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Why the World must apply comprehensive Sanctions & Boycotts against Apartheid Israel & its supporters

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 6 June 2010
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Humanitary Wars and conflicts International

The Gaza Aid Flotilla Massacre underscores why the World must urgently apply comprehensive Sanctions and Boycotts against Apartheid Israel and its supporters to protect Humanity from the genocidal, nuclear terrorist state of Apartheid Israel - a race-based state that continues to violate International Law, International Human Rights Conventions, the UN General Assembly, the UN Security Council, the International Court of Justice, and indeed what Catholic theologians call the Natural Law.

Mass murder, mass infanticide, piracy, theft and genocide are de rigeur for this race-based, genocide-based colonial state. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Decent people are obliged to (a) inform everyone they can and (b) impose comprehensive international and international Sanctions and Boycotts against Apartheid Israel and all its individual, organizational, corporate and national supporters – strategies that were successfully applied to the Nazi-inspired, Apartheid Israel-backed, anti-African, anti-Asian Apartheid régime in South Africa.

With the collapse of the race-based Apartheid regime in South Africa, the genocidal, nuclear terrorist, race-based State of Israel became the World’s only race-based Apartheid state.

Jewish and non-Jewish heroes in the fight against Apartheid describe the State of Israel as an Apartheid State – indeed the former Nazi and founder of Apartheid in South Africa Dr Hendrik Verwoerd has made the same observation (see “Non-Jews Against racist Zionism”: http://sites.google.com/site/nonjew... and “”Jews Against Racist Zionism”: http://sites.google.com/site/jewsag... ).

Apartheid Israel was a strong supporter of Apartheid South Africa to the extent of assisting Apartheid South Africa to obtain nuclear weapons in defence of Nazi-style racism (see “Revealed: how Israel offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons. Exclusive: Secret apartheid-era papers give first official evidence of Israeli nuclear weapons”, Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/201... and “South Africa and weapons of mass destruction”, Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_... ”.

Apartheid Israel is the only small State among 4 states that that refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Agreement (NPT), the 4 non-signatories to the NPT being Apartheid Israel (population 7 million), North Korea (population 23 million), Pakistan (population 177 million) and India (population 1,181 million) (see “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty”, Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclea... ).

It is believed that Apartheid Israel has up to 400 nuclear weapons as well having world-leading capacity in biological and chemical weapons, For details of Apartheid Israel’s nuclear weapons, including the miniaturizing of so-called “suitcase nuclear weapons” see “Israel and weapons of mass destruction”, Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel... and “Nuclear weapons and Israel”, Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclea... .

Eminent Jewish Israeli scholar Professor Avi Shlaim (Professor of International Relations at prestigious Oxford University, UK ,and the author of “The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World” and of “Lion of Jordan: King Hussein’s Life in War and Peace”: [_>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avi_Shlaim] ) has concluded that the State of Israel is a nuclear terrorist rogue state: ““The only way to make sense of Israel’s senseless war in Gaza is through understanding the historical context. Establishing the state of Israel in May 1948 involved a monumental injustice to the Palestinians … This brief review of Israel’s record over the past four decades makes it difficult to resist the conclusion that it has become a rogue state with "an utterly unscrupulous set of leaders". A rogue state habitually violates international law, possesses weapons of mass destruction and practises terrorism - the use of violence against civilians for political purposes. Israel fulfils all of these three criteria; the cap fits and it must wear it. Israel’s real aim is not peaceful coexistence with its Palestinian neighbours but military domination. It keeps compounding the mistakes of the past with new and more disastrous ones. Politicians, like everyone else, are of course free to repeat the lies and mistakes of the past. But it is not mandatory to do so ” (see Avi Shlaim, ““How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe”, UK Guardian, 7 January 2009: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/200... ).

