Home > Republican Imbeciles Strike Out- Yet Again

Republican Imbeciles Strike Out- Yet Again

by Son of a Bush - Open-Publishing - Thursday 17 October 2013

The only party dumber than the Democrats are the Republicans ... They shut down the Federal government in hopes of ending ObamaCare - before it began .. ...They want it to fail ... Have they ever heard of this little document known as the Constituton ? ..... Baby Bush referred to our founding charter as a G-D piece of paper .....Like it or not ObamaCare passed both Houses of Congress , was signed by Obama and hence became the Law of the Land ........ The Republicans have tried in vain to repeal ObamaCare and failed miserably ....Furthermore the Supreme Court deemed ObamaCare constitutional ... ... Yet they shut down the government knowing they had no legal basis to render null this sweeping legislative initiative - nor the votes to repeal it Are those low-lifes, those Tea Party denizens , not only radical extremists but STUPID as well ? ... Apparently so ..... Newt Gingrich tried this gambit and struck out in 1994 - yet the Tea Party radicals insisted on raising the Confederate Flag ,conducting own mad version of Picket’s Charge ......Their vision of America is darkly fascist ... End Medicare ..... Medicaid , transfer the Social Security trust fund to the Jackals on Wall Street .... In their demented worldview the poor are nothing but human refuse who should go begging help from charities ... The poor , in their sick minds, are lazy misfits who won’t or can’t find work ...Losers ... By contrast the rich are noble , industrious - God’s Chosen People ... These noblemen should be granted their every whim with all due dispatch Apparently these radical crack pots don’t know that most people who receive federal benefit do work for a living - albeit at little more than slave wages ... Have the Tea Party radicals ever heard of Americans who are felled by sickness , physical or mental disability, and can’t work They need our help and receive a pittance from our loving government ... If our government would tax a mere 1% of the value of every transaction on Wall Street there would be enough money to lift the less fortunate out of their current state of penury - with hundred of millions to spare Yet more funds would be available for noble causes if the plutocratic Congress would end the Wars ... I say Stop the senseless slaughter .... Heal the sick , lift the poor and give American the jobs so insanely sent overseas ..... This is the course most Americans want to travel but their voice is never heard ... We don’t have a budget crisis but rather a grave moral crisis on Capital Hill and in the the White House