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Operation Canned Goods

by Open-Publishing - Monday 3 March 2008

Wars and conflicts USA Daveparts

Operation Canned Goods
By David Glenn Cox

History is written by the victors, that much is true. Not only are the valiant deeds of the victors made public but the crimes of the vanquished as well. The Spanish American War was predicated on the premise that Spanish radicals had planted explosives on the American battleship, USS Maine. The American ambassador described the negotiations, in his diary of that day, as going well and exceptional progress being made.

But with the death of the Maine came the end of the negotiations. The press of that day, and especially William Randolph Hearst’s newspapers, decried that only blood could avenge so ruthless a crime. Had the Spanish won that war the obvious would have been exposed, steamboats blew up all the time. The Spanish had everything to lose and nothing to gain by injuring the Maine. Most Americans knew that, this was the era of steam. Locomotives blew up, riverboats blew up, safety valves had been invented but they were far from perfect. Farm equipment was steam powered, as were saw mills, and the public was well aware of the dangers of steam power. But the war hysteria and public outrage blotted out common sense.

In my own day there were the Gulf of Tonkin attacks. At that time there was no question, it was a lead-pipe cinch, American destroyers had been attacked by torpedoes from North Vietnamese patrol boats. Again, war hysteria, but as the war turned sour in the American pallet, in drips and drabs the story began to fall apart. First, no proof of a torpedo attack when they’d once been so certain. Then, no proof of the North Vietnamese patrol boats and finally Col. James Stockdale’s report of, "Nothing out there but blue water, our boys might as well have been shooting at whales."

Had the US conquered the North Vietnamese, the whole episode would have evaporated into the ether. Likewise, the escapades of the Bush administration regarding the Middle East. Like the explosion on the Maine, the administration’s motives and intentions are conspicuous by their obviousness but, as always, they are cloaked in war hysteria.

Americans are raised from childhood to believe in a bipolar world, cowboys and Indians, cops and robbers, Republicans and Democrats. One is the embodiment of all good and the other, the dark forces of evil. But politics is politics; there are no good guy or bad guy tactics, all sides play the game the same way. A change of resident in the oval office doesn’t necessarily change the tactics of the CIA one iota. They can only be turned loose or reined in. As Jimmy Carter once observed from his time judging elections around the world, "I’ve never seen anything done anywhere in the world that I hadn’t seen done in South Georgia first." Yet we have this naive belief, Oh no, they wouldn’t do that! But yes, they would!

I once worked with a large black man from Chicago named Rodney. We hit it off because of our politics and both of us being from Chicago. He told me about working the polls in a Democratic, minority neighborhood, how a Republican county police chief sent police cars to sit at minority polling places. With a laugh he described how they responded by sending street toughs to sit in the parking lots in white precincts, populated with the elderly. It’s all just politics, the goal is singular, to win and there is no second best.

A famous politician once said, "Nobody cares if you told the truth, as long as you win." Guess who said that? LBJ? Dick Nixon maybe? Ronald Reagan? No, it was Adolf Hitler. You see what I mean, politics is politics. There ain’t no good guys, there ain’t no bad guys, there’s only you and me and I’ll stab you in the back if I can get away with it.

Let me tell you a little story about something that happened a long time ago, far, far away. And because they were the losers the truth came out, but had they won the war you never would have heard about it and you would have believed what you were told and you would have shouted down anyone who said otherwise as a crackpot conspiracy theorist. But, this story is important; it is a test question. So learn it and remember it well, so that when someone asks, "Why did he sit there just reading that Goddamn goat book?" you will look at your shoes and think to yourself and maybe you will have the courage to speak up, or maybe not, but you will say either out loud or to yourself, "Because it was his alibi, that’s why!"

At noon on July 25th 1934, 154 members of the S.S. Standarte 89, dressed in Austrian Army uniforms, broke into the Federal Chancellery and shot Austrian Prime Minister Dollfuss in the throat at a range of two feet. A few blocks away other Nazis seized the radio station and broadcast the news that Dollfus had resigned.