Apartheid Israel has an appalling record of involvement in genocide in Palestine; support (including major support by the traitorous, racist Zionist Israel Lobbies in Western countries) for the genocidal US Alliance wars against the people of Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Pakistan; support of the US in the field and in the United Nations (UN) against the human rights of Indigenous People around the World (see William Blum’s book “Rogue State”, Zed Books, London, and Gideon Polya’s book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, G.M. Polya, Melbourne: http://globalavoidablemortality.blo... ).

In the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories post-invasion non-violent excess deaths total 0.3 million, 1.0 million and 3.5 million, respectively; post-invasion violent deaths total about 12,000, 1.4 million and about 1 million, respectively; post-invasion violent plus non-violent excess deaths total 0.3 million, 2.5 million and 4.5 million, respectively; post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 0.2 million, 0.8 million and 2.4 million, respectively; and refugees total 7 million, 5-6 million and 3-4 million, respectively (plus a further 2.5 million Pashtun refugees in NW Pakistan).

This constitutes a Palestinian Genocide, an Iraqi Genocide and an Afghan Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention (see: http://www.edwebproject.org/sidesho... ) ; and egregious war crimes due in part to Occupier war criminal non-supply of life-sustaining food and medical requisites demanded unequivocally by Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (see: http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/instre... ) – thus the Gaza Concentration Camp has been under war criminal, US-backed Israeli blockade for 3 years and according to WHO the “total annual per capita medical expenditure” permitted by the Occupiers in Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan is US$124 and US$29, respectively, as compared to US$6,714 for the US (see WHO: http://www.who.int/en/).

Here are 30 shocking realities about Apartheid Israel - 30 reasons why we must Boycott Apartheid Israel (for details see Gideon Polya, “Racist Zionist Apartheid Israel Exposed in 50 Steps”, Palestine Genocide Essays”: http://sites.google.com/site/palest... ; see also “Palestine Genocide”: http://sites.google.com/site/palest... and “Palestine Genocide Essays”: http://sites.google.com/site/palest... ).

1. Post-invasion (i.e. post-1967) Occupied Palestinian non-violent excess deaths total 0.3 million (Apartheid Israel deliberately kills about 6,000 Occupied Palestinians each year with about 10% killed violently and about 90% dying avoidably from deliberately- and war criminally-imposed deprivation).

2. Post-invasion Occupied Palestinian violent deaths total about 12,000.

3. Post-invasion Occupied Palestinian under-5 infant deaths total 0.2 million (4,000 under-5 year old Palestinian infants die each year, 90% avoidably (i.e. 3,600) due to war criminal Israeli-imposed deprivation.

4. Palestinian refugees total 7 million (about 4.3 million registered with the UN).

5. About 50% of Palestinians live outside their Homeland, forbidden to return by genocidal, war criminal Apartheid Israel in contravention of International Law and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (see “Gideon Polya, “Universal Declaration of Human Rights & Palestinians. Apartheid Israel violates ALL Palestinian Human Rights”: http://sites.google.com/site/palest... ).

6. 85% of West Bank Christian Palestinians have been forced to flee the Holy Land.

7. 1.5 million Arab Israelis live as second class citizens subject to Nazi-style race laws demanding Apartheid-style, race-based ID and affecting property rights, employment, and marriage.

8. 4 million Indigenous Palestinians live under an illegal, brutal, genocidal, nearly 43 year duration Occupation that has been formally condemned by both General Assembly and UN Security Council Resolutions.

9. 2.5 million West Bank Occupied Palestinians live in racist Zionist (RZ)–encircled “Bantustans” in a territory being illegally whittled away by military camps, military check points, race-based settlements and Jews-only highways and roads.

10. 1.5 million Occupied Palestinians (800,000 of then Children) live in what the Catholic Church has described as the Gaza Concentration Camp which is policed not by Israeli police but by Israeli air force, army and naval shelling, bombing and shooting.

