Home > Kent State Shootings 40th Anniversary (+ videos)

Kent State Shootings 40th Anniversary (+ videos)

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 16 May 2010
1 comment

USA History

On May 4, 1970 the Ohio National Guard opened fire on unarmed students protesting America´s invasion of Cambodia. Four students were killed and nine were wounded. The incident triggered national outrage in a country already divided over the Vietnam War. In the days that followed more than four million students rose up in dissent across 900 campuses, generating the only nationwide student protest in U.S. history. Fearing civil unrest, President Nixon was taken to Camp David for his protection. http://truthtribunal.org Distributed by Tubemogul.

Recap and commentary on the incidents surrounding the May 4th 1970 murders of 4 Kent State college students by members of the National Guard. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/kent-state-truth-tribunal Distributed by Tubemogul. (video)

Jerry M. Lewis is professor emeritus of sociology at Kent State University. As a Kent State faculty member in 1970, he witnessed the May 4 shootings while serving as a faculty marshall. Since then, Lewis has been involved in researching, memorializing, and lecturing about the tragedy, Despite the substantial literature which exists on the Kent State shootings, misinformation and misunderstanding continue to surround the events of May 4.

For example, a prominent college-level United States history book by Mary Beth Norton et al. (1994), which is also used in high school advanced placement courses contains a picture of the shootings of May 4 accompanied by the following summary of events: "In May 1970, at Kent State University in Ohio, National Guardsmen confronted student antiwar protestors with a tear gas barrage.

Soon afterward, with no provocation, soldiers opened fire into a group of fleeing students. Four young people were killed, shot in the back, including two women who had been walking to class." (Norton et al., 1994, p. 732) Unfortunately, this short description contains four factual errors: (1) some degree of provocation did exist; (2) the students were not fleeing when the Guard initially opened fire; (3) only one of the four students who died, William Schroeder, was shot in the back; and (4) one female student, Sandy Schreuer, had been walking to class, but the other female, Allison Krause, had been part of the demonstration. Distributed by Tubemogul. (video)

Bobby Seale tells of the incidents that lead to the formation of the Black Panther Party. Footage of the candle light vigil for the students murdered May 4th 1970. Distributed by Tubemogul. (video)


Forum posts

  • You might be interested in eye witness accounts of the Kent State shootings by Jerry Lewis and various Kent State students and national guardsmen who shot students, check out the Emmy Award winning documentary, "Kent State, The Day the War Cam Home." It was just released on DVD for the 40th anniversary. In its review of the program, The Hollywood Reporter stated, "This extraordinary hour long doc is so good, so well constructed, that it can’t help but leave viewers feeling as if they themselves were on the bloody scene of the Kent State carnage..." for more go to kentstatedvd.com