Home > Syria faces Peace de Resistance

Syria faces Peace de Resistance

by SON of a BUSH - Open-Publishing - Monday 23 September 2013
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The US and Israel have not given up their dreams of vanquishing Syria ...... Into the Abyss ...... .Hell’s anteroom ......... Prediction : The US will both pick at nits and lodge a barrage of false allegations .... Syria will do their very best to hand over all of their chemical weapons inventory as per agreement ....It will not matter in the least ... The US- Israeli combine used this modus operandi in Iraq and we all .know how that ended ........Future Headlines : "Assad suspected of transferring CW to Iran " ....: Assad suspected of hiding CW cache " ......"Israeli intelligence : Assad transfers CW to Hezbollah " ........ The controlled mainstream media will, as usual, parrot the the official government line - without remorse or embarrassment ... After all the money is great and the celebrity greater still ...... And off to war we go ...Only a fool believes the pending US/Israeli military aggression against Syria will be limited to a few pin pricks ..... That was Bill Clinton’s line before he launched a missile barrage against Yugoslavia equal in ferocity to the horror visited on Hiroshima at the end of World War 2 ..The Big question..... Will the Russian fleet just stand there and do nothing while bombs rain down on their close ally ? Not Likely ...The prospect of a thermonuclear World War 3 seems likely if the US maintain the present insane course of commencing hostilities with Syria .....John Kerry is simply not rational on this subject .... Susan Rice has never met a war she didn’t embrace with gusto ... She may be worse than John Kerry ........The alleged President Obama is operating in shark waters way over his head .....If he believes in the veracity of Israeli intelligence ’ "Mr. Hope and Change" is ,without question, a hopeless case ...... To President Obama : Assad did not , repeat did not, launch a chemical attack on anyone ... .... On the brink of victory why would he choose that suicidal course - 3 days after UN inspectors arrived in his country ? ......An opthamologist by trade, the Syrian President sees the strategic imperative with great clarity .........Cui Bono ? The cannibals

Forum posts

  • The war disease still pockmarks America, spread by Zionists and corporate contractors who inspire each other to bigger and better massacres. America is accursed and now realizes what has happened but it is too late to repair the damage. Ignorance and greed have metastaisized. Soon the pain of bombs, bullets and torture prisons will become the norm even in the American homeland.Nothing appeases the giant state except pain, suffering and profits for the few.