Home > Bomb Syria? It Probably Can’t be Done

Bomb Syria? It Probably Can’t be Done

by Bob Nichols, Project Censored Winner - Open-Publishing - Saturday 19 October 2013

(San Francisco) Back when all the hoo-rah started about bombing Syria by the high up mukety-mucks, I wondered if it could be done. So, I started with looking up the essential facts. Seems simple enough; it was anything but. Let’s do the math.

Start from Where?

The days when American Carriers confidently patrolled the Mediterranean Sea are gone since Putin’s Russian Navy took over the Med. There are only four US destroyers there, carefully watched and under the gun from many Russkie warships. The US Carriers and their battle groups quickly split and ceded the Med to the Russians.

The Carriers, with their complement of about 80 short range fighters, ran to the Suez Canal and exited to the Red Sea. It is too narrow for a thousand foot long Aircraft Carrier to maneuver; but beggars and former super powers can’t be choosy.
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