by Son OF A BUSH - Open-Publishing - Wednesday 22 January 2014

Obama’s Fuzzy Math: During the Obama Regime Official unemployment has fallen 4% from a high of 10.7% to the current 6.7 % - yet nearly everyone feels depressed and struggling under depression conditions ...............Here’s the Hocus-Pocus behind this fraud upon the people ........ What accounts for this anomaly so beneficial to President 0 ...........1) The Labor Dept. assumes the economy produces a net gain of 100,000 US "small business jobs" each month ...Reality : 9 out of 10 small businesses fail within a year so who cares whether they exist for a fortnight or not ? .......... 2 ) .The Labor Dept ..has reduced the percentage of adults over 18 in the workplace to a near multi-decade low of slightly over 60% ....... ......These people are no longer considered unemployed - just people on a very , very ,long unpaid vacation ...... ......3 ) .If a person works just one paid hour per week they are considered "employed" by the Labor Dept ...... ..... As more and more people quit looking for work and more and more phantom jobs are "created" by Labor we could soon be at a bizarre junction where the US unemployment rate could drops below 5% - the economists definition of a full employment economy- while adult (aged +18%) participation in the American workforce falls to record lows below 60% ... .........How Orwellian .....Full employment in a Depression because over over 1-3 American adults can’t find meaningful, gainful employment ......Sure a privileged few can voluntarily afford to be "stay at home moms and dads" and few more can live on their investment portfolio before they retire ...However , these 2 subgroups are a but tiny fraction of adults ...... The vast majority of these "vacationers" are abandoning their search for work because government benefit exceeds pay received from clerking at Wal Mart ...... Our secret rulers want half of US adults on federal benefit because they want to avoid the social unrest that would certainly come if all of their job outsourcing was not cushioned by a safety net .............The safety net also allows them to continue the Empire ....Can you imagine social conditions in this country if all of the money wasted overseas in War after War was not ameliorated by social programs for the many not profiting on the Intelligence/Military Industrial/Faux War on Terror Scam ............... Plutocrats privately love the "Big Government" they publicly abhor ...In fact their scams would have ended 20-30 years ago had "Big Government" not been created to curb the excesses of their greed , bloodlust and desire for tyrannical control ......It’s time to end their criminal racket ......Invest the people’s money on empowering the people : Free Tuition for Technical training , vocational schools and small colleges .......Massive investment in crumbling infrastructure .......Crash Programs in curing diseases , basic R and D , drastically smaller class sizes for public school children through the launchingof a massive program in new school construction ......The money is there to finance this and more ....How ? By levying a 1% sales tax for every transaction executed on Wall Street .......The safety net and cycle of dependence would then go the way of the do-do bird ......... The oligarchs would howl like mad , dreaming of the days of yore when all their victims were lining up for benefit