Home > The dreadful Dr. Sigmund Freud condemning knowingly his sisters to death ?

The dreadful Dr. Sigmund Freud condemning knowingly his sisters to death ?

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 29 September 2013
1 comment

Freud condemning knowingly his sisters to death ? A very bad novel.

by french historian Elisabeth Roudinesco
Le Monde, literary supplement, September 20th 2013.

Macedonian writer into Gender Studies, Goce Smilevski states in his latest novel about an alleged known episode in the life of Sigmund Freud to show that the founder of psychoanalysis was a misogynistic pervert, fascinated by Nazism, obsessed with money and masturbation : in short, a repulsive character.

To do so, he built a novel written in the first person, but the narrator is no other than Adolfina Freud, one of Freud’s sisters, turned into a witness of Fin-de-siècle Vienna for amateurs of Grand Guignol.
But just before being gassed at Theresienstadt, she recounts her fate and that of several abused women by famous artists. Throughout the pages, we are told the lot of two of her fellows in sorority: Klara Klimt and Ottilie Kafka, victims of their appalling brothers.

Reinvented by Smilevski - who seems to ignore that there were no gas chambers at Therensienstadt - Adolfina depicts the beginning of her story by a scene on May 1938 during when she would have begged her brother Sigmund to take her with him in exile in London with her other three sisters: he would have simply added four names on the "list" next to those of other family members, so that all might be saved.

But Freud refuses to answer her as he stroked two statuettes of his collection: a small monkey and a mother-goddess naked. Adolfina then tells how, in her youth, after she had been left by her lover, the same brother would have helped her, without any comforting words, to stop a wanted pregnancy. After describing other misfortunes, she completes her plea by the mention of a breastfeeding scene, symbol of the greatness of motherhood, which she was deprived by an abortionist brother, yet entranced by the famous Bellini’s Virgin and Child.

We should laugh reading this maternalist book, dowdy and filled with clichés. But we are astonished when we know that it has been translated into twenty languages, received an award and is intended to prove historians that Freud was actually the first responsible for the extermination of her sisters.

To make matters worse, the French publisher has chosen another title: The list of Freud, when the literal translation would have given Freud ’s sister. A way to turn Freud into an anti-Schindler.

It has to be noted and reminded that Freud did not write any "list" when he left Vienna on June 4th, 1938, with Martha, his wife, Anna, his daughter, Paula Fichtl, his housekeeper, Lün, his dog and Dr. Josefine Stross.
None of the characters of this story was able to obtain an exit permit for Adolfina and her sisters, all four older than 70 years old. Adolfina died of malnutrition in Theresienstadt on February 5th, 1943, Paula was gassed at Maly Trostinec along with Maria and Rosa Graf at Treblinka in October 1942.

We would love a writer to take up the pen to tell the story of this tragedy. But to do so, he would still have to put in epigraph Alexandre Dumas’ precept: “We have the right to rape history on the condition of begetting beautiful children”.

Forum posts

  • Response to Madam Elisabeth R.

    In her review of my novel La Liste de Freud, Elisa­beth Roud­inesco states that my book “intends to prove the his­tor­i­ans that Freud was actu­ally the most respons­ible for the exterm­in­a­tion of his sis­ters”. The nov­els do not intend to prove any­thing nor to his­tor­i­ans, nor to any­one else, as the art of the novel is not about prov­ing, but is res­ult of ima­gin­a­tion, even when the author uses facts. It is a fact that, when leav­ing Vienna occu­pied by Nazis, Sig­mund Freud helped, among other people, his two home-​maids to come with him to Lon­don, and also his wife’s sis­ter. Why he did not took his own four sis­ters with him­self will prob­ably remain an unre­solved ques­tion. How it is described in my novel should be per­ceived in the con­text of the art of the novel, and the aim of my novel cer­tainly is not an accusation.

    The mis­un­der­stand­ing of the rela­tion of his­tori­ography and fic­tion is not the only prob­lem in Madam Roudinesco’s text. She also mis­un­der­stood the way char­ac­ters are rep­res­en­ted, and insists that in La liste de Freud Sig­mund Freud is por­trayed as “fas­cin­ated by Nazism”, while, on the con­trary, in the novel he expresses his strong dis­gust towards Nazism.

    And this is not the end of the mis­un­der­stand­ings. For example, Madam Roud­inesco insists that my novel “seems to ignore that there were no gas cham­bers at Ther­en­si­en­stadt”, while on the pages 45 – 46 from the French edi­tion, it is clear that the char­ac­ters are trans­ferred from Ther­esi­en­stadt, where there are no gas cham­bers, to a camp where there are gas cham­bers. It is a fact that the four sis­ters died in dif­fer­ent camps and under dif­fer­ent con­di­tions, but I felt there is poetic strength rep­res­ent­ing the four sis­ters facing the death together.

    Without giv­ing any aes­thetic argu­ment, Madam Roudinesco’s states: “We should laugh read­ing this book mater­nal­ist, dowdy and full of clichés . But we are aston­ished when we know that it has been trans­lated into twenty lan­guages”. We should laugh at Madam Roudinesco’s review on my novel. But we are aston­ished when we know that she is a psy­cho­ana­lyst with a not­able repu­ta­tion. She says that in my novel Freud is “obsessed with mas­turb­a­tion”. There is only one scene men­tion­ing mas­turb­a­tion, and it is when the thir­teen years old Sig­mund mas­turb­ates. The claim that this boy is obsessed with mas­turb­a­tion can be done only by psy­cho­ana­lyst that is not a spe­cial­ist, but a dilettante.