Home > Why We Need Tenure in Colleges and Universities

Why We Need Tenure in Colleges and Universities

by Richard John Stapleton - Open-Publishing - Thursday 20 February 2014

Do we need tenure in colleges and universities? You bet we do! Do away with tenure and you will do away with intellectual honesty and the pursuit of truth for sake of truth, the primary reason for colleges and universities to exist. Do away with tenure and you will eliminate the intellectually honest people, having made them vulnerable to the predations of believers, being left with knaves and vassals doing what they have to do to survive or win dealing with supposed superiors, being paid to behave, not think, much like employees in large corporations, lobbyists in political parties and believers in religions.

Richard John Stapleton, emeritus professor of business policy, entrepreneurship and ethics at Georgia Southern University, www.effectivelearning.net, February 19, 2014