Home > For the Benefit of Uncle Sam

For the Benefit of Uncle Sam

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 1 March 2011
1 comment

Movement USA Africa

For the benefit of Uncle Sam and Israeli
There will be a raid tonight on Tripoli
All the cut-throat killers will be there
Landing by land, sea and air
Murdering for Democracy!
And all the while the Yahoo!s smile
As their masters celebrate their victory
For the benefit of Goldman Sachs
The armored robots will attack
Flooding onto Libyan shores
As their Flickring Twittering Media roars
About their liberty!
And the mean ugly Americans
Play the part of Christians
and pray to their God of War
For the benefit of Standard Oil and Texaco
’Ahunting the mass murderers will go
To bomb and gun and rape their way
Come what may, night and day
Manifesting their destiny!
While the people of the world
Having heard the Last Word
Are placed in agony
Could there be another scenario
Another fate or place to go
Another role but that of slave
Another freedom besides the grave
For oppressed humanity?
As the underground prepares its guns
The resistances go hit and run
So one day we’ll get it done
And liberation will be won
In reality.

Forum posts

  • I think you killed several birds with that one. I, ugly American that I be, would like to take this opportunity to bash the bashers. If I were you I would start my day with a prayer to whatever God you go to for putting the United States of America squarely in the middle of your poison darts’ path. Using the Christian Church and the souls of Americans living and dead as your muse is diabolic and sad. I do know the country every Muslim-heathen loves to rape with their greedy snatching hands is big enough to take the punch and proudly sing the verse: some things never change.