11. In 1880 there were 500,000 Indigenous Arab Palestinians and 25,000 Jews (50% immigrants) in the Holy Land – today there are 5.5 million Indigenous Palestinians in the Holy Land and some 5.5 million Palestinian refugees elsewhere and excluded from their Homeland, which is occupied by 5.5 million Jewish Israelis backed by the US, UK, Canada, the EU and racist Apartheid Australia.

12. In the 2006 Occupied Palestinian elections conducted under Occupier guns, Hamas won 76 seats out of 132 but these Hamas MPs are now overwhelmingly either dead, imprisoned or hiding in the Gaza Concentration Camp and regarded as “terrorists” by the “democratic Nazi” US, UK, Canada, the EU and racist Apartheid Australia.

13. UN data reveal that each year Apartheid Israel is responsible for 3,600 Occupied Palestinian under-5 year old avoidable deaths, 5,700 Occupied Palestinian non-violent avoidable deaths in total and about 700 violent Occupied Palestinian deaths.

14. The Palestinian Genocide continues despite numerous UN General Assembly and UN Security Council Resolutions, notably UN Security Council Resolution 252 prohibiting land and property seizure, notably in Jerusalem.

15. Apartheid Israel is involved in US state terrorism around the World – it was most notoriously involved in the genocide of Indigenous Guatemalan Indians in 1960-1966 (extreme repression, 0.1 million killed, 1.0 million refugees, 1960-1966 excess deaths 1.9 million).

16. The discovery of unexploded nano-thermite high explosive in all World Trade Center dust samples examined by Professor Niels Harrit (Chemistry Department, 9-Nobel-Laureate University of Copenhagen) and colleagues clearly indicates involvement of the US in the 9-11 atrocity and the very likely involvement of its dirty tricks surrogate Apartheid Israel (indeed a group of 5 Israeli Mossad agents were arrested celebrating the 9-11 atrocity on the day and were subsequently deported from the US without charge). Leading UK writer and Middle east expert Alan Hart accepts that the US was involved in the explosive demolition of the 3 World Trade Centre (WTC) buildings on 9-11 and believes it is very likely that Apartheid Israel was directly involved in the 9-11 terrorist atrocity, a view shared by former Italian President and intelligence intimate Professor Francesco Cossiga (see “Alan Hart”: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_H... ; “Francesco Cossiga”: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France... ; and Gideon Polya, “Scientific facts on 9/11 point at US. Obama accessory after the fact of 9-11”: http://sites.google.com/site/afghan... ) .

17. Apartheid Israel has variously occupied territory of all its 5 neighbours, namely (with 1950-2005 excess deaths or avoidable deaths in parentheses) Egypt (19.8 million), Jordan (0.6 million), Occupied Palestinian Territory (0.7 million), Syria (2.2 million), and Lebanon (0.5 million).

18. The 1950-2005 excess deaths expressed as a ratio and percentage (% ) of 2005 population (m= million) in Apartheid Israel and countries partially or completely occupied by Apartheid Israel are as follows: Apartheid Israel [0.095m/6.685m =1.4%] - Egypt [19.818m/74.878m = 26.5%], Jordan [0.630m/5.750m = 11.0%], Lebanon [0.535m/3.761m = 14.2%], Occupied Palestinian Territories [0.677m/3.815m = 17.7%], Syria [2.198m/18.650m = 11.8%], total = 23.858m/106.854m = 22.3% .

19. The 1950-2005 excess deaths (avoidable deaths) in all countries militarily attacked by Apartheid Israel (all of its 5 immediate neighbours plus Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Uganda and Iraq ) total 56 million – a Muslim Holocaust of avoidable death that is 10 times greater than the 5-6 million Jews killed in the Jewish Holocaust and about 2 times the number of people killed in the World War 2 European Holocaust (30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies) (see Gideon Polya’s book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, G.M. Polya, Melbourne ). This estimate ignores the deadly Israeli terrorist attacks on the US (34 dead and 171 wounded in the attack on the USS Liberty in International waters in 1967: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Li... ) and the recent 2010 attack on a Turkish ship in the Gaza Aid Flotilla in International waters killing 9-19 mostly Turkish humanitarians, including a Turkish American citizen, and wounding 60 others) (see “Israeli terrorist attack on 5 Australians in Gaza Flotilla but no action by pro-Zionist Labor Gov’t”: http://bellaciao.org/en/spip.php?ar... ).

