Home > Video: Former U.S. Ambassador Peck Calls Gaza Ordeal—“Piracy!”

Video: Former U.S. Ambassador Peck Calls Gaza Ordeal—“Piracy!”

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 2 June 2010

Demos-Actions Wars and conflicts USA

There was a protest rally in front of the White House on June 1, 2010. Former U.S. Ambassador Edward Peck was one of the speakers. He described his ordeal of being on a vessel, part of a flotilla, on a “humanitarian” mission to Gaza. It was forcibly seized, hijacked, at 4 AM on May 31th, by heavily armed Israelis in international waters. Ambassador Peck was arrested by the Israelis and taken, in custody, to the port city of Ashdod in Zionist Israel. He was processed, interrogated there by his captors and later released. Ambassador Peck added that in Somalia,“we call that ‘piracy.’” For background, see, “The Goldstone Report,” at: http://www.goldstone-report.org/ and http://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKTRE53A0OC20090411