Home > a wize man once wrote

a wize man once wrote

by Open-Publishing - Friday 24 April 2009


maybe its time we reinvent the wheel

in a world gone mad with money, thievery and terror, what better time than now to reinvent the wheel, its been done in scandanavia for a long time. we hear these nasty words like liberal and socialists, and the media had conditioned the majority to simply loathe the mentioning of the name (in a manner akin to move along nothing to see here mentality),so we tune out any understanding of what the meanings of them even are.

to be liberal in a broad view is to be open minded.one doesn’t have to limit oneself to the tried and so called true ideals of conservatism, which in a broad view could be classified as simply narrowminded.Simply meaning they oppose all change to the status quo.

yet we see the so called tried and true doesn’t work so well except for a few. the few who fleece every generation around every 50 years or so.now the fleecings are astronomical in size, there simply isnt enough money available to pay off all the debts.we see the criminal adminstrations on both sides of the aisle traitorously obsfuscating justice and squandering away money for the lies of their greed.truely the people now have taxation without representation.

they want to investigate for years and years and give immunity to all.what kind of fools do they take us for?

their is enough evidence in the public domain to hang quite a few already. i think a much more fair way of resolving all of lifes problems, would be to do away with money altogether. every one who wants to participate in a real civilization, could then list the things they were capable of doing that might help someone else who needs that service. we all could agree to work a nominal amount of hours a week. accumulating to somewhere around 100 hours a month. with time set aside for important values like childbirth and rearing at the early ages those who dont approve could all move to somewhere like texas and keep their capital ways

i know this is simplistic in design and the fact there are psychotic sociopaths like william bruce cheney still roaming the earth unchained, that are simply too evil to understand that cooperating with everyone and being broad minded allows every being on earth to enjoy the fruits that she still offers.

if we dont learn to work together soon , there wont be anything left for any of us.

its time the wheel gets reinvented and socialism without money being involved at all is simply the closest we will ever come to utopia. and what better fitting punishment to the thieves who orchestrated all the frauds, that money no longer belongs to just them, and that we all can have a taste of the good life. by cooperating with one another and cutting out the greed and wastefullness associated with capitalism.

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