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Republican Class War Reparations

by Richard John Stapleton - Open-Publishing - Wednesday 18 December 2013

Whereas, Republicans in high places in the US in or about 1980 declared an unofficial class war on the middle and lower classes of the US, which they have waged unabated up to now in 2013, significantly lowering the after loophole effective tax rates of large corporations and the elite rich, outsourcing the jobs of the US lower and middle classes to foreign countries, thereby reducing the economic security and prospects of said classes, while improving the security and prospects of the elite rich, creating ever widening inequality, inflicting harm on the social and physical infrastructure of the US by not paying taxes commensurate to benefits received from said infrastructure, causing said infrastructure to fall into disrepair, I hereby declare, on behalf of we the people of the US, that the non-corporate elite rich of the US and large corporations of the US, said corporations having been declared people by the right-wing Republican US Supreme Court in the Citizens United case of 2010, should now return, as class war reparations, to the US Treasury, the taxes they would have paid had they not aggressively attacked the interests of the middle and lower classes of the US in their class war, largely fought by spending massive sums of money on the election campaigns of US presidents, senators and representatives and spending additional untold sums on lobbyists to influence the already bought and paid for politicians to lower the taxes of large corporations and the elite rich, and to change the rules and laws of the US economy in favor of said large corporations and elite rich, to the detriment of we the people.

For ramifications see Business Voyages: Mental Maps, Scripts, Schemata and Tools for Discovering and Co-Constructing Your Own Business Worlds, a business bible for people who want to do the right thing for all people, at http://www.amazon.com/Business-Voyages-Schemata-Discovering-Co-Constructing/dp/1413480810/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1383756753&sr=1-1-fkmr1&keywords=business+voyages%3A++mental+maps%2C+scripts%2C+etc