20. The percentage of the Holy Land that was Indigenous Palestinian territory shrank from 100% in 1947 to 22% in 1948 and 0% in 1967. In contrast, the Indigenous Palestinian percentage of the Palestine population (including external refugees) has gone from 67% (1947) to 11 million/16.5 million = 67% (today) - but this is not reflected in terms of democratic rule of the Holy Land (all but 1.5 million Indigenous Palestinians are effectively excluded on a racial basis from democratic participation in the real governing of Palestine by Apartheid Israel which recently banned 2 major Arab Israeli parties).

21. Racist Zionist, Apartheid Israel and Israel Lobby support for the US Alliance “war on terror” (aka a cowardly and racist war on Women and Children or more specifically a War on Arab, Muslim, Asian and non-European Woman and Children) has been associated with 9-11 million violent and non-violent excess deaths associated with the Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and now Obama wars 1990-2009.

22. As of 2010 in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories post-invasion non-violent excess deaths total 0.3 million, 1.0 million and 3.5 million, respectively; post-invasion violent deaths total about 12,000, 1.4 million and about 1 million; respectively; post-invasion violent plus non-violent excess deaths total 0.3 million, 2.5 million and 4.5 million, respectively; post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 0.2 million, 0.8 million and 2.4 million, respectively; and refugees total 7 million, 5-6 million and 3-4 million, respectively (plus a further 2.5 million Pashtun refugees in NW Pakistan). This constitutes a Palestinian Holocaust, an Iraqi Holocaust and an Afghan Holocaust; a Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide and Afghan Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention; and egregious war crimes due in part to Occupier war criminal non-supply of life-sustaining food and medical requisites demanded unequivocally by Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War – thus the Gaza Concentration Camp has been under US-backed Israeli blockade for 2 years and according to WHO the “total annual per capita medical expenditure” permitted by the Occupiers in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan is US$124 and US$29, respectively, as compared to US$6,714 for the US.

23. According to Israeli newspaper Haaretz and the US State Department, most of the Ecstasy trade is based on Apartheid Israel. Apartheid Israel and the Zionist Lobbies support US wars on Muslim countries from Occupied Somalia to Occupied Afghanistan and NW Pakistan - the UNODC reports that 93% of world heroin derives from US-occupied Afghanistan and 0.1 million people die annually from opiate drug-related causes linked to the US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry. Apartheid Israel is a world leader in the illegal trade in human body parts (see Professor Nancy Scheper-Hughes, professor of Anthropology and director of the program in Medical Anthropology at the University of California at Berkeley, California, USA, “Nancy Scheper-Hughes”: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_... ) . For details of 50 Racist Zionism and Israeli State Terrorism threats to Australia alone that have been sent to Australians Federal Police and to Australian MPs and media see “Racist Zionism and Israeli State Terrorism threats to Australia and Humanity” : http://sites.google.com/site/palest... .

24. According to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (see: http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Terrorism... ) : “From 1920 through 1999, a total of 2,500 residents of Mandatory Palestine and, since 1948, the State of Israel fell victims to hostile enemy action; in most cases, terrorist attacks. The last terrorism-related death in 1999 was recorded on August 30, 1999. The first death in 2000 was recorded on September 27, 2000, with the outbreak of the current wave of Palestinian violence and terror… 1,183 people have been killed by Palestinian violence and terrorism since September 2000 … Not listed are 9 IDF soldiers killed during the ground operation against Hamas terror in Gaza (27 Dec 2008 - 18 Jan 2009).” Israelis killed in 1967-1999 total 1,065 and Israelis killed in 1967-2009 = 1,065 + 1,183 + 9 (4 from friendly fire) = 2,257. Israelis killed by Palestinians since 1950 total about 2,600 – as compared to over 6,000 Occupied Palestinians murdered each year by Apartheid Israel either violently or non-violently through deliberately imposed deprivation..

