Home > Our Redeemer

Our Redeemer

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 29 August 2010
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Governments USA Daveparts

By David Glenn Cox

I was recently rereading Machiavelli and he said, when you acquire lands where the prince is unpopular you come as a redeemer. When you acquire lands where the price is popular you extinguish his bloodline. These things are the products of the hands behind the curtains and the powers behind the throne.

Now to the hands behind the curtains and the powers behind the throne George W. Bush was a very successful President. He cut taxes for the rich and created wars of conquest out of whole cloth so that the rich could become even richer and on his way out the door he tanked the economy and poured free money down from heaven on the banks. George W. Bush left office despised and reviled by the public. Dick Cheney was actually less popular in the public’s mind than Lee Harvey Oswald but only because there was more question of Oswald’s guilt.

Mr. Obama was presented to us as our redeemer speaking in lofty platitudes of wondrous works. He was going to right the wrongs of the last administration he was going to help the struggling middle class and make us whole again. His opponent in the election was a crusty old, cantankerous fellow with a forced smile and a sometimes swollen face. This was an election for the brain dead yet just to make sure that the scales were weighted, just to make certain there was no slip ups the crusty old fart chose as his running mate a total incompetent.

Once elected our redeemer begins taking up the agenda of the cantankerous crusty old fellow and a very similar agenda to his predecessor. Rather than redeem the war on terror he has continued it, as a candidate he was opposed to off shore oil drilling and nuclear power as our redeemer he is for these things. As a candidate he told labor he supported card check as our redeemer he’s been the most anti-labor President since Reagan.

His plans as our redeemer always involve tax cuts and they always involve corporate participation. His opponent in the election, the crusty old fart wanted to send 100,000 more troops to Afghanistan but our redeemer’s plan has been to send 30,000 more troops and 66,000 more contractors and then 30,000 more troops. He has not repealed any of his predecessor’s incursions upon our civil rights on the contrary he’s accelerated them and codified them.

He was sold to us as our redeemer and a champion of Democratic principles. He’s appointed two women to the Supreme Court and one Hispanic. Sonya Sotomayor was also on the crusty old fart’s short list had he been elected. So when the right wing is in power they appointed hard line ideologs and when the left is in power they appoint the same people who were on the short list of the crusty old fart! Sotomayor is so liberal that the US Chamber of Commerce and the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal gushed over her appointment.

There is opposition to the redeemer of course but I want you think like Machiavelli now. Think about what you want and then think about how you can sell it to the public? The hands behind the curtain and the powers behind the throne put the redeemer in office but something wouldn’t look or smell quite right if the opposition just sat on their hands. So what’s to do?

You begin with a birth certificate campaign and then you call him a Marxist and a Communist you compare him to Mao se Tung. You call all of his corporate supporting legislation liberal and Socialist when most of the financial reform legislation recently passed won’t go into effect for over a decade more then enough time to whittle to a nub and water it down to mush.

They’ve called our redeemer every name except for the one that fits. Our redeemer is a fascist. He believes in the blending of state and corporate power so that when the oilrig, which his administration approved, blew up and dumped the equivalent of the Exxon Valdez oil spill every two days into the Gulf of Mexico the Coast Guard became the lackeys working for BP. The government and the corporation working arm and arm to prevent news coverage while publishing their own corporate and government news bulletins, which always agreed and always said the same things.

There are many areas where Fascism and Communism intermingle a Communist government would declare an oil spill area safe for commercial fishing because the Communist government owns and wants to protect the fishing industry. A Fascist government will declare and oil spill area safe for commercial fishing because it wants to protect the corporation from loss and damage claims and also to deflect blame from itself for allowing it to happen in the first place.

With the rise of Fascism in Europe in the 1930’s there were many in corporate America who thought the Fascism was the greatest thing to come along since the workhouse and cheap hookers. These industrialists went to Europe and saw unions subordinated to the state and the state subordinated to the corporations. These industrialists and their media Igor’s began their own well-funded campaigns.

The America First movement was begun by the publisher of the Chicago Tribune and his brother the publisher of the New York Daily Post. They claimed that FDR was trying to become a dictator and that the New Deal programs would ruin America. As the Fascist’s in Europe began their wars of conquest the America’s First movement warned against American’s becoming involved in Europe’s war. They brought to the podium to speak a famous American aviator. The stage was covered in red, white and blue bunting with pictures of George Washington on the stage.

Their goal was to create an image, a phony image tying their message with good old-fashioned patriotism. To say subliminally you’re either with us or you’re against us and we are loyal patriots so you are not. The aviator came to the podium as the crowd roared wildly and then Charles Lindbergh gave the speech that ruined his career and damaged the America First movement. He blamed all the trouble on the Jews, he blamed Roosevelt for being a tool of the Jews and he blamed the troubles in Europe on the Jews.

Racism was always an under current of the America First movement but Lindbergh brought it to the head of the line. He had inadvertently exposed the truth about the America First movement. The Hearst newspaper syndicate played down Lindbergh’s racism, just as they had played down food riots during the darkest days of the depression. They didn’t cover those types of events and when they did it was only to highlight the ringleaders as Communist subversives. This is why Roosevelt said, “Those newspapers of the nation which most loudly cried dictatorship against me would have been the first to justify the beginnings of dictatorship by somebody else.”

