Home > Video: Kevin Zeese: “Break the Bailout!”

Video: Kevin Zeese: “Break the Bailout!”

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 16 November 2008

Demos-Actions Economy-budget G7 - G8... USA

On Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008, a demonstration protesting the “Summit on Financial Markets, G20,” was held in Washington, D.C.. Activist Kevin Zeese was one of the individuals voicing his outrage about the $700 billion Bailout of the Wall Street bankers and fat cats by the taxpayers.

He said: “It’s time to look forward to a new economy and funding the banksters and Wall Streeters is not going to get us that new economy. We’ve got to build from the bottom up and not the top down.” Mr. Zeese is an attorney and the Executive Director, and co-founder of the Campaign for Fresh Air and Clean Politics, whose projects include the Prosperity Agenda, VotersforPeace, Climate Security and TrueVote.

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