Home > Syria : Bloody Syria

Syria : Bloody Syria

by Son of a Bush - Open-Publishing - Monday 15 July 2013
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Western-backed mercenaries , murderers pardoned from Saudi Jails , sent to Syria with a mission : Kill, Kill Kill And oh they have killed 92,000 dead - so far Parents worried to the point of near madness What will happen to my precious young children shall we both die ? Our beautiful , innocent orphaned 12 year old daughter to be raped at the hands of these goons ? Our 14 year-old son , the apple of his father’s eye , sold to a sex dealer , thus becoming human chattel for paedophile rings ? Obama will soon clear the skies , freeing up these psyochpathic madmen They will be emboldened to even greater acts of deviltry by whopping heaps of CIA-trafficked heroin - to perfect their dark arts Pray for Peace Pray for the children and their weeping parents trapped in this Devil’s Cove

Forum posts

  • Prayer won’t do any good. Stop waiting for Divine intervention. WE ARE DIVINE! WE should intervene!