Machiavelli lived in the fifteenth century, proving that there is nothing new under the sun. Government’s move and act as they have always moved and acted. If you can’t control the election totals you control the count and if you can’t control the count you control the candidates. When you acquire lands where the prince is popular you extinguish his bloodline, John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Malcomn X, Martin Luther King and Paul Wellstone.

I don’t like to talk about Glenn Beck because as the old adage goes there is no such thing as bad publicity. Glenn Beck is no more than cardboard cut out in a grocery store. The voice that comes from his mouth is that of corporate America. He is Rush Limbaugh 2.0, Rush was created by Roger Ailes and after Rush’s initial radio success they pushed him on to TV where he was a disaster.

Rush has the original face made for radio, oversized, balding and bombastic his act did not play well on TV. Then Rush comes back to us on Monday night football? What they hell were they smoking when they thought that up that was insanity yet somehow the network bought the idea. The same network that approves ties and haircuts before airtime somehow thought that Rush Limbaugh and football was a good mix. It blew up in their face when Rush like Lindbergh started talking about race.

So if you’re Machiavelli again how do you solve this problem? Your prime spokesman doesn’t play on TV? Well, then you must build a new one. You start by correcting all of Rush’s shortcomings. You find someone fit and trim with a nice smile and a warm friendly bearing and instead of sharp-tongued fist pounding outrage you find a puppy that whines and cries. Then all the people go, “Aw, that poor puppy why are they picking on him?”

There is a goal to all of this, a purpose under heaven. The hands behind the curtains and the powers behind the throne want something but what? Do they want control of Congress? Maybe? Do they want control of the White House? No, they already have that! They want to control the agenda and to keep the public focused on phony issues like Mosques and Glenn Beck rallies to keep us splintered and powerless.

This is why the White House press Secretary explodes and excoriates liberals while accepting the apology of a Republican who verbally smeared the reputation of millions of Americans. It is the one party state; it is World Wrestling Government Infotainment. The tea partiers claimed to have elected Scott Brown from Massachusetts and once sworn in he is a Republican again and on a key healthcare vote supports our redeemer!

So Beck wants to have a rally and he wants to hold it on the same days as Martin Luther Kings I have a dream speech. Yet the reason is not in where or when the reason is in why! He wants to hold his rally because Congress is adjourned to gin up as much publicity as possible. Then to hold it the same place and time as Doctor King’s speech is the same reason the Nazi’s wanted to march through Skokie Illinois to gin up as much outrage as possible.

The eventual goal is clear, to throw as much backing as possible behind the tea partiers. To get the tea party as much sympathetic media coverage as possible heading into the November elections. Funny isn’t it, tea party candidates running for office hurt Republican candidates and yet the tea party leaders like Dick Armey are all corporate Republicans leaders.

Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh are their products. They are manufactured for you in the same places that invented Bud Light and Big Mac’s This is the corporate state speaking to you and their message is to split the Republican vote to assure Barack Obama a second term. All the damage done will have been done by a Democrat even if he is only a Democrat in name only. The Republicans and the Tea party will be the party of patriotism and God and will continue to pull the agenda ever further to the right so that the Republican voices of twenty or thirty years ago look like the liberals of today.

This is Fascism 2.0 a rubber room Duma that enacts laws favoring corporations with a figure head Fuhrer who does what he’s told. A corporate court that approves what comes before it and ignores the rest. It is all very similar to Germany in the 1930’s. But wait, you cry, The German’s killed six million Jews and millions of others! Yes, that is true but this government has exterminated millions of jobs and has imposed a final solution on America’s labor unions. It has packed those jobs into railroad cars and container ships to the work camps in a Communist country.

It has fought wars for a decade that are unwinnable for the same reason the Germans fought their wars. For raw materials and conquest for the enrichment of the corporations and just like Fascist Germany and what you the American public think about it doesn’t matter to them one little whit. What are you going to do vote for Fascist B over Fascist A? Vote for the candidate who favors corporate tax cuts instead of the candidate that favors a larger corporate Capital gains tax cut?

I have spent most of my adult life studying the National Socialist’s in Germany. The success of Fascism depends on a small minority drowning out the voice of the majority. It makes promises based on patriotism and loyalty and when it breaks them it uses the same excuse on its critics. More than anything else it uses stagecraft, lighting, rallies, pomp and ceremonies to enthrall the weak minded into voting against itself. It controls and uses the media to orchestrate the desired emotions and all for the benefit of the hands behind the curtains and the powers behind the throne.

Fascism cannot be answered with passivity. They will not give back what they take. It must be taken back from them by any means necessary and you must understand that this will not being done for ourselves for our lot is cast. We must do this for the children and our grandchildren lest they curse our graves.

Forum posts

  • BRAVO! Bravo!

    "...It is the one party state;...."

    Ahhh, what a breath of fresh air to hear those words come out of someone else besides me. ...and Jonathan Turley.

    Dave keep up the "good" work. The world needs more like you.