Hitler received the tidings while listening to a performance of "Das Reinggold" at the annual Wagner Festival at Bayreuth. The news greatly excited him. Friedelind Wagner, granddaughter of the great composer, who sat in the family box nearby, was a witness. "Two adjutants, Schaub and Brueckner," she later told, "kept receiving the news from Vienna on a telephone in the anteroom of my box and then whispering it to Hitler.

"After the performance the Fuehrer was most excited. This excitement mounted as he told us the horrible news. . . Although he could scarcely wipe the delight from his face. Hitler carefully ordered dinner in the restaurant as usual. ’I must go across for an hour and show myself,’ he said, ’Or people will think I had something to do with this.’"

I know what you are thinking, but that’s Hitler! You can’t go around comparing any of our leaders to Hitler! But, that’s the point, you’re looking at it backwards. Hitler was a homicidal sociopath but, rather than disqualifying him from politics, it was a beneficial attribute. It allowed him to calculate, without care or concern, for the injuries of others.

American Presidents, without party distinction, dispense death to any and all who oppose our interests, regardless of race, creed or color. If you have what we want, either give it to us or die. Islamic extremists have replaced the Red Menace as the greatest threat to civilized society. Of course, time has flowed on and people forget that the rise of the Red Menace in America coincided with food riots and 90% unemployment in Detroit, Michigan. The federal government’s first response was to have the Red Cross pass out vegetable seeds to the hungry!

Then, when the public wasn’t placated, shivering in their four-story tenement with boxes of seeds, the next government answer was to shoot Red subversives or auto workers, either way, once they’re dead they’re all Reds. Just like today, we drop bombs from 30 thousand feet and destroy an Al Queda cell disguised as a family wedding.

Operation canned goods

August 17, 1939, German General Hadler writes in his diary: Canaris checked with section 1 (operations). Himmler, Heydrich, Obersalzberg: "150 Polish uniforms with accessories for Upper Silesia."

Alfred Naujocks had joined the S.S. in 1931, while still a student at Kiel University. His educated background as well as his willingness to use violence quickly moved him up in the ranks. He had been brought to the notice of Himmler for his work running explosives into Slovakia.
On or about August 10, 1939, the chief of the S.D. (S.S. Security Service), Heydrich, personally ordered Naujacks to simulate an attack on the radio station near Gleiwitz near the Polish border.

Heydrich said, "Practical proof is needed for these attacks of the Poles, for the foreign press as well as for German Propaganda."

His instructions were to seize the radio station and hold it long enough for a supplied, Polish-speaking German to broadcast a speech in Polish. Heydrich ordered that this speech should state that the time had come for conflict between Germans and Poles.

Naujacks met with Heinrich Mueller, the local Gestapo head. Mueller explained plans for another staged border incident where it would be made to look as if Polish troops had advanced inside German territory. 12 or 13 condemned criminals would be dressed in Polish army uniforms and left dead on the ground.

The inmates were to be given lethal injections by a doctor supplied by Heydrich. Then they were to be given gunshot wounds and placed in positions to show that they were attacking. Afterwards, members of the press and other persons were to be taken to the spot...

Mueller further explained that he had orders from Heydrich to make one of the criminals available for the action at Gleiwitz. The code name by which he referred to the criminals was "Canned Goods."

The German headlines from August 26, 1939

"Complete Chaos in Poland- German Families Flee- Polish Soldiers Push to Edge of German Border!"

"This Playing with Fire Going too Far- Three German Passenger Planes shot at by Poles- In Corridor Many German Farm Houses in Flames!"

"Whole of Poland in War Fever! Chaos in Upper Silesa!"

And this just in from our Fox News desk!

The President has reached his limousine and issued the shoot down order, just one minute after an airliner has struck the Pentagon.