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Video: Torture Survivors: “Never Again!”

by Open-Publishing - Friday 26 June 2009

Demos-Actions Justice Prison USA

Survivors of Torture participated in a rally, on June 25, 2009, in John Marshall Park, in Washington, D.C. They came from all parts of the world: Africa, Central and South America, the Philippines, and the Middle East. Patricio Rice, an activist, who was a torture victim decades ago, in Argentina, served as the spokesman for the group. He was introduced by David Swanson of afterdowningstreet.org. Mr. Rice said: “The Bush administration made torture a tool in the war against terrorism...Torture is a crime. It can never be permitted...All those involved...must be prosecuted...Torturers can’t be permitted to live normal lives. They must be prosecuted...Never Again!” Mr. Rice is a native of County Cork, Ireland. He urged U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a “Special Prosecutor for Torture,” to bring to the Bar of Justice the members of the Bush-Cheney Gang who authorized torture of detainees in violation of the law.

For background, see:
http://www.tassc.org/index.php?sn=42 and
http://tortureaccountability.webs.com/ and

For a brief overview of the Law concerning the subject matter of Torture, go to: