by SON OF A BUSH - Open-Publishing - Tuesday 18 February 2014

The Federal Reserve , The Bank of England and Germany’s Bundesdbank are preparing for the inevitable wave of bank failures soon to rock financial and credit markets to their very core .........There will no be repeat of 2008 ...... No explicit bailouts forthcoming from the US Congress , The British Parliament or Germany’s Bundestag .... Member-Banks /Casinos whose management oversaw and approved the purchase of derivatives that exposed their holding company to losses far in excess of the market value of that company will become subject to a process known as the "BAIL-IN" , -code for looting the savings and pensions of entirely guiltless depositors who will be shocked to discover the funds built-up over a lifetime suddenly beyond their reach ..... ..... It ’s been accomplished in Greec and Cyprus The rather limited fallout from the victims in these 2 countries has encouraged the big players within the Transatlantic elite to see whether they,too, can get away with legal embezzlement ..............This is no ’conspiracy theory" US banks have submitted their game plan to their sock-puppets at the FED ..........European Commission planning documents have been written and the looting plans contained within will be implemented when insolvent banks are forced to admit their insolvency ......."Bail-in" all they like , print paper money to their dark heart’s content , no ploy , no how ever vile, will put Humpty -Dumpty back together again ....... WHY? . Derivative losses activate more derivative losses which, in turn , triggers bank failure A... Said Bank A having extended and now forced to withdraw it a huge line of credit to investment Banking House B causes that business to shutter at once ....And so forth and son on .... The Embezzlement surcharge will begin at 5% and increase incrementally as a daisy- chain reaction of inter-connected failures expose the Transatlantic System of Credit as a nothing more than a ponzy scheme.of the type that would make Bernie Madoff blush ..........Humpty-Dumpty will never be put back together again .... ....Here’s the Good News :... ....The Facade of influence derived from the Power of Money - the lever the Transatlantic Bloc has used all these years to enforce their steel boot on the Wealth of Nations will vanish from this planet within the twinkle of an Eye ... When they go , so do the wars and the IMF- enforced austerity hunger, poverty ........A better world where industrious men and women will not have to pay hard-earned money to bankers who receive that money for nothing ... .....We will get our media , our culture, and our love of mankind back ... .... War will die because the vipers and vultures who create and profit from this blood-sport will be doing hard labor busting rock in the Aleutians ....... The fruits of technology , advanced learning ,the discovery of new physical and scientific principles will be extended to every person on this planet in equal measure ........ No doubt the pain and tumult suffered to get us from Here to There will test our wills to the breaking point : But in keep in mind the pain a new mother experiences when bringing a precious life into this fallen world ......Let that new born babe live in Peace, Harmony ......It was the Worst of Times ...It was the Best of Times