to let the oil companies off the hook.

They even promised to end the "culture of corruption" but can’t control their own.

In 2000 and 2004, Ralph Nader foresaw all of this.

And was vilified for it.

With lies.

And harassments.

That continue to this day.

Fully three years after the 2004 election campaign, the Democrats are still coming after Ralph Nader.


Because he has demanded accountability for their duplicity.

Because he has told the truth as he saw it.

Because he has remained committed to public justice.

And has opposed corporate control over our government.

Six months ago, when we wrote to you last, the acclaimed documentary film, An Unreasonable Man, was about to open in theaters across the country.

This 2006 Sundance-selected movie documented the work of Ralph Nader — his lifelong pursuit of justice — for consumers, workers, citizens, and the environment.

And it documented the denunciation of Ralph Nader.

From the Democrats — featuring Eric Alterman ("the man needs to go away"), Todd Gitlin ("borders on wicked"), and Jimmy Carter ("Ralph, go back to examining the back end of automobiles").

From his former supporters — Bill Maher, Susan Sarandon and Michael Moore.

In defense of Ralph?

You — our steadfast supporters.

An Unreasonable Man was widely praised in the media.