Home > Are You Ready For The ’Great Internet Reset’?

Are You Ready For The ’Great Internet Reset’?

by WireNews+Co - Open-Publishing - Monday 15 July 2013

It’s coming whether you like it or not.

A well-informed, connected population is the government’s worst nightmare. In order to remain in power the government must control what the public reads, watches and how and when they connect with other people around the globe.

The Internet has effectively put each of us in touch with everyone else on the planet and that’s great for us, but not so good for the kind of government we face today.

It doesn’t matter whether you live in the United States, Great Britain, Europe or Asia, the ’infection’ that is our government has spread to all four corners of this little planet. Government is really a group of inter-connected bankers who have installed front-men, like Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Obama), David Cameron and the rest, to achieve their goals.

We believe we’re voting for our leaders—the infection is so deep we actually believe we’re free and that we have choice. But really, we’re being manipulated.

Our news is being tailored by this government to control us and direct us in the direction that the bankers determine; a direction that will maximise their financial return and ensure their grip on power—over us. Essentially, we’re their slaves. We work to repay their debt. We pay taxes to recoup their losses.

Unfortunately for them, mistakes have been made. People have begun to unite and share information that is not within their control. The Internet has made it possible for someone in Los Angeles to educate someone in Moscow, in real-time, and our ’leaders’ need this to stop. Their masters are scared of it getting out of control.

Currently in the U.S., the government is organising a race war under the guise of a minor criminal trial following a relatively mundane shooting (similar to others that have happened all over the country and take place every day). The case of George Zimmerman is being used by Soetoro’s Administration to kick-start what will ultimately result in the Great Internet Reset.

Civil unrest is building. Isolated rioting in the streets is already happening and despite the fact that the trial took place in Florida, Los Angeles California has been chosen by Soetoro’s people (lead by Attorney General Eric Holder), possibly because the city was the location of the 1992 Rodney King Riots.

Soetoro has signed a number of Executive Orders since becoming the latest front-man for the global bankers. One such Order, No. 13618, signed on July 6, 2012, outlines the steps that will be taken by the U.S. government should it become necessary to take control of the Internet in an emergency.

What kind of emergency would require the government to seize control of the Internet? Riots perhaps, in which people are using the Internet to organise against the government? Other emergencies, such as natural disasters or public health issues, where the Internet might be quite helpful just don’t seem to me to have the same sense of urgency for the government.

The storm is gathering. People are better-informed. We’re beginning to ask questions and demand the right response from our so-called ’leaders’. It’s very scary stuff for the bankers and their knee-jerk reaction I believe will be to order the government to pull down the Internet, right when we’ll need it most.

Do you have a plan, post Internet? Because once the government has restored the connection, after the reset, the Internet may not resemble what you’ve become used to...


Greg Smith is senior editor for WireNews+Co. A reluctant American, living in the UK with his wife and three children, Greg also founded SpudsToGo ® and OVOTEIN ®.
