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The Scourge Of "Humanitarian " Intervention

by SON of a BUSH - Open-Publishing - Thursday 26 September 2013

It is very hard to suppress tears when reviewing the horror the US government has visited on so many innocents by cynically employing the false narrative of genocide as the cover to justify brutal imperial conquest ......... Saddam Hussein was said to have killed over one million political prisoners scattered throughout Iraq..... Certainly such a reputed madman had to be removed ? ...... A madman with a massive chemical, biological and nuclear capability sufficient to destroy the world ? ......Of course, only 5000 people were found in these mass graves ...There were no WMD ...... The US "humanitarian response " ......2 bloody wars and 7 years of economic sanctions that resulted in the death of perhaps 1 million Iraqis or more.... A doomed nation presently choking to death in depleted uranium , plagued with a seemingly endless civil war... And lest we forget our alleged bitterest of enemies , Al Qaeda in Iraq (aka Jabhat-al - Nusra ) are now US allies having been deployed to Syria - armed to the hilt with chemical weapons no less - triggering a war that has already snuffed out the lives of at least 120,000 Syrians People who have done us no wrong ......Only "guilty" of the crime of being born in a nation Israel wants to destroy Remember my friends : The road to Tehran goes through Damascus ...... Is anyone proud of this policy ? ............ Truly it can be proclaimed that the ROAD to Hell is paved by our "Good Intentions"