25. Palestinians violently killed by Israelis (1967-2010) = about 7,000 (September 2000- mid-2010) + about 5,000 (1967-Sep 2000) = 12,000. For impoverished Third World countries lie the Occupied Palestinian Territories, non-violent avoidable deaths (excess deaths) are about 1.4 times the under-5 infant deaths i.e. annual non-violent excess deaths in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (4,000 under-5 year old infant deaths annually) = 4,000 x 1.4 = 5,600. The “annual homicide rate” of Occupied Palestinian by Apartheid Israelis is 164 per million of population per year i.e. 164 x 4 = 656 or about 700 annually. Whereas Israelis killed by Palestinians since 1950 total about 2,600, Palestinians violently or non-violently killed by Israelis each year total about 6,100.

26. Palestinian/Israel death ratio (violent and non-violent excess deaths, 1967-2009) = 310,000/ 2,257 = 137; Palestinian/Israel violent death ratio (September 2000-2009) = 6.326/1,192 = 5.3; Palestinian/Israel violent death ratio (Gaza Massacre, December 2008/January 2009) = 1,500/13 = 115; Italian civilians executed/German soldiers killed (Ardeatine Caves reprisals massacre, Rome, 1944) = 335/33 = 10; Italian civilian execution reprisals/German soldier death ratio ordered by Hitler, March 1944 = 10; Czech civilians/German military deaths ratio (Lidice and other reprisals for assassination of 2 Nazi officers, Czechoslovakia, 1942) = 1,300/2 = 650.

27. “Terror” is surely directly proportional to “proportion of people killed”. The actual number of Israelis killed by Gaza rockets and mortars since the start of the Second Intifada 8.25 years ago was twenty eight (28), this corresponding to a 21st century “annual homicide rate” in units of “persons killed per million per year” of 0.5 (Israelis killed by Gaza missiles) – as compared to 0.25 (Western civilians assertedly killed by Muslim-origin non-state terrorists), 0.5 (rapist Australian husbands murdered by raped wives), 1.0 (Australian violent husbands murdered by battered wives), 14 (Australians dying from opiates linked to US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry); 15 (Israelis murdered by Israelis), 43 (female Australian suicide), 56 (Americans murdered by Americans), 80 (Australian road fatalities), 100 (Americans killed by guns), 164 (Palestinians killed violently by Israelis), 164 (Australian male suicides), 172 (Australian alcohol-related deaths), 200 (African-Americans murdered), 473 (citizens of Detroit, Michigan, USA), 233 (Australians from coal burning-based power pollutants), 257 (Australians from fossil fuel-based power pollutants), 790 (Australian smoking-related deaths), 902 per million per year (annual Palestinian non-violent deaths through war criminal, Geneva Convention-violating, Israeli-imposed deprivation), 2,600 (mainly non-European World excess deaths i.e. avoidable deaths, these being overwhelmingly from deprivation), 12,300 (Occupied Iraq excess deaths), 18,000 (Indigenous Australian excess deaths), 18,800-28,000 (Occupied Afghanistan excess deaths), 20,000 (Indigenous Australian excess deaths in the Northern Territory), 22,000 (Indigenous Australian deaths) and 24,000 (Indigenous Australian deaths in the Northern Territory).

28. Racist Zionist “terror hysteria” propaganda and ferocious political blackmail and defamation has led to Western support for the ongoing Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide and Afghan Genocide with the following horrendous post-invasion violent and non-violent excess death outcomes (so far) in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories of 0.3 million, 2.5 million and 4.5 million excess deaths, respectively.

