Home > Video: Enver Masud: 9/11, Waterboarding, a Confession and the Iraq War

Video: Enver Masud: 9/11, Waterboarding, a Confession and the Iraq War

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 28 June 2009

Demos-Actions Justice Prison USA

Enver Masud was one of the speakers at a “Demand Accountability for Torture” rally, on June 25, 2009, in John Marshall Park, in Washington, D.C. He questioned how Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was “waterboarded 183 times” by the CIA, and then confessed to being the “mastermind of 9/11,” can get a “fair trial” in this country. Mr. Masud connected the dots between 9/11, the waterboarding of a detainee, a so-called “confession,” and the Iraq War. Mr. Masud is the founder and CEO of “The Wisdom Fund” and the author of “The War on Islam.” See, http://twf.org/ For more on waterboarding, go to:
“Waterboarding: The Psychological Damage is Indescribable,”
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article5061441.ece and

Closer to home, U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman (IND-CT) has condoned waterboarding.

Check out:

For background on the rally, see:
http://tortureaccountability.webs.com/ and

For a brief overview of the Law concerning the subject matter of Torture, go to: