Home > « Tarek Aziz? I don’t know ! » By Gilles Munier

« Tarek Aziz? I don’t know ! » By Gilles Munier

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 21 May 2008

Justice International

Tuesday 20 May 2008

In Baghdad, Tarek Aziz is risking death, accused for having ordered to hang 42 wholesale dealers who used to speculate on prices in the middle of the embargo against Iraq, and for having suggested that a homage be rendered to Saddam Hussein at every Friday’ prayer. All political Paris who courted him for 20 years, is having their mouth shut, or something of that kind.. The orders are clear : « Tarek Aziz? I don’t know! ».

Jacques Vergès, who defends him, is a witness of the bitter state of affairs. Some « friends of Iraq », said one expert of the milieu, « don’t even have the stomach’ gratitude » ! That Kouchner is shutting up: it is more than understandable. He has a stinging memory of the Iraqi Intelligence - moukhabarat when he used to play the clownish games of French doctors in Iraqi Kurdish north in the seventies. But what about Roselyne Bachelot, the minister for health and the former president of the Group France-Iraq at the Assembly? She was given full free accommodations, once a year at the Rashid’ Baghdad’ hotel and used to literally besiege the offices of Tarek Aziz’ and Taha Yassin Ramadan, the vice- President and the great treasurer hanged a year ago with no reaction from her part whatsoever! Patrick Ollier who used to back with her, the Afice - the Serge Boidevaix’ France- Iraq’ cooperation’ association - he too, his memory failed him and he is not the only one...

Where are the Chiracs, Jospins, Pasquas, and Juppés who met Tarek Aziz in Paris in 1995, promising him wanders and marvels and asking for help in business? And Sarkozy, who didn’t find anything to say about this controversial stay; he is deaf and dumb like a carp. Today we shall not be nasty and search the past.. The shameful pro-Iraqi list would be far too long. We should therefore be talking about huge sums of money and commissions paid into Chirac’s RPR- and Mitterrand’ Socialist Parties, for contracts paid cash on the nail .. by the Coface - the French Agency assuring Iraq’s debts...

Gilles Munier is the France - Iraq friendship secretary general

*Translated by Al Moharer. http://www.al-moharer.net