29. Leading Jewish scholars inform us that the name Palestine derives from the invasion by non-Semitic Philistines in about 1200 BC. Prior to the genocidal establishment of the race-based state of Apartheid Israel in 1948, people loosely defined as “Jews” only ruled small parts of Palestine for several short periods, specifically 1000-925 BC (the genocidal Saul, David and Solomon Kingdom), 925-586 BC (smaller areas and culminating in the Babylonian capture of Jerusalem), 165-63BC (the Hellenic-dominated Hasmonean Jewish Kingdom terminated by Roman conquest) and 66-73AD (very small areas culminating in Roman victory) (see Professor Sir Martin Gilbert’s “Jewish History Atlas”) . In contrast, Palestine was continuously occupied by Semitic non-Jewish Palestinians for millennia prior to the genocidal Jewish invasion in circa 1000 BC and right up to the present. Present-day Indigenous Palestinians descend directly from non-Jewish and Jewish Palestinians of the time of Christ. In contrast, according to Professor Shlomo Sand, Tel Aviv University, Jewish Israelis largely descend from Yemeni, Berber and Khazar coverts to Judaism in the 4th, 6th and 8th century, respectively, and Arabian, North African, Spanish and European host populations (see Shlomo Sand’s book “The Invention of the Jewish People”).

30. Apartheid Israel (5.5 million Jewish Israelis) has illegally, and abusively ruled all of Palestine since 1967 yet only 1.5 million Arab Israelis can vote (this being heavily constrained by racist laws e.g. 2 major Arab parties were banned before the last elections; Arab Israelis are constrained by race-specific, Nazi-style Apartheid Laws putting race-specific constraints on a range of basic things including employment, property ownership, property rights, free speech and marriage ) – about 10 million other Palestinians have no rights, specifically 5.5 million Palestinian refugees living outside Palestine and forbidden to even return to their Homeland; 2.5 million Occupied Palestinians in diminishing, military-guarded Bantustans in the West Bank and 1.5 million Occupied Palestinians (800,000 of them Children) abusively confined to the blockaded Gaza Concentration Camp.

For detailed addenda to the above, notably indignant comments by outstanding, anti-racist writers and leaders from around the World, see the website "Boycott Apartheid Israel": http://sites.google.com/site/boycot....

What can decent people do in the face of the immense threat of nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel to all of Humanity?

Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Decent people are obliged to (a) inform everyone they can and (b) impose comprehensive international and international Sanctions and Boycotts against Apartheid Israel and all its individual, organizational, corporate and national supporters – strategies that were successfully applied to the Nazi-inspired, Apartheid Israel-backed, anti-African, anti-Asian Apartheid régime in South Africa and its cowardly, racist supporters.

Forum posts

  • Good morning

    I agree with your recommendations and I am pleased to see that Swedish dockworkers are leading the way:

    "Swedish Union Establishes Blockade directed against Israeli Ships" in
    Global Research, June 6, 2010 (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19576)

    Swedish dockworkers plan to launch a blockade of Israeli ships and goods to protest the May 31 attack on the Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla.

    According to Peter Annerback, the spokesperson for the Swedish Port Workers Union, the workers of the union will block Israeli ships and not handle any of their goods from June 15 to 24.

    He went on to say that the decision to blockade Israeli ships and goods was taken to condemn the "criminal attack" on the convoy of ships, which was peaceful and non-violent.

    All of the 1500 members of the Swedish Port Workers Union have mutually decided to support the Ship to Gaza, which was a part of the Freedom Flotilla.

    The Israeli military attacked the Freedom Flotilla in international waters in the Mediterranean Sea early on May 31, killing nine Turkish citizens on board the six ships and injuring about 50 other people.

    The fate of three other Freedom Flotilla activists is still unknown.

    Israel also arrested nearly 700 activists from 42 countries on board the Freedom Flotilla, which was attempting to break the siege of Gaza in order to deliver 10,000 tons of humanitarian assistance to the long-suffering people